
Shadow Star ~ Shikamaru x Lucy

Team Natsu and a few others go on a mission to defeat mediocre rouge ninga's at Konoha. After meeting the people there some decide to stay, some decided to go, and some decided to come. Lucy heartfilla being one of the ones to stay. Why Lucy? You may ask (or not), well Lucy started to find interest in the pony-tailed male, Shikamaru Nara and stayed to get to know him a bit. Shikamaru felt the same and also wanted to get to know Lucy. But little did the two know that they were soon to fall in love. P.S.- Lucy is a bit more powerful and stronger in this fanfic. There will be cursing. And Mavis is human not the little ghost thing that we know her as. Also P.S.- This story was published to Wattpad, Don't worry it is my story.

Aoi_Yagi · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 02 - Meeting

Shikamaru's POV~~~

Lady Tsunade had call all of us (including Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro) to the Hokages office for some kind of meeting or whatever. "Ok everyone I have gathered you here to talk about some members of a 'magic guild' that will be staying here." Lady Tsunade began, I was slightly confused when she said magic but I just brushed it off and let her continue. "They will be coming later today so make sure you are at the gates when they arrive." I then questioned "How are we supposed to know when to head to the gate?" Lady Tsunade then answered me "You don't. One of you will keep an eye on the gate and when you see people approach you send the guards by the gate to go and get the rest." Sasuke asked a question we all had in our minds "Who'll be the one at the gate?" Lady Tsunade then stated that Neji was going to 'stalk' the gates. After the meeting finished we all headed to our own places (except Neji).

~Time Skip~

There was a knock on my door and I already knew it was a guard, so I ran out the door and to the front gate. I saw Neji, Sasuke, Naruto, Kiba, and a few others but nobody that I didn't know.

"Where are the Fairy Tail mages?" I asked and Neji answered "I used my Byakugan and saw them in the distance." I nodded and waited for them to arrive and surely enough they did.

"HEYYY!!!! YOU PEOPLE!!!!! IM NATSU DRAGN-" Some guy with pink started but was hit in the head by a female with red hair eating cake while standing. Me and the others watched as a half naked guy laughed and bumped into the redhead and made her drop her cake, she stood there, frozen, looking at her cake that fell. She then went berserk and a fight broke out and only a few people got out, one white haired girl, two short blue headed girls, and a blonde one. "We should stop them!" Naruto yelled, making the people who got out look towards us. The whitette then said "Oh no, you don't have to stop it this is normal." The blonde spoke after her and said "Yeah, it's like an everyday thing." She smiled, 'cute' I thought. "Normal?" Kiba questioned "Yeah, it's tiring seeing them fight so much!" The light blue haired girl said and we all looked back at the fight. I happened to notice a small girl in a tree she had light blonde hair and teal eyes. "Who is that?" I said pointing at the girl.

Everyone looked towards where I had pointed. "Oh that's just our first master Mavis."

~After The Fight~

"So, Let's introduce ourselves!!" Naruto said, loud as ever.

//Thats the end of this chapter//