
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

Flaming_Lines · TV
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51 Chs

Chapter 2): Pilot (1)

Chapter 2): Pilot

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}


Read advance Chapters there!! Up to Three as a Supporter and Up to Five as a Member.]


"Seven fifteen, monkeys. Come on. Seven fifteen." Fiona screamed as she moved through the house getting the kids ready, "Where's Carl?" She asked a loud as she popped her head into the room when she didn't see him walk out.

"Don't know, he was gone when we woke." Lip said still a little mad that Ian got to the shower first.

"Weird." Fiona said walking down the stairs next to the bedroom.


Feet pounded against the sidewalk as Carl huffed making his way back to the house, it had been a week since he got into this body, and he was working to make his body better as he didn't feel comfortable in it at all. He had thought working out would help, and it did as he was more comfortable in his body but at the same time he just liked it.

Over the past week he had also fitted in more with the family, at first the idea of them was uncomfortable to him but over time he had gotten over that and had got along with them well. He still was looking for a way to help them though as he hadn't figured that part out yet though.

Carl came up on his house and opened the gate before walking up the stairs, he opened the front door right as Lip was heading out, "Going somewhere?" He asked as they both stopped.

"Yeah have to tutor someone this morning." Lip said with a grin as if more then that was going to happen.

Carl nodded, he expected something to happen seeing as Southside girls tended to be a little more....loose. Not that it was his problem, he could care less if some Southside girl was sleeping with his brother, he would need to deal with the problems himself of she got pregnant.

Passing each other he walked into the house where he could hear the rest also getting ready to move out, he didn't realize how late it was until he saw them all rushing out. "Carl! Where have you been?! You have school soon get a move on." Fiona said hands on her hips as she saw him.

He nodded, "Alright, I will go get ready."

"Okay well I have a shift soon then I am going out with V tonight, so be in bed by the time I get home." She said kissing his forehead before she took off.

Carl shrugged and made his way upstairs, he was quick to jump in the shower then throw on some clothes, once he was finished he rushed out the house and down the street. Laughing he stole a skateboard that was on the side riding fast down the street, it took him another twenty minutes before he made it to the actual school.

Groaning he walked in the building, and no one really cares for him being late, they knew he was a destructive kid along with him being stupid so they didn't try and talk to him. Carl sighed at this, he would need to turn his image around fast or he would end up being stuck repeating the sixth grade.

Going down the hall he followed his memories as he entered his math class, "Well so good of you to join us mister Gallagher, why don't you try to find your seat and not interrupt the class." Mrs. Storm said with a scowl.

Carl didn't say anything back but went to the only seat available, he didn't see a point in getting on her bad sighed anymore, instead he was focused on getting his self back on tracked. He could see some surprise from others he didn't say anything smart back but ignored them, he also ignored the teacher who was also a little surprised.

Taking his seat he leaned back while looking at the bored, rolling his eyes he laid his head down they were doing basic math, like stuff that didn't even take a hint of his brain power to do. Although he wasn't the best in school he had made it through three years of college before his death, he was actually on the way to medical school, but alcohol poisoning from a party killed him.

Carl was just getting to sleep when a voice rang out, "Mr. Gallagher, maybe you could come up here and show the class what to do since you think it is appropriate to sleep in class."

Sighing he got out of his seat while making his way over to the board, taking the marker it took him seconds to complete not just the problem she said but the next three too. The class was stunned as the teacher stammered out, "T-that's right," coughing she brought herself to normal, "Take a seat and don't think you can sleep because you got lucky."

Rolling his eyes he took his seat again while looking out the window, the class went by quickly but Carl was to busy in his head instead of actually paying attention to what was happening. When the homework was passed back to him it took him two minutes to finish it before he sighed.

As the bell rang for the end of class he turned in his homework not bothering to take it home, all he brought to school was two pencils and a pen anyway so he didn't want to carry that. The teacher scoffed seeing that before checking it as he walked out the class, the more she read it the more astonished she became before looking where he had left.

Carl didn't care about her thoughts as he walked from the room, he ignored everyone as he walked through the halls, he even avoided Lil Hank who was calling out to him. It was clear that kid was going no where fast so he didn't want to talk to him anymore, getting the message Lil Hank left him alone.

For the next three classes Carl surprised his teachers as he went from being someone who didn't know anything, to someone who could answer any question they sent his way they were really surprised by that.

As lunch rolled around he sighed, the school lunches were horrible, not even edible so instead of eating he walked to a table and laid his head down on the table.

"So is there something different about you? Were you always this smart or are you cheating now?" A girl with a slight accent said as she sat in front of him with.

Carl picked his head up to look at her, she had a lunch with her and was currently taking out what was inside one by one, it was mainly snacks though making him raise a brow. He raised a brow as the last thing she brought out was a chicken sandwich from Chick-fil-A.