
Shadowgard Volume 1

Ashton Vual was just normal teenager he had crush with Carmen De Cruz ever since they both lived next door they goes to the same academy but everything changed when Ashton find out she dating Lucas Lambert's. the famous guy in Hunter academy Ashton decided to confess his love to her but Carmen rejected him because she treated him as friends while walking alone on street with broken heart Ashton stumble to a key that lead him to something more bizarre that will change his life...........

Oye_Blazing · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: New Comrade

After left the dungeon Ashton find out he were teleport not far from hospital there he was greeted by Hunter association agent he warned him about a Blue Gate suddenly appear in vicinity he points him the safe route and Ashton just follow his instructions. while left the area he saw group of Hunter's most of them were B- tier and C- Tier are make their preparation for coming attack also people are gathering around too see first hand Hunter fight Monster outside gate.

When the monster came out the gate the hunters began their attack it some of them were struggle mostly C-rank they need time to collect they strength also they trying to not get killed. the Hunter leader order his mage to cast defense spell but she were hit by the monster giant club the monster suddenly became more ferocious as it try to breaks in the barrier.

Ashton decided to help that Hunter he grabbed the sword dropped by one of the Hunter he aim at the monster forehead then he activate Skill Killing Frenzy thus he throws the sword towards the monster. meanwhile the Hunter leader were busy mobilize his men while his ranger provide firing support then suddenly the monster head blows up shattered around the Hunter leader thought the attacks works as they joys with Victory. but the Hunter associate's agent suspect something or something are actually help them they discover sword stuck inside the monster shattered head they believe it wasn't there from beginning someone throw it with large amount of strength he quickly calls HQ about this.

Meanwhile at League of Iron Blood headquarters Lucas's and Gianna Li are having sex inside his office Luca's are having some doggy style at the table as he bangs her ass. Gianna became so horny as she Asked for more Luca's just granted as he grabbed her boobs and play with it.

" Ohhh.... Luca's you always love to play with boobs....ahhh..ahhh...ahhh"

" I know babe that's why you my favorite even Carmen's has nice body but she's amateur not like you were expert on this kind of thing" Lucas keep playing with her boobs until she went to climax while bother of almost reach climax Lucas got call from his Brother Lucius from United States.

"Luca's how was my little brother is the guild okay what happened I heard Hunter association planed to retake back Okinawa again" Lucius asking what happened while he was not around he also mentioned about Okinawa retaking.

" yeah what you heard was true Hunter association planning to retake back Okinawa at lest 6 guild involved about this" Lucas explain what happened and the plan to retake Okinawa back soon after hearing that Lucius decided to return back to Tokyo when Luca's hear it he was filled with Joy. As Lucius end the call Lucas and Gianna continue their sex play once more back at Hunter association office a person was on call they discussed about the monster appearance lately plus they also talk about the Hunter got help from unknown Vigilante.

" I see very well I will talked to director about in the morning" the person end the call and sit on chair while thinking then he got another call from one of his agent.

" Tenma sir we just being informed One man army is returning home" after hearing about the news he ends the call.

" so the Lambert's brother are back the Okinawa retaking is going to be a massacre" that man tall, stoic, curly red hair is Koichiro Tenma he once a S-Tier Hunter and very decorated for his duty he became hunter at age 17 and became S-Tier Hunter in age 24 six years ago he participate First retake of Okinawa but it turns south. the retake also cause him losing a dear friend after the incident he retired until he met Director Ryou Aikawa who recruit him to became his eyes and find out about Black gate activity around japan.

Next morning Ashton doing his routine do the task was given he also gain muscle and grow tall for bit his new looks cause some young nurse had crush at him. he checked his status it would seem he's gain more experience and learn new traits " Second wind " if the user losses his stamina this traits will automatically replenish back.

Ashton gained up two more levels while do some exercise then he remembers the key he get after defeating dungeon boss Ashton inspect the key.

