
Shadows of Marvel's Pupils

Embark on an extraordinary journey as Shadow, a boy with eyes that defy the ordinary, traverses the Marvel world in pursuit of the ultimate pupil. His quest unfolds in a realm teeming with chaos – demons, monsters, and the coexistence of magic, technology, and superheroes. Driven by an ancient totem on his forehead, Shadow seeks to unlock its mysteries and harness the power within. The totem holds the promise of twelve pupil rings, each unlocking a unique and formidable skill. Among these skills are the mesmerizing "Eye of Geass," granting Shadow the ability of absolute command. With a mere gaze, he can manipulate reality itself, bending it to his will. The "Eye of Reincarnation" follows, bestowing upon Shadow the profound understanding that all things are cyclical. Life, death, and rebirth dance under the gaze of this eye, revealing the intricate patterns of existence. As Shadow delves deeper into the Marvel world, he unveils the ominous "Evil Eye of Death." This dark gaze holds the power to obliterate everything in its path with a single glance, making Shadow an unstoppable force against the forces of evil. Join Shadow on a quest of self-discovery, power acquisition, and facing the perils of the Marvel universe. As he opens each pupil ring, he gains mastery over an arsenal of skills, weaving a narrative that blends mystique, danger, and the unfolding destiny of a boy born with different pupils. The Marvel world will never be the same as Shadow's eyes reveal the secrets that lie within the twelve rings, shaping the fate of the cosmos itself.

Natish_Kumar_ · Movies
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18 Chs


The sudden upheaval transformed the serene orphanage courtyard into a theater of bewildering chaos. Comrades-turned-foes clashed in a nightmarish dance, leaving the bewildered soldiers grappling with the unfathomable betrayal that unfolded before them. The black officer, Solo, found himself at the center of this macabre spectacle, desperately trying to comprehend the madness consuming his men.

Solo (furious): "F**k! Bruce, what madness is this?!"

His voice echoed against the dissonance, but the soldier under the influence of Shadow's control remained unresponsive. The soldiers, once united, were now torn apart by an unseen force, and Solo's attempts to restore order were met with eerie silence.

Bewildered Soldier 1: "We killed the wrong person!"

Bewildered Soldier 2: "Why did you kill me, brother?"

Bewildered Soldier 3: "I was shot! Help!"

The orphanage courtyard, once a haven of tranquility, was now a battleground where the boundaries between ally and adversary blurred into a nightmarish mosaic. Amidst the cacophony of gunfire and anguished cries, Solo's communicator crackled to life, bringing forth White Hall Rage's urgent voice.

White Hall (irritated): "Are you an idiot? Get rid of those under control and continue the attack!"

In a distant building, White Hall grappled with the realization that the soldiers were mere puppets in the hands of Shadow, an adversary whose power defied conventional understanding. The more White Hall delved into the mysteries of this peculiar control, the more he felt an unsettling chill crawl down his spine.

White Hall (whispering): "This power... it's beyond anything I've encountered. Can it be harnessed?"

In the midst of the chaos, White Hall's fear of Shadow transformed into a dangerous fascination. The idea of wielding such power fueled his greed, tempting him to envision a world under his dominion.

White Hall (ambitious): "If I can control Shadow, could I control the world?"

Compelled by this newfound ambition, White Hall urged Solo to accelerate their pursuit of Shadow. The surviving HYDRA soldiers, now freed from Shadow's control, launched a counterattack, attempting to regain control of the situation.

The courtyard became a battlefield divided, with soldiers under Shadow's control confronting those who fought to resist his influence. A quarter of the HYDRA soldiers, once marionettes dancing to Shadow's whims, now fought against their former allies, creating a chaotic tug-of-war in the orphanage grounds.

As the struggle unfolded, a few soldiers managed to breach the orphanage, seeking to capture Shadow. In the hall's dimly lit interior, a soldier frantically searched, only to be met with Shadow's soft voice piercing the air.

Shadow (tender): "Hey, I'm here!"

Startled, the soldier turned, his trembling hand pulling the trigger in a desperate attempt to neutralize Shadow. The shot, however, shattered not Shadow's form but a nearby mirror, revealing the red eyes and inverted V geass logo.

Geass First Ability: Absolute Command Activation!

The contract was established, and Shadow's command resonated through the hall.

Shadow (commanding): "Answer my question, go out and kill the invading soldiers after the inquiry is over until they die."

The soldier, now under the influence of Shadow's geass, became a puppet executing a command programmed for relentless pursuit.

Until death.

Shadow, aware of his current vulnerability, sought to ensure the safety of his fragile existence. His geass Ability, a double-edged sword, demanded a harsh mandate to protect himself from those once manipulated.

Yet, amidst the grim reality, Shadow harbored a wish. A yearning for strength beyond the confines of his current abilities, envisioning a day when he could face adversaries without uttering the ominous words 'until death.'

Reality reclaimed Shadow's focus, and he turned to the controlled soldier, questioning his identity and allegiance.

Soldier (JTS142): "I am a soldier under the commander of HYDRA Solo, number JTS142!"

The revelation did not surprise Shadow. In his memories, SHIELD exhibited restraint, while HYDRA embraced cruelty without hesitation.

Shadow (resolved): "HYDRA, as expected. Who is Chief Solo?"

The soldier provided details, pointing Shadow's gaze toward Chief Solo, the black officer orchestrating the operations outside the orphanage.

Shadow's eyes gleamed with determination.

Shadow (whispering): "Solo is my next target."

Instructing the soldier to fulfill his mission, Shadow observed the ensuing battle through the window, his gaze fixed on Chief Solo. The chaos unfolding below was a prelude to the next chapter in Shadow's quest for answers and strength. The orphanage, once a sanctuary, now bore witness to a conflict that extended beyond the physical, into the realms of power, control, and the indomitable spirit of one determined to defy his fate.