
Shadow Secret

Adam was reborn into a world where humans still couldn't rule the planet despite the existence of superpowers. Humans with superpowers, often referred to as Mages, had been striving for peace on the central continent by guarding borders and prohibiting wars. Unfortunately, Adam now had to face an era of change. The social order system established by the International Mage Association began to falter. Seeds of war had spread across the peaceful central continent. In an era that would produce heroes, Adam preferred to lurk in the shadows.

Daoist6B2k5n · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Shang Rose defense

On 09-09-2955, a Clavender Kingdom force of 10,000 arrived in Shang Rose, the westernmost city in the Dreimus Kingdom, now renamed the Quiros Republic. With the help of Beast Star and the intelligent agency department, the Quiros Republic had prepared for war to defend this city.

The previously ruined city walls were repaired with everyone's assistance. Main weapons like shields and spears had been distributed, and 25,000 tons of grains were stored in warehouses in case of a prolonged conflict. Quiros citizens also underwent rapid training from personnel in the education departments who arrived with construction departments.

Facing the defense of Shang Rose, Eric Huddleton, a clavenish noble, hadn't anticipated encountering such a defense. As a nation established less than half a month ago, it was surprising to see the Quiros Republic mobilize people, execute defense plans, and even distribute weapons so swiftly.

This efficiency far surpassed Clavender's. Eric began to suspect another kingdom's support and long-term planning for the Quiros rebellion. Otherwise, how could they have been so well-prepared?

"Could it be Jorgun? They might actually be behind this issue, enabling them to swiftly collaborate with the Quiros Republic," speculated Eric.

The suspicion made sense as the Jorgun Kingdom swiftly got involved in the conflict, leaving Clavender puzzled about how this minor conflict suddenly escalated between two powerful nations.

However, despite the suspicion, it was futile as there was no evidence of Jorgun Kingdom's involvement in destroying Dreimus Kingdom and establishing a new government.

As per previous plans, Eric needed to conquer Shang Rose as quickly as possible and proceed to Alven to capture the Quiros government and free Dreimus Kingdom's king and ministers.

However, plans needed to adapt to the current situation.

Marching towards Alven was highly implausible as the city's defense couldn't be breached in one or two days. Yet, Eric remained confident he could seize the city before Jorgun Kingdom's forces arrived.

Several methods could handle such a city defense. The safest was to besiege it until the city ran out of food. Moreover, if the city had a river, operations like building dams, altering the river's flow, or flooding the city could be conducted. Attacking the city using human wave tactics was also a way to dismantle the city's defense.

Unfortunately, Clavender's forces couldn't execute these strategies. There was no cannons, not even trebuchets. Human wave tactics? Clavender's forces didn't have a numerical advantage! Exploiting a river? There was no river here.

Faced with these difficulties, Eric opted for his familiar method. He ordered his troops to construct wooden ladders to scale the 3-meter-high walls protecting Shang Rose.

Meanwhile, the Quiros individuals defending Shang Rose couldn't act against Clavender forces that weren't immediately attacking. Both sides could only watch each other.

The first day of war ended peacefully.

On the 10th day, Vollen City, the capital of the Florent Kingdom, received a special guest.

The Holy Maiden was a title and a name given to one of the high-ranking members of the International Mage Association, Felicia Atrice.

The woman was 40 years old but still had the appearance of someone in their twenties. Her white hair and stoic expression made her an idol among female mages and a desire for male mages.

She was born with an A-class talent, Priest of the God, but managed to surpass its limits, renaming her magical talent Angel of the Heaven, designated as an S-class talent.

By her side was her subordinate and pupil, Olivier. Olivier was a young girl of 17, taken under Felicia's wing due to sharing the same Angel of the Heaven talent.

Now, the leader of the International Mage Association met with members of the Florent Mage Association.

Leonis, the Head of the Florent Mage Association, welcomed Felicia with a warm smile.

"Welcome to Florent, Your Excellency. I hope you find your stay here pleasant."

"Leonis, there's no need for such formality; this isn't the first time we've met," Felicia replied.

Leonis also possessed an S-class talent, but there was a considerable gap between their S-class talents.

An S-class talent indicated potential rather than the mage's actual strength. For instance, Katarina had an S-class talent, yet her power only peaked at class A, not reaching the pinnacle of her talent.

While Leonis had an S-class talent and power, it was merely average. Felicia, as a leader of the International Mage Association, had an S-class talent and SSS-class power.

In talent classification, S was the highest class, but in combat strength classification, SSS was the highest.

"What about the preparations for the Grand War in this Kingdom?" Felicia inquired.

"Everything is proceeding well, although the Florent Kingdom has mentioned they lack funds to accommodate the mages."

Not only were regular troops involved, but around 1 million mages would participate in the Grand War, all of them D-class mages or higher. These forces would then be divided among six nations fighting against Arkmenom.

As per the agreement, about 300 thousand mages would join the Florent Kingdom, and they needed to cover all the war expenses. However, the Florent Kingdom, known for frequent warfare, wasn't wealthy enough to feed its own troops, let alone the mage forces.

"If it's a matter of finances, tell them the Association has negotiated interest-free loans. They must accept these loans if they lack the funds," as the Association's leader, Felicia was more politically astute than other mages.

She understood that the Florent Kingdom was reluctant to bear a huge burden of war, considering they weren't the ones proposing it and wouldn't be the ones benefiting the most from it.

Even if humanity emerged victorious, and the Florent Kingdom gained vast territories. Given their financial situation, those lands would only become a burden, continuously draining the Kingdom's finances, not to mention security concerns.

However, regardless of their complaints, the Association had decided. The Florent Kingdom had no right to refuse. Of course, the Association wasn't that ruthless, so they pressured non-participant war countries to loan money to those country who would launching the Grand War.

"By the way, could you gather your association members? There are a few matters the headquarters wishes to address," the Holy Maiden asked.

"Of course, I'll assemble them as soon as possible." With that said, Leonis summoned his subordinates, instructing them to spread the word among the other mages to gather at the Florent Mage Association office the next day.