
Shadow Secret

Adam was reborn into a world where humans still couldn't rule the planet despite the existence of superpowers. Humans with superpowers, often referred to as Mages, had been striving for peace on the central continent by guarding borders and prohibiting wars. Unfortunately, Adam now had to face an era of change. The social order system established by the International Mage Association began to falter. Seeds of war had spread across the peaceful central continent. In an era that would produce heroes, Adam preferred to lurk in the shadows.

Daoist6B2k5n · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Night at Oziloth Forest (3)

"What are you doing? Quickly, sort them out!" Agallan angrily shouted at his subordinates.

The chaos in the Arkmenom camp immediately roused him from his sleep. Upon seeing them under attack, Agallan woke up his other subordinates.

He leaped from his tallest treehouse to the ground, waking his subordinates one by one. He found that they were sleeping too deeply, making it difficult for him to wake them.

"Could this be the ability of one of the mages?" Agallan speculated.

He eventually resorted to a bit of force to awaken his deeply slumbering subordinates.

He gathered Arkmenom at the Hero level, one level below the General level.

"All of you, wake up the others and tell them to calm the other Arkmenom. Also, find the intruders and kill them."

"Yes, sir!"

After instructing his subordinates, Agallan didn't stay idle. He leaped down from the tall tree trunk. His body suddenly grew larger and continued to expand. As an Arkmenom, he initially stood at a height of 300 centimeters. But now, he kept getting bigger.

Now, his figure had transformed into a giant. He stood at a towering height of 120 meters, visible above the tallest trees.

His massive figure immediately drew the attention of the mages.

One of the mages attacked him with a burst of fire. However, the fire didn't harm Agallan at all.

"There you are, little fly. Die!" Agallan stomped on the mage like a bug.

His action attracted even more mages to attack him. Agallan wasn't afraid; instead, he was delighted to see the mages leaping out of their hiding spots.

In giant mode, Agallan's defense was much stronger than usual. Ordinary attacks from S-class mages couldn't hurt him. So, he freely continued to attack the mages despite their continuous assaults.

However, at that moment, a bright light crossed the forest and struck Agallan's massive body. Agallan crossed his arms, but the light was so strong that it blistered his skin.

"Darn it, what is this? Why is it so powerful?" cursed the Arkmenom general.

Wings formed from white light, combined with the holy aura surrounding her body, made Felicia look like an angel. This was her Angel mode, Felicia's strongest state as an SSS-level combat mage.

"All of you, go! Our task is done. Leave from here safely; I will hold them all," Felicia shouted to all the mages still fighting.

The mages didn't hesitate; they knew that staying longer would only burden Felicia.

"Don't let them escape!" Agallan ordered his subordinates to chase the mages. However, hundreds of projectiles released by Felicia prevented them from pursuing the mages.

"You! Damn human!"

Agallan had heard about the strongest mages, those with SSS-level combat abilities. He had also fought against Felicia several times in the last battles. However, this was the first time he witnessed Felicia unleashing her true power.

Even so, Agallan felt that with the support of other Arkmenom, it was not impossible to wear down Felicia and defeat her when she ran out of energy.

"All of you, attack her!"

Felicia's figure was so striking in the dark forest that when Agallan gave the order, hundreds of thousands of Arkmenom immediately surged toward the Holy Maiden.

Felicia gazed at the frightening scene surrounded by hundreds of thousands of Arkmenom. There was no fear on her face; instead, she smiled faintly, "When was the last time I used all my strength?"

She often used light to heal people, admired and idolized by many mages. However, sometimes they forgot about her combat strength.

Light is a companion of goodness and an enemy of evil.

She raised her hands, and a soft light slowly formed above her palms. Then, the light shaped into a small sphere, gradually growing larger. Its size kept increasing beyond Felicia's body.

Expanding and continuing until the light sphere looked like a mini-sun. The light it emitted illuminated the otherwise dark forest.

Felicia then propelled the light sphere into the air. Its size continued to grow uncontrollably. Eventually, its size far surpassed that of