
Sharpshooter of Roya Online

It was an ominous day... it truly was. Heavy rain, dark clouds, thunder raging through the sky a young man ran for his life as he was chased by many people. Shots were fired. "You have nowhere to run now do you? you f**ker." After running for two hours the young man had come to a dead end. *bang* *bang* Shots were fired as the young boy's buddy was pierced by many bullets he fell to the ground. Eyes filled with nothing but hatred and regret. "Even if I die I will haunt you forever," said the young boy as he drew his last breath before dying. He only wanted to humiliate and destroy the man who put his mother through depression the man in question was his father that abandoned the family why? "Because I'm a pro gamer I don't have time to raise a kid" saying that the sorry excuse of a father left the family. The young boy was loathed by his depressed mother. He played the game Roya online just to become the best and humiliate his father who was hailed as a once-in-a-century genius but failed... His father ruthlessly ordered his man to kill him. Mr.Cyrus? Mr.Cyrus? Are my lessons boring to the point that you are sleeping? What? the young man was back in his high school days 10 years back in the past? Now confused as to what had happened the young man made a promise: If I have really come to the past and this is not some vile dream after my death. I will destroy that bastard's company and raise it to the ground.

Miyuki_Cat · Games
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14 Chs

The anticipated news

The first day ended as Cyrus was wondering what he would do when Roya Online launched.

On the 21st of May, Cyrus went to school, now it's worth mentioning that the high school Cyrus attended was by no means normal in any way the most modest students that attended the school had millionaire families.

Naturally, Cyrus was from the richest family that held 70% of the shares. all of Cyrus's Cousins also attended the same high school.

The next richest family was the Velasquez family the heir of the Velasquez family Marcus Velasquez is Cyrus's best friend since both families have close ties both Cyrus and Marcus grew up together.


As Cyrus made his way towards his class he was greeted by his homie.

"Yoo ma boy you good? Yesterday you looked like a ghost."

"Yeah bro crazy stuff yesterday I felt like imma head to the other side and meet your Abuelo"

Marcus and Cyrus made some small talks and did their secret handshake before entering the class.

In his last life, Marcus was the one that always helped him in his lows and highs never did Marcus leave Cyrus alone even after secretly moving to the USA it was Marcus who kept helping him.

"Bro, what are your plans after high school ends?" asked Marcus wanting to know what would Cyrus do after graduation.

"Don't know most likely hop on this new game Roya Online or whatever"

Marcus was shocked it was as if his eyes would pop out.

"Aye, you sure you good?" asked Marcus with a perplexed expression.

"The bastard John is going to play Roya Online, I want to advance in-game and somehow humiliate him," said Cyrus as he looked at the funny face of Marcus.

Marcus: You serious bro, honestly I gonna be frank with you, you are like a fucking caveman do you even know how to play games?

Cyrus: Isn't it completing quest killing monsters it's easy I can do that much

Marcus: In a normal game? yeah but Roya Online is completely different. Roya Online is going to be the first game with a 100% synchronization rate. do you even know what 100% sync rate means?

Cyrus: One that your brain is fully synced with the game and your real-life skill can affect your gameplay greatly, such as how you can use certain skills and how you can adapt to certain stuff.

Marcus: At least you know that much although I hate to admit it that bastard John is a helluva motherfucker his talent is otherworldly. but you can always count on me I also want to teach him some stuff we have a bit of history from other games.

Cyrus: Thanks for the offer and heads-up but you gotta remember that I'm not just a nerd who only studies. you have seen my shooting skills before, besides my CQC is on par with our elite bodyguards.

Marcus: I don't know if you are bragging or not but whether this game has any guns to use or not is something up to fate and besides even if you could use guns that bastard always chooses swordsman or assassin as his class he totally counters yours.

Cyrus: wouldn't losing to a class that you counter, be more humiliating than losing to one that counters your class?

Marcus: You...when did you get so narcissistic and arrogant you talk as if he is some random nobody.

Cyrus: Names Cyrus Shahmanesh pleased to meet you.

Marcus: Yeah yeah throw around your grandfather's surname.

that day Marcus and Cyrus talked about various things as Marcus took it upon himself to teach Cyrus all of the gaming terms and the most optimal leveling style.

the next few days went peacefully as Marcus the teacher lectured Cyrus.


The 23rd of May 2202.

It was afternoon everyone in the Shahmanesh household was inside the living room watching the world's most popular gaming channel as it was the first official event of Roya Online talking about various stuff that gamers wanted to know.

1 hour went by the host of the show then announced that there is going to be interviews with various famous gamers.

The interview with most gamers went by as they modestly talked about how excited they were and how they were training in real life to have a more profound understanding of their class in-game after all Roya Online was a game that your real-life adaptability would affect your in-game one. After 20 minutes they reached the last interview.

Casey (Interviewer): Ladies and Gentlemens now what you all have been waiting for, an interview with the phenomenal prodigy of the gaming world. Jonathan Aaron.

Welcome to our show Mr.Johnatan can you please tell us what you are expecting from Roya Online.

Before Johnatan could even come into the frame Darius the second uncle of Cyrus tried to change channels as they all hated Johnatan in this household and they could watch the interview later when Cyrus is not around.

Cyrus took the remote control out of Darius's hand and turned on the volume.

Everyone in the household was shocked by this development.

Johnatan Aaron: Well Ms.Casey I'm expecting many great things, after all, it is the first game with a 100% sync rate the closes right now is 90%.

Casey: Mr.Aaron can you tell us what we have to expect from you? what are your goals going forward, the game will be launched just 4 days from now.

Johnatan Aaron: You don't have to expect anything different as always I will conquer the game and assert my dominance by establishing the strongest guild and taking over most of the game leaving nothing for the opposition.

Casey: As expected from Mr.Aaron.

Mr.Aaron, sorry if I'm overstepping my boundaries however I have heard your son is a genius among geniuses from his academics, too, his accomplishment on the world stage of martial arts all show that he is a force to be reckoned with what are your thoughts about him if he ever plays Roya Online will he become a great player?

Johnatan Aaron: Just because he shares my genes it doesn't mean he will become someone great like me at best... he will be better than average after all what one needs is not genes it's talents. if he had any he would have played other games and become a pro gamer or something.

Casey: Ty Mr.Aaron for gracing our show. Ladies and Gentlemens this is the end of our today's program. Matthew right back to you.

Matthew (host): Ty Casey for the interesting interview. and I also do wonder what is Cyrus up to will he ever play video games? well, we can't do anything but wait and see. Folks this is the end of today's program I wish you all a great evening and Mr.Cyrus pls do hit me up if you ever want to declare a challenge on your father I'm sure it will be an interesting topic to discuss.


The mood in the Shahmanesh household was heavy and gloomy everyone was angry at how arrogantly Johnatan had declared that Cyrus is a talentless guy after all. Cyrus was a kind kid who always helped everyone there was no one in the Shahmanesh household that didn't like Cyrus.

the sudden silence was broken by the sound of the remote control snapping in half all the attention was drawn to Cyrus as his face looked as scary as it could get.

Cyrus knew that the only reason he had never heard about this news in his past life was probably that his grandfather suppressing the news.

Cyrus said:

"Gramps, I want to play Roya Online can you send someone to get me a capsule?"

Everyone in the room was baffled but they were waiting for others to say something.

The first person to break the silence was Little uncle as he dove forward hugging Cyrus ruffling his hair and talking about how he always wanted to go succubus hunting with Cyrus.

The second and third were Donovan and Dorcey the twins of the Shahmanesh household two talented kids both 15 years old both were the child of Cyrus's auntie they were really excited as they genuinely considered Cyrus their older brother.

" Sweetie will you join the family guild or are you going to join your uncles?" Grandma Esther asked Cyrus.

In this day and age, everyone played VR games and grandma was no exception she liked playing as production class while traveling to beautiful places of the game.

"Grandma I will join the family guild as this is my first VR game I will consider joining the company guild when I have the skills to back it up" answered Cyrus with utmost honesty after all it would have been weird for someone who hasn't played games before to just progress like a madman and clear impossible quests so he wanted to hide behind the facade of I'm just learning the game.

The night went by peacefully everyone was excited as Cyrus was an absolute beast in real life he became the champion of taekwondo and Jodu while also taking down several professional MMA fighters in the octagon.

The next morning Cyrus wrote a letter to the Gaming channel that had interviewed John sending a direct message to John.

gift some power stones to Cyrus on his path of Roya Online domination and revenge

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