
Shattered Autonomy

Struck by tragedy since birth, Kage Tesler emerges from the ruins of a place he called home, bathed in an embracing flame. In this devastation arrives a Hero belonging to the dystopia of the United Western States. Amongst the carnage, the Hero mutilates Kage's sister leaving him in an insanity all of his own. Spurred by this event, Kage embarks on a journey filled with deceit in which he will strive for an unprecedented strength. Yet is there something lurking beneath those murky eyes that shall stain the world in their scarlet hue? Will a world wrought by the awesome might of Evolution, corruption, and a forgotten wrath serve as the furnace to ignite a flame of inspiration or shall it devolve him into the confines of a decrepit madness? Updates Monday through Friday

Detred · Fantasy
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126 Chs

Unknown Worries

Numerous bunkers were situated in every lasting city, whether it be in case of a Villain attack, or a nuclear blast, the number of these achievements could house millions for at least a week and at most a few months. They were dug deep within the earth, in most cases trolleys served as transport for those on the surface gliding them to the depths of a core designed with the newly mined iliun mineral, a mineral so sustainable that not even Unity was able to break a sheet off with his fearsome punch.

In times of great panic, the doors on the outside, commonly guarded by military personnel, were opened allowing for the panicking masses to enter seeking comfort from the horror show transpiring away. The trolleys couldn't carry them all, forcing the rest to loudly make their way to the core by way of foot. Once inside those doors, an air of tranquility washed over these refugees. A false sense of security to the inhabitants. Some reason having a roof plastered by four walls excited the mind into believing itself out of harm's way.

Packets of MREs were preserved in large refrigerators that could easily house an obese family of five in a single container. The inner core was as large as a football stadium, in some cases installed with entertainment devices such as televisions, game consoles, and various balls for sporting activities. None of these are of course allowed to be used unless a day passed with people still inside. Then, the food and other resources may be touched.

This box was seen as impregnable to those inside it. For, if it wasn't, they would have no option for escape. A flaw in this nuclear proof room was the presence of a single tunnel that led to it. Some elevators could be operated from the surface with a police department or Hero commonly positioned above in order to quickly evacuate a few civilians if trouble did arise. These elevators were of course meant to rescue the wealthiest or men of influence.

Only once had this flaw been manipulated in an event kept very much so hushed by all entities. Dallas' Twin Spires. Two of the largest bunkers in the country; able to hold about a hundred thousand people each, if packed like sardines. Raided and left with a mountain of dead before Heroes could end the Villains' onslaught. A dark day that put the bunkers out of commission for a decade in part due to the oversight, which required being addressed in all constructed bunkers, as well as the damage done inside. Despite not even Unity being able to shatter such metal, something had caused scratch marks on the surface, tearing the iliun away which sparkled the rooms with a glittering mess.

Now, a decade and a half later, most bunkers were retrofitted to include subdivided shafts that would increase the likelihood of escape. This, in theory, allowed for even in the worst of situations, people could band together saving themselves. A novel idea which made these bunkers ever more safe.

A great idea that never saw implementation in the Lincoln bunker as well as any surrounding bunkers in the city of Corodone. The cramped style of the city would have ceased traffic along main roads leading to hospitals and businesses for years. But more so than anything, no politician ever stood up in passing such a bill granting the funding for the project. Therefore, leaving the city woefully under-appreciated, lacking measures and guidelines unchecked or uncared for.

Kage's disgruntled brow furthered its descent and arched out as thin lines that formed a v-shape. Kage and Isaiah dashed through the flooded streets, jumping from drifting car to chained dumpster all in hope of reaching that bunker before the inevitable.

Isaiah had managed sideways glances at Kage all throughout their journey still having the same question in mind.

'Why was I chosen?'

Gan and Kage had better chemistry as well as fighting back to back before; whereas, not once had Kage seen Isaiah's fighting style or his ability for that matter. Feeling his stare, Kage spoke out, "I picked you for a simple reason, don't overthink it."

Further questions popped up in Isaiah's mind. He was an inquisitive boy in the end yet not one to voice those inquisitions. These pricked thoughts would manifest in simple ways. A lick of the lips, gnawing of a nail, and the scratching of his head with his left hand. Only Jacob saw these things allowing him to know when to say what. The beauty of a childhood friendship.

They stopped the next street over with Kage taking note that the flooding had not reached the bunker yet. In all likelihood, that Evolved controlling the storm was situated at the center of the park making this street the end of their ring of influence. From here, it would be a straight run downhill to the Lincoln bunker.

Isaiah huffed and puffed clearly not used to exerting so much stamina. His hand played with his hair. "We'll stop for a moment. Have to have all the energy we can if we're going to take on a few Villains."

