
Shadow Secret

Adam was reborn into a world where humans still couldn't rule the planet despite the existence of superpowers. Humans with superpowers, often referred to as Mages, had been striving for peace on the central continent by guarding borders and prohibiting wars. Unfortunately, Adam now had to face an era of change. The social order system established by the International Mage Association began to falter. Seeds of war had spread across the peaceful central continent. In an era that would produce heroes, Adam preferred to lurk in the shadows.

Daoist6B2k5n · Fantasy
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31 Chs

The subordinates

In five years, many things changed. His mage talent had improved and was rated as a class C mage. He discovered that as he used his mage power, his abilities continued to grow. Initially, the target bond limit was 10, but now it was 10,000. By focusing all his power on one target, Adam could instantly implant a permanent suggestion.

Now, the ideal bond strength range was 1000 km, decreasing by 2000 points if it exceeded 1.000 km and decreasing again 5000 poin if it exceed 10.000 km. This was why many training class branches were opened.

Considering the Earth's circumference in his past life was only about 40,000 km, it seemed the bond signal strength should reach every corner of the central continents. Of course, there was a possibility that this planet's size was multiple times that of Earth.

Apart from bond development, Adam's research on enchantment gems yielded results. He found he could embed programs in the enchantment gems to activate their powers automatically.

Now, Adam only needed to place the program in the enchantment gem, allowing trainees to use it to trigger muscle memory transmission during training.

Besides strengthening his bond, Adam also gathered many subordinates.

Apart from the Department of Intelligent Agency, there was the finance department. It managed income, handling the businesses Adam owned, and tried to procure their needs at the lowest market prices.

Celine, a maid who had been with him since childhood, was the head of the finance department.

There was also a recruitment department tasked with bringing in individuals to work under Adam. For instance, they brought orphaned children from various kingdoms, to be trained and educated them to become competent subordinates.

Additionally, this department observed and sometimes abducted ordinary people with special expertise or knowledge, copying their muscle and knowledge memories into Adam's bio processor database.

The defense and security department ensured Adam's safety and the security of his territories. It included regular security forces and mage security forces. Ravine, a class C mage talent, the mirror world, was the one who protected Adam from Katarina's attacks and was a member of the mage security force.

The education and training department focused on training Adam's subordinates. Under it, there was an elementary school providing basic education like reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, history, and social life.

Besides the elementary school, there was also a military school collaborating with the defense and intelligent agency departments. Adam planned to open a medical school and more school in the future.

The construction department studied various building constructions, efficient execution methods, building material research, and was responsible for projects in Adam's territories and beyond if required. Some from this department went to Republic Quiros to aid in their war against Clavender.

The Department of Agriculture and Plantation was led by Wilhelm. With a large subordinates, Adam opened up wheat fields covering 50% of all inherited land from his father, while another 40% was dedicated to commercial crops like coffee, cotton, and others. The remaining 10% consisted of fruit orchards.

The Health Department focused on researching medicines, diseases, wound treatment, and more. It also trained doctors and collaborated with the Education Department to promote healthy lifestyles, a healthy environment, and personal hygiene.

Apart from these eight departments, there were groups of craftsmen, blacksmiths, and alchemists, although they hadn't formed into departments due to several considerations. Overall, Adam had around 7000-8000 subordinates.

Despite not being a king or ruling over a kingdom, the departments he owned were far more comprehensive than most kingdoms. His only lacking aspect was territory; though he had inherited a considerable amount from his father, expanding his landholdings wasn't favorable due to Florent's limited size.

Rally, the head of Beast Star, suddenly interrupted Adam.

"My Lord," he saluted.

"Is there something you need to report?"

"We've learned that other nations will only observe and not interfere in this war. Additionally, we've noticed an increase in the number of foreigners entering Republic Quiros. They're likely foreign agents here to observe the course of the war."

Their reactions were quite understandable; after all, this was the first war in hundreds of years, and most lacked experience in warfare. Moreover, Jorgun and Clavender were powerful nations; their interference might anger both countries.

"Alright. What about Republic Quiros' forces? Should I send a group of trainers to assist them?"

"I don't think it's necessary, My Lord. Though they're amateurs, they possess good spirits. At least they'll hold out until the arrival of Jorgun's forces."

"Continue monitoring the progress of the war and report any changes on the battlefield to me."

"As you wish, My Lord."

Having foreign races as a comparison was fortunate for humanity in this world. Without them, humans would tread the same path as in Adam's previous life.

Without foreign races, there would be no International Mage Association. It would mean each country holding its own mage power.

If that happened, and a large-scale war among humans broke out, the consequences wouldn't be much better than a nuclear war.

It could be said that due to the external enemy, internal conflicts among humans were suppressed. Now those conflicts had surfaced, but with the oversight of the Mage Association, the magnitude of those conflicts could be controlled.

Even for Adam, this war shouldn't escalate too much. Without the Mage Association, he wouldn't gamble with such risks. The most ideal scenario would be a sizable conflict without undermining humanity's ability to defend against foreign races.

That was why Adam wanted to aid in the grand war against Arkmenom.

Finding the right partner was necessary to achieve this. Initially he was considering Florent, but Adam eventually decided on the Reon Federation, a country in the south of Florent. The Reon Federation ranked first in having the longest border with the Oziloth Forest, the second was Florent.

This country was like a rival of Florent. It have strong military like was Florent Kingdom, and its also have quite big territory among the six country, Reon was have great potency as a country.