Emerald Key:

Unlocked new dungeon.

Graveyard of Despair.

The Emerald key he can used to unlock new dungeon but he must get stronger to raid it if not he might failed it he also Inspect the Dagger turns out it was poison attribute and it has better attack and damaged deal are incredible. also the Scale of Kurava he got also come in handy the scale were actually rare item and it can be selled or turn to material Ashton kept scale if he find a buyer for now he must find new open dungeon.

Aston watch the news it says Japan One man army is returning home to join the second Okinawa retaking thus he saw Lucas faces on television plus Carmen also were there. Ashton suddenly grows angers he started to remember what happened that time how those people treat him like trash but must hold his anger first he needs to get stronger for his sister sake.

after few day in hospital Ashton are being discharged one of the nurse approach him she asked him to give his phone number without hesistai he pass his number at the nurse he thought she asked the number because of medical care check but it's actually not. Back in the academy Kim worries about Ashton she just find that he's in hospital she want to pay visit him but Foresight has a call all members including her for important meeting. She also wonder where's Benedict when she needs him to also when did Carolina stats to hangout with Benedict plus didn't even if he has girlfriend.

" Benny how could you why you did me like this am I not your girl anymore" Kim walked towards her locker then she greeted by her friends Shio and Rumi they invited her to shopping but she had to decline because of guid members meeting. after finished she pack up her stuff and heading to Guild sector but she blocked by Carmen who suddenly appear out nowhere.

"Hey Kim are you busy today? " Carmen asked Kim if she was busy today Kim told her she had meetings today with guild members.

" Ok but before you....a warning for you stay away from Ashton" Carmen warned Kim her closure with Ashton but she didn't care either in fact also had something to say.

" Why do you care he's not your boyfriend is he i remember Lucas call him trash, useless and total useless plus you didn't even back hm up" Kim reply with little shown of anger her word cause Carmen bit irritating.

" of course he's not my boyfriend beside you right was weak, useless and trash i am also don't care about him" Carmen shown that she didn't care about Ashton plus she despise everything about him but then realized she was caught.

" Good then it shouldn't be problem if visit him beside you say didn't care about him I guess you are cheap women" After hearing those words Carmen face turn red as Kim left the area Carmen hold her grudges towards Kim.

" this is not end yet you'll see" Carmen promise she will have her revenge meanwhile at Everlight guild office Mr.X and his Vice-Captain are discussing about incoming threat as the monster infestation growing they quickly gained advantage as Mr.X continue his discussion his Vice-Captain look at with worried eyes.

" What's wrong Shiryuu are still worried about me" Mr.X asked if he's worried about him Shiryuu just nodded yes but Mr.X just let it since Shiryuu watched over the guild he's went overseas looking for sure after 3 years he didn't find Mr.X pat Shiryuu shoulder.

" it's ok my friend I understand your intentions but I must lead the attack I am also has a pride" Mr.X explain to Shiryuu do not worry him that much then both of them enjoyed some tea.

Next of the Morning Bianca had late for her workdays she quickly prepare to leave for work then Ashton just woke up from his sleep.

" Morning sis!" Ashton went down and sit dinner room as his sister arrive pass the breakfast.

" Sorry Ash I am already late I gonna if not my boss going to kill me" Bianca told she's already late for work Bianca kissed her brother cheeks and left the house quickly Ashton finished his breakfast as usual. he took a shower for while he shaved up after putting some clothes on Ashton went to bank for check his balance turns out he has small amount of balance.

After finishing his business at bank Ashton took a walk at park he check messages turns out there was new Dungeon about to appear tonight Ashton decided he will participate the raid. Meanwhile Carmen and Lucas's went for training session at the academy as the hologram monster appears Lucas order Carmen's to cast Defense spell and protection spell while Luca's began his attack he thrust his sword towards the enemy. But the hologram managed to block it Luca's call his Ranger Tony and Gianna to provide some support for him Gianna use her triple shot attack while Tony use Gatling shot.

