
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

Flaming_Lines · TV
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Chapter 47): Nana Gallagher Had an Affair (1)

Chapter 47): Nana Gallagher Had an Affair (1)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}


The car rolled to a stop in front of his house, the real world screaming at him as Kassidi gave his hand a squeeze, "Dang, I really don't want to go in there." Carl muttered.

"Well think of it this way. The sooner you go inside and get it over with the quicker you can hurry to school, we are going to the aquarium today after all. So there is a high chance you will see me." Kassidi said with a wide grin.

He smiled while poking her cute button nose, "You always know how to cheer me up Kass," he hugged her close taking a big whiff of her peach blossom body wash, "Okay, let's get this over with. I will hopefully see you there."

"Oh don't you worry about that. I am going to make it my mission to see you there." Kassidi promised as he stepped out the town car, William already holding the door open for him.

"Good, then I will see you later Kass. And you my good sir, I will make your life hell if something happens to this girl." Carl at the end glared at the driver who smirked some.

"Please kid, there is nothing you can do that will be worse what her parents will do." He scoffed at Carl.

"Oh trust me, there is." Carl grinned before blowing a kiss to Kassidi and waking towards his house.

The car left and he walked up the stairs to his front door, even from outside he could hear them moving around inside, it was different this time though as he didn't hear Fiona yelling at them to move it. Walking inside the place was chaotic from just having Fiona gone a night, he shook his head as he saw Lip, Ian and Debbie rushing around, Liam was blissfully unaware in Roberta's arms.

"Yo Carl, what's up?" Lip smiled while being the first to see him, he was leaning against the ironing board while watching Monica struggle.

"Yo." Carl waved as he went to his door and took out his keys unlocking the door, he heard Monica calling out to him but he ignored her.

Going into his room quickly he took out his black sweater Kassidi bought him a long with slim fit black jeans, instead of his boots he went with one orange Converse and one green converse. After throwing on his trench coat he walked back upstairs and locked the door, the only people left were Lip, Monica, Roberta and Liam in the room, Carl raised a brow to see Lip all in 'Bob's' face.

Ignoring it he took off after grabbing an apple, he was on a time limit today to get to school, the buses would not wait for him so he needed to be in first period before the bell rang. Although the entire seventh grade was going it really wouldn't be all of them, not a lot of the parents on the Southside would fork over almost fifty bucks for them to go, it was ten for the buses alone.

Thankfully he still tutored Sophia, if he didn't get money from that then he would have been screwed, they had held out on telling everyone that it cost almost fifty until the last minute, it quickly lowered the amount of students. Now he was sure there was only two bus loads full that would be going.


"Is there something on my face?" Carl asked as he took a seat on the bus on the outside of the seat, Sophia won the rock, paper, scissors for the window, he should have known she would choose scissors.

"You seem....different. Like I can tell something is bothering you, but at the same time you have this big ball of happiness to go with it." Sophia said squinting at him as if she could see through what it was.

Carl just rolled his eyes, but he did answer her, "Nothing much. My mom came back yesterday, kind of took the family by surprise. It has been almost two years since we have seen her. Plus I kind of told Kassidi last night I had feelings for her after staying over her place."

(A/N: Re-watched this one and Fiona mentions that Monica has been gone for 21months.)

Sophia seems stunned by the information dump, he was watching her face closely so he saw some of the light dim when he mentioned the last line, it stung him some to hurt her like this. She played it off though, he saw her bounce back quickly as if she expected it or something, all she did was hold on to that sadness for moments before going back to being his best friend.

"Oh! Damn, I am sorry to hear about your mom Carl. That must be rough to just have her show up after all this time, why did she come back?"

"Frank. Apparently he knew where she was the entire time, but didn't tell anyone else. He called her back for something he needed, now she wants to take Liam with her and her Lover."

Sophia shuddered, "You don't sound to enthusiastic about this lover."

He shrugged, "Well technically speaking her and Frank are still married. Plus her new lover is trying to hard to be a man, it is just weird."

(A/N: I have nothing against the community, just wasn't a fan of Roberta's character, didnt seem important really.)

