
Chapter 2: Uncharted Territory

The rough-looking men encircled Jung-ho and Min-jun, their futuristic guns gleaming ominously in the dim light. Jung-ho instinctively stepped in front of his son, his police training kicking in as he assessed the situation. His mind raced, trying to make sense of their sudden transportation into this strange, dangerous world.

"Who are you?" Jung-ho demanded, his voice steady despite the fear gnawing at his insides. "And where are we?"

The leader of the group, a tall man with a scar running down his cheek, chuckled. "You're in the city of Iron Haven, stranger. And we are the Enforcers. It's our job to keep the peace around here." He paused, eyeing them with suspicion. "You don't look like you're from around here."

Jung-ho exchanged a quick glance with Min-jun, who was clutching the key tightly, his knuckles white. "We're not," Jung-ho admitted. "We were transported here from...another place. We're just trying to understand what's going on."

The leader's eyes narrowed. "Transported, huh? You must have something special on you. Those kinds of portals don't just open for anyone."

Min-jun hesitated, then held out the key. "This fell out of my grandfather's journal just before we were brought here. Do you know what it is?"

The leader's expression changed from suspicion to curiosity. He reached out and took the key, turning it over in his hands. "This," he said slowly, "is a relic. Your grandfather must have been someone important if he had this."

Jung-ho frowned. "My father was a mystery to us. He disappeared for long stretches of time and told wild stories about another world. We thought they were just tales."

The leader handed the key back to Min-jun. "In this world, stories have a way of being true. If your grandfather had a relic like this, he was likely a legendary gunman."

Min-jun's eyes widened. "He did talk about legendary guns. Seven of them, right?"

The leader nodded. "Yes, the Seven Legendary Guns. Each one has unique powers and a lore of its own. They're coveted by many, and those who wield them are feared and respected."

Jung-ho took a deep breath, trying to piece everything together. "So, what do we do now?"

The leader looked them over one more time before speaking. "If you're going to survive here, you'll need to learn fast. Follow me. We'll get you equipped and explain more about this world."

They were led through the bustling streets of Iron Haven, a city that seemed to blend the old with the new. Wooden saloons stood next to high-tech shops, and people dressed in Western attire carried laser guns and other futuristic weaponry. It was a disorienting mix of past and future, law and chaos.

The Enforcers brought them to a large, fortified building at the edge of the city. Inside, the walls were lined with weapons of all kinds, from traditional revolvers to high-tech rifles. Jung-ho's eyes widened at the sight, a mix of awe and wariness.

"Welcome to the Armory," the leader said. "Here, you can choose a weapon and learn how to use it. In this world, your survival depends on your skill with a gun."

Jung-ho glanced at Min-jun, who was looking at the array of weapons with a mixture of fascination and fear. "We don't know anything about these guns," he admitted.

"Then it's time to learn," the leader replied. "We'll start with the basics and work our way up. You have a lot of potential, especially if you're the grandson of a legendary gunman."

As they began their training, Jung-ho couldn't shake the feeling that they were on the verge of something monumental. This world, with its strange blend of reality and fantasy, held the key to understanding his father's legacy and their own place within it. And as Min-jun took his first tentative steps toward mastering the weapons, Jung-ho felt a spark of hope. Perhaps, in this uncharted territory, they could finally find the answers they sought—and forge a new bond that would carry them through whatever challenges lay ahead.