
Chapter 3: A Glimpse of Power

The clang of metal and the hum of energy weapons filled the Armory as Jung-ho and Min-jun began their training. The leader of the Enforcers, who introduced himself as Garrett, showed them the basics: how to grip a gun, aim, and fire. Jung-ho's police training gave him an edge, but the futuristic technology of the weapons presented a steep learning curve.

Min-jun, despite his initial hesitation, showed a natural aptitude. Garrett noticed the boy's potential and spent extra time guiding him through the nuances of the various weapons. Min-jun's eyes lit up with each new discovery, the key still clutched tightly in his pocket, a constant reminder of the mysterious connection to his grandfather.

"You're a quick learner, kid," Garrett said, watching Min-jun expertly disassemble and reassemble a plasma pistol. "You've got the makings of a true gunman."

Min-jun looked up, a mixture of pride and uncertainty in his eyes. "Do you really think so? I mean, my grandfather was a legend, but I'm just...me."

Garrett crouched down to Min-jun's level, his expression serious. "In this world, lineage matters. But so does heart. If you can combine your natural talent with determination, you can achieve great things."

Jung-ho, observing from a distance, felt a pang of unease. His father's legacy loomed large, and he feared the weight of it might be too much for his son. Yet, seeing Min-jun's enthusiasm, he couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope.

As the days turned into weeks, the bond between father and son strengthened. They sparred together, shared stories by the fire, and navigated the complexities of this new world side by side. Jung-ho found himself softening, his resentment toward his own father slowly being replaced by understanding. This world had demanded much from the old man, and perhaps his absences were a necessity, not a choice.

One evening, Garrett approached them with a proposition. "There's someone you need to meet," he said, his tone grave. "An old friend of your grandfather's. She might have answers about the key and your family's history."

They followed Garrett through the winding streets of Iron Haven to a secluded cabin at the edge of the city. Inside, an elderly woman with sharp eyes and a commanding presence sat by the fire. Her name was Ethel, and she had known Jung-ho's father well.

"You've got your father's eyes," Ethel said, peering at Jung-ho. "And you," she added, turning to Min-jun, "you have his spirit."

Min-jun shifted nervously. "You knew my grandfather?"

Ethel nodded. "He was one of the greatest gunmen this world has ever seen. He wielded Burnhild, the first of the seven legendary guns. It accepted him because he had a pure heart and an unyielding will."

She paused, her gaze piercing. "The key you hold is the key to Burnhild's resting place. Your grandfather entrusted it to you, believing that one day you would follow in his footsteps."

Min-jun's heart pounded. "But why me? I don't know if I'm ready."

Ethel smiled gently. "Your grandfather saw something in you, even when you were just a child. The gun will test you, but if you prove yourself worthy, it will accept you as its new master."

Jung-ho felt a surge of protectiveness. "He's just a boy. How can he be expected to shoulder such a burden?"

Ethel's expression softened. "This world does not care for age, only for strength and resolve. You must support him, guide him. Together, you can uncover the truth and perhaps even change the fate of both our worlds."

Min-jun looked at his father, determination mingled with fear in his eyes. "I want to try, Dad. I want to understand who Grandpa really was and why he left us."

Jung-ho placed a reassuring hand on his son's shoulder. "We'll do this together, Min-jun. Whatever it takes, we'll find Burnhild and uncover the truth."

Ethel stood and retrieved an old, leather-bound map from a chest. "This will guide you to Burnhild's resting place. It's a dangerous journey, but it's the first step toward your destiny."

As they left Ethel's cabin, the weight of their mission settled over them. The road ahead was fraught with danger and uncertainty, but for the first time, Jung-ho and Min-jun felt a shared purpose. They were not just searching for a legendary gun—they were forging a new legacy, one that would honor the past while shaping the future.

In the days that followed, they prepared for their journey. They trained harder, gathered supplies, and learned everything they could about the seven legendary guns and their lore. The bond between father and son grew stronger, and as they set out on their quest, they were no longer just two travelers in an unfamiliar world—they were a team, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.