Meanwhile Carmen cast fire bolt spell to attack the enemy Luca's use iron wall to boost up his defense then he slash through it but another one appears Lucas quickly his order everyone to circling them and perform united attack. after all the hologram monster destroyed the training session has ended suddenly Luca's was greeted by his brother Lucius who just arrive here they both hugged together Lucas introduce Carmen's to his brother both of them shaking hands he told her that Luca's always has hot girls around him.

Luca's face to red he quickly cover it together they went to cafeteria Gianna look at them from behind with smile on her lips. Meanwhile Koichiro Tenma went to see Director Ryou Aikawa that morning he informs him about what happened yesterday and Ryou close his eyes and look at Tenma face.

" Koichi have you eat yet" Ryou asking Tenma if he's already eat or not but Tenma tried to hold his hunger but he couldn't not hold thus are sound growling inside the office all Tenma can do is cover his shy face.

" Ha ha ha.....see I told you come on let get something together my treat ok" Director Ryou pat his shoulder and together they went to eat but Tenma still cover his face. Back on park Ashton do his exercise task given by the system this time there were new course like.

Running 200 km 1/1

pumping 500 times 500/500

Sit ups 500 times 500/500

Crunch ( medium ) 10 minutes

After finishing task he gained more experience and up to his Sprint skill to level 2

suddenly he saw Kim sitting on the bench alone he slowly approach her to say Hi but looking towards him. Kim look at the tall guy she observed him from hair to feet she look at his eyes suddenly she bit shocked with sad mix joys feelings.

"Ash I this really you" Kim tears with joy when she finally see her classmates after few weeks didn't see him she hug Ashton wrist she told him she was worried about him everyone in academy didn't care about him even teachers. After finishing hugging him Kim and Ashton went to food stall at park Kim explain what happened while he gone she also told him about Carmen who just being promoted from B-tier to A-tier plus Lucas brother Lucius are back.

" And what about you Kim what happen to you" Ashton asking about Kim condition in honestly she answered her life was not happy as she thought Benedict didn't care about her plus he starts hang out with new girl Carolina she was new member of Foresight recruit by Benedict and he also vouch for her.

" I hope he can see who am I" After 2 years together Kim shed her tears out she asked Ashton if he has plan this Sunday Foresight held party for everyone she plan to invite him over. But Ashton had to decline it because he some business to attend to Kim respect Ashton decision both of them left the park together while walking Kim almost didn't recognize him. Ashton he knows once a skinny person with messy hair and cowardly looks but now he's different with good body shape more mature looks.

" you know Ash if all girls sees I think they all had crush for first time" Kim tried to joke about it as both of them laughed together Ashton new looks almost make her fall in love but she has boyfriend and she cannot cheat on him. Upon arriving at bus stop Kim bid farewell to him it almost dark before leaving Kim give small kiss at his cheek as thank you spend his time with her. as Kim left Ashton went to port side area there all Hunter's are gathering around and wait for Gate to open upon arriving he met a guy wearing samurai armor and Carried Nodachi.

" Hi My name is Yuki Todo and I am B- tier Hunter nice to met you all" the guy introduce himself next is Ashton follow by rest the leader the raid was a guy named Carlos he was A-tier Hunter he has large muscular body with beards before entering Carlos reminded everyone to check their equipment once more.

Then suddenly The gate appears in front of them turns out to be Blue Gate Carlos divide the team he and his gangs take a lead while the rest follow meanwhile Ashton stuck with Yuki Todo the overconfident guy but he sense this person might help him one day.....

Hanna Kim Level 25

Class/Job: Ranger

Subclass : Gunslinger/ Akimbo

Weapon of choice: Twin pistol

Skills: eagle eye, auto reload.

Luca's Lambert's level ?

Class/Job: Warrior

Subclass: Knight

weapon of choice: Sword and sheild

Skills: Iron wall, Sheild bash