
Shadows of Marvel's Pupils

Embark on an extraordinary journey as Shadow, a boy with eyes that defy the ordinary, traverses the Marvel world in pursuit of the ultimate pupil. His quest unfolds in a realm teeming with chaos – demons, monsters, and the coexistence of magic, technology, and superheroes. Driven by an ancient totem on his forehead, Shadow seeks to unlock its mysteries and harness the power within. The totem holds the promise of twelve pupil rings, each unlocking a unique and formidable skill. Among these skills are the mesmerizing "Eye of Geass," granting Shadow the ability of absolute command. With a mere gaze, he can manipulate reality itself, bending it to his will. The "Eye of Reincarnation" follows, bestowing upon Shadow the profound understanding that all things are cyclical. Life, death, and rebirth dance under the gaze of this eye, revealing the intricate patterns of existence. As Shadow delves deeper into the Marvel world, he unveils the ominous "Evil Eye of Death." This dark gaze holds the power to obliterate everything in its path with a single glance, making Shadow an unstoppable force against the forces of evil. Join Shadow on a quest of self-discovery, power acquisition, and facing the perils of the Marvel universe. As he opens each pupil ring, he gains mastery over an arsenal of skills, weaving a narrative that blends mystique, danger, and the unfolding destiny of a boy born with different pupils. The Marvel world will never be the same as Shadow's eyes reveal the secrets that lie within the twelve rings, shaping the fate of the cosmos itself.

Natish_Kumar_ · Movies
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18 Chs


The courtyard, once filled with the laughter of children, now stood eerily empty. The flowers Skye had joyfully woven into a wreath lay forgotten, petals scattered by an unforgiving wind. Shadow, his expression cold and resolute, had foreseen a grim future—one painted in hues of blood.

With a sudden urgency, Shadow questioned whether HYDRA and S.H.I.E.L.D. were entangled in a clash that threatened the orphanage. Time, however, was a luxury he couldn't afford to ponder upon. Two precious bonds tethered him to the orphanage—Dean Mary and Skye. The maternal care Dean Mary had showered upon him and the newfound warmth with Skye compelled Shadow to act.

"Brother Shadow, did I do something wrong?" Skye's innocent voice quivered as she faced the abrupt change in Shadow's demeanor. Fear welled in her eyes, fearing she had incurred his displeasure.

**Shadow:** It's alright, Skye. Go and call everyone to the hall. You said that Dean Mary asked them to go, remember!

Reassured by Shadow's words, Skye wiped away the tears threatening to cascade down her cheeks and rushed to fulfill his request. Meanwhile, Shadow turned his attention to Dean Mary.

Navigating to the kitchen, Shadow found Dean Mary engrossed in her tasks. Urgency etched across his features, he revealed a fragment of the imminent danger.

**Shadow:** President Mary, in an hour, there will be a catastrophe here. You should leave quickly with the rest of the children.

Dean Mary, oblivious to the gravity of the situation, regarded Shadow's words as nonsensical. The impending danger remained shrouded in uncertainty for her. Unperturbed by her skepticism, Shadow activated his geass Ability—a tool of absolute command.

**Shadow:** President Mary, please go to the lobby now, and take everyone from the orphanage out of here immediately. Go to the park half a kilometer away. You are not allowed to come back within two hours, and there must be no delay!

Dean Mary, her eyes glazed with the influence of geass, complied with Shadow's command, putting aside her doubts.

As Dean Mary gathered the orphans in the hall, the evacuation began seamlessly. However, Skye, sensing the impending danger, stood resolute before Shadow.

**Skye:** Brother Shadow, did something happen? Skye wants to help you!

Torn between safety and her loyalty to Shadow, Skye pleaded not to be separated. Shadow, recognizing the sincerity in Skye's eyes, struggled with the decision.

**Shadow:** Skye, be obedient, follow Dean Mary, and I'll find you after I settle some matters!

Skye, refusing to leave Shadow's side, clung to the hope of providing assistance. Shadow, resigned to the inevitable, activated his geass once more.

**Shadow:** Go, go with Dean Mary, and don't come back for two hours.

Skye left with a heavy heart, her tearful eyes holding a silent promise. The orphanage, emptied of its occupants, became a canvas for the impending battle. With the mirrors strategically placed, Shadow prepared for a war that loomed on the horizon.

**Shadow:** Okay, the next step is the preparation stage, and the war is about to begin!

In the solitude of the orphanage, Shadow steeled himself for the impending clash, determined to protect the bonds that had taken root in his heart.