
Shadow Secret

Adam was reborn into a world where humans still couldn't rule the planet despite the existence of superpowers. Humans with superpowers, often referred to as Mages, had been striving for peace on the central continent by guarding borders and prohibiting wars. Unfortunately, Adam now had to face an era of change. The social order system established by the International Mage Association began to falter. Seeds of war had spread across the peaceful central continent. In an era that would produce heroes, Adam preferred to lurk in the shadows.

Daoist6B2k5n · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Battle of Shang Rose

Shang Rose, on the tenth of the ninth month, the Kingdom of Clavender's forces finally initiated their attack. Over a hundred ladders had been built, and they simultaneously used them to assault the high walls protecting Shang Rose.

Due to sword production limitations caused by the ineffectiveness of the weapon against Arkmenom, wooden spears with iron tips and shields became the weapons used by both sides.

The Quiros people didn't remain idle; they poured oil on the ladders and set them on fire. However, many Clavender soldiers still managed to climb the walls and attack the city's defenders. The Clavender soldiers' onslaught was fiercely met by the Quiros warriors, taking advantage of numbers and surrounding those who made it up.

Amidst the chaos, Eric remained composed, deliberately spreading out the points of attack to disperse the Shang Rose city guards. With dozens of hidden ladders, Eric launched another assault, this time focusing near the gate; if they could open it, Cavalry and infantry forces could enter.

Though many Quiros defenders stood near the gate on the walls, Eric believed that in one-on-one battles, his forces wouldn't falter.

"Everyone, they're about to attack, prepare!"


Lyod Deng's shout was met with acknowledgment from his subordinates.

Lyod Deng, a member of the intelligence agency department, was one of the earliest Quiros to pledge allegiance to Adam. He had been involved in the Quiros independence organization from its inception. Due to his identity and contributions, after the establishment of the Quiros Republic, he swiftly became a crucial figure, especially in the newly formed Republic Quiros forces.

At this moment, Lyod Deng was leading an elite force that had followed and trained under him since the independence movement's beginning. Though their number was merely 500, all of his subordinates were exceptionally strong, capable of one-on-one combat against Clavender soldiers.

All these forces remained loyal to Adam. From the start, he and the intelligent agency department foresaw war upon the establishment of the Quiros Republic. Kaiwu also knew that Beast Star and his associates had embedded loyal individuals around them. However, he wasn't angry; their cooperation with Beast Star was ongoing.

Allowing Lyod Deng and his elite force to join the war was the maximum support Beast Star and the intelligence agency department could provide to the Republic Quiros. They had supplied weapons, grain, and training to the Quiros. They assisted in fortifying the wall. However, expecting them to directly engage in the war was unrealistic, right?

Though the understanding of tactics and warfare in this world was below that of Adam's previous life, the physical prowess of the soldiers here was superior. Whether it was Clavender soldiers who had never been in battle or Quiros who had just finished training, both sides had physically strong warriors.

"Maintain formation, everyone!"

Lyod Deng shouted, clutching his shield tightly. He held his posture, deflecting spear attacks from Clavender soldiers with his shield. Stepping forward, he pushed back the spear, then swung his own, forcefully striking the enemy's neck with a single powerful motion.

"Keep your positions! Anyone feeling weak, swap with someone behind you!"

Apart from personally engaging in combat, he also monitored the condition of his troops. The elite force didn't disappoint Lyod Deng. They faced attack after attack steadfastly. When they grew weary, they exchanged with those behind them. Other Quiros civilians not in battle provided care to the wounded and fatigued soldiers.

The battle raged fiercely, surpassing Eric's expectations. The defenders of Shang Rose managed to withstand the Clavender forces' onslaught until nightfall. The tenth day ended without Clavender's forces succeeding in breaching Shang Rose.

Meanwhile, following Leonis's announcement, approximately 600 mages of S-class talent from the Florent Mage Association gathered at their headquarters. There were around 350,000 active mages registered as association members, making it impossible to gather them all. However, the S-class mages were sufficient representatives of the association's power.

Then, in an expansive room before hundreds of people, Felicia, a leader from the center, began her speech.

She conveyed the mages' spirit to utilize their power for humanity. The upcoming Grand War was a tangible manifestation of this spirit.

Many kingdoms in this world were dissatisfied with the association, but rights and obligations coexisted. The association would continue to fight for humanity and fulfill its duties, yet, on the other hand, it would also assert its influence over humanity.

Hence, this war must not be lost; it wasn't just about six nations but also about the dignity of the Mage Association. Although hundreds of thousands of mages would assist, as one of the directly involved kingdoms, Florent had to strive, including its mages.

After delivering the essence of her speech, Felicia concluded. S-class mages approached and acquainted themselves with the Holy Maiden. Eventually, Felicia shook hands with Katarina.

"I've heard of you, your name is Katarina, right? Keep working hard and fulfill your talent. If possible, try to surpass your talent's limits. I believe you can do it," Felicia warmly welcomed Katarina.

Not all mages could effectively contribute to the war. Out of the 600 S-class talented mages here, only a quarter were truly suited for combat. The other mages might be useful, but not as much as that quarter.

It had to be admitted that the Mage Association slightly favored mages with strong combat abilities. This was because the contribution of mages with strong combat abilities was more easily discernible. Katarina, as one of the newer generation mages with an S-class talent, was exceptionally suitable for combat.

Even before this, Katarina had contributed to the Florent Kingdom by participating in the Oziloth forest border. This proved her experience in combat, and the upcoming Grand War could serve as Katarina's rising opportunity.

Katarina was thrilled that Felicia recognized her; she had heard the name the Holy Maiden numerous times and admired Felicia.

The two conversed amicably, discussing matters related to mages.

At one point, Felicia, having heard about the training class and its impact, became interested in Adam.

"That's a great idea, although his talent isn't particularly suited for combat, he could still contribute to this war. Why doesn't the association try to invite him to become an official mage?"

Katarina shook her head gently and replied, "It's unfortunate; he rejected their offer."