Isaiah shot his attention to Kage, near horror plastered to him. "The run down the shaft will take fifteen minutes, in that time I don't doubt some Villain will come to box us in. Whether that's the main force or straggler does not matter, one of us will have to remain at the top and stand guard." Isaiah gaped at him for he knew what fate his colleague was about to retire with. An almost invisible protection clung to his friend. A ring which granted insight and an uncompromisable fortitude. Although he may not have witnessed all the sweat and pain that Kage forced upon himself, Isaiah knew enough to admire it. Having no ability to his name then little more than an advantaged mortal body, Kage's intellect won him life thus far. In turn, formulating the strategy for this plan they had sprung. The boy instantly knew that Miss Bubbles was the correct choice due to his vast knowledge on existing Heroes. His friend identified how to be granted the position the group found themselves in, their original plan was manipulated to being one of a highly authoritative figure rather than the squabbling of children. Responsibility fell on the shoulders of the Heroine not theirs.

Kage worked off this adrenaline high that pumped increasing flows of blood to his brain. It was where he resided in times of chaos. All while Isaiah had only focused on keeping his two feet moving. A dreadful tiresome cloak wrapped around him suffocating his actions.

A looming embrace took him as he arched his back, head hung low as well as his reserved storage of energy. Fists clenched tight enough to produce blood placating his foolishness. Comparing himself to those he was around was a futile task that enabled doubt and self-pity within his system.

Kage saw this exhibition, "Listen, I'm going to be the one at the top so you don't have to agonize about it so mu-

"No." Isaiah pointedly rumbled, eyes uplifted to the center of Kage's face. "Every time… you all go on ahead. Then I am left to waddle behind. Did you know Jacob trains on his own… every single damn day trying to pretend he's a relaxed guy but he's got so much resolve. You, Gan, and Claire do your practices, even that kid, Daniel, is getting his time in and all this leaves me feeling like some chump sticking riding on coattails." A flick of his serpent tongue wafted over the boy's lips succulently grasping the air of tension between them. "When you're all gone your separate ways, where does that leave me?" He gulped on some spit wettening his chops.

"All my life I've just been there. I've watched Jacob score some girls, I've gone with the wave and helped Daniel because that's what would appease everyone. I appeased you to do this as well." A breath relinquished from his maw as the unfounded well of worries continued. "I'll be honest, I don't care much for Daniel. He's a good kid but so are the rest of everyone we meet. But, I'm not going to disappoint you Kage. I won't have that even now when terrified to the point of crapping my pants."

The showers from the sky soaked them, casting Isaiah's hair over his face like a set of curtains. Kage knew not to speak, if he did it may just break something. An aspect only now he held dear to his very sacred being. "I took engineering to just be different but it's trash. There's nothing but idiots, then the teacher watches us like a hawk. I need to actually do something. Be different. Be something." Isaiah found recognition within himself as to that something. The blooming waves of resolve that transpire through each of the others.

"You're all chasing something. A dream, love, strength, but what do I got? I gotta find that something."

Finally, Kage understood the intention of this speech. A prospective formulation that threatened to destroy a precious commodity. One that he could still not yet recognize."Isaiah I'm not going to let you-"

"Shut the fuck up, Kage!" It was an intense stare that made goosebumps spread over his body. His friend deep in turmoil left unease by Isaiah's usual stoic self. Never had he seen Isaiah in this light as his own individualistic person. Kage sought his mind to bring forth a relic of uniqueness to his friend's character. However, the same thought persisted him as an additional piece that stuck but didn't join like the rest of them. Isaiah was Jacob's friend barely related yet always nearby for some reason.

"I'm staying at the top and YOU will alert the refugees..." Isaiah shook from head to toe at his own proclamation, one that was tested immediately.

"That's it?" Bargained Kage. He knew not whether it was fear or adrenaline, also doubting that Isaiah knew himself. An uncertain residing fear held cusping his heart. Since their introduction, Kage couldn't tell if Isaiah was strong or simply a background character coasting to the touch of the breeze.

A gulp echoed in the boy' throat before he answered. "That's it." For a second, Kage reached out with a hand to silence Isaiah yet the afterimage of Daniel layered on top. Doing such a thing would be a dismissal of his character as well as his desire for more. All he could give his friend was a sullen approval.

The two stood facing the other to bump fists with a stiff motion. "If I find you dead, I'm dragging you from God. He'll let me beat you senseless, got that!" Kage stated.

"Understood." The stone-cold look never changed, forcing a scoff from between Kage's lips. They scampered to the destination resolute in their plan. At the end of their road would a fierce struggle, undoubtedly take place. Not only with their lives hanging in the balance but the lives of hundreds placed on the similar line of fate. A battle of attrition that was not selective to them but instead engrossed the others as well.

A good way to begin the week with a long chapter. More will be coming every day so make sure to come by and check the story out!

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