"Oh. Well enough of that then, let's talk about something interesting then, like how you are dating Kassidi now! I bet she was happy to hear about your feelings." Sophia smiled at him, he tried to see if there were any other feelings in there but if there were she was doing a good job hiding them.

He shrugged, "We aren't dating."

She seems shocked as she turned her body toward his own, "What do you mean? I figured the moment you told Kassidi you felt the same way as her that you two would be together in seconds."

He chuckled, "Yeah, well I was sad last night. And instead of taking advantage of the moment she told me she wanted to wait until I was happy again."

"Damn. She really does care about you." Sophia shook her head, "She's a keeper Carl, don't mess it up."

"Yeah let's cross our fingers. I am going to give it some more time, when this whole Monica thing passes I will ask her again." He announced as the busses pulled up outside the Shedd Aquarium, he as right about it only being two bus full of kids.

Out of his whole maybe three hundred classmates like twenty five percent of that came, the rest didn't have parents who were willing to spend that type of money on the trip for them, which he would have been one. If not for the fact that he paid for himself, unless Fiona paid for him.

The busses to his school weren't the only ones there though, no just ahead of theirs was three fancy, and he means fancy, school busses he has actually seen those types before. They were the busses that came with the AC and heaters inside, unlike their own that didn't, they also had carpet for flooring and plush seats that were like sinking into a cloud.

The outsides were painted in Maroon Red and Royal Blue, across the side spelled out 'Saint Michael's Academy' so it seemed Jordan and Kassidi were already there. He didn't know if they were inside or in the busses still either as they got here second, there was a problem before they took off earlier, something a bus driver did making them have to get a new one.

"Alright kids, when we get off this bus you represent your school. There are only ten of us for the eighty of you that their are so we will be doing groups of eight." A teacher Carl didn't know said standing at the front of the bus announcing to them.

"Orderly line getting off and no messing around." One of the coaches said as they were being let off, Carl stood and let Sophia walk first before following behind her.

They didn't have to wait outside as they were immediately led inside, as they walked inside to the grand opening Carl could see the Saint Michael's kids standing on the other side. There was such a big difference from their group, it was easy to tell who was at Saint Michael's as they all wore matching uniforms, while he group were dressed in street clothes and were rowdy.

Carl didn't mind though, but he was a little jealous as he would have rather want to go to a private school, he learned in his oast that school was actually just getting kids ready for jobs, he didn't take it seriously last time though. Which is why he took it a bit more serious this time, because the ones who took school as an actual job were the ones who succeeded the most, unless they burned out.

Carl watched as three teachers walked over to an employee of the place, they spoke for a moment before the teacher who was leading his bus spoke up, "Okay, well it seems that the Saint Michael's Academy is also here for the show today. They don't have enough employees to handle so many groups so we have all come to the decision to go along with them.

I want all of you to get into a group of four, and stay near that four this will be just in case you get separated which I don't expect."

A student in the front raised his hand, "Can we get in a group with some of the Saint Michael's students?"

The teacher paused but nodded, "If they agree to be near you then yes."

Sophia who was standing next to him looked over at him, "Are you going to find Kassidi."

He just gave her a blank stare, "Right stupid question, she will find you."

And that didn't take long either as it seemed the Saint Michael's students were told the same thing, "CARL!!!" Was shouted as a sound of running feet came before a body was thrown into his own making him rock on his feet, he could swear she was his own personal blood hound.

She just had a knack for finding him, no matter what.

Carl was aware of all the attention that was thrown on his group as Kassidi clung to him like a koala, he ignored her a moment instead he nodded to Jordan, "What's up man."

"Hey Carl, glad you guys are finally here, she has been restless since it was announced this was happening." Jordan mentioned as he fisted bumped him.

"Yeah, I figured as much. Hey Kass." He said finally paying attention to said girl who rubbed her cheek against his own.

They still had about half the people looking at them wide eyed, he could see a lot of the Saint Michael's girls with their jaws dropped as they noticed Kassidi hanging on him. A teacher from there let out a breath and shook her head but it seemed as if she was somewhat use to Kassidi as she didn't do anything, she just brushed it off.

"Hey Carl." Kassidi giggled into his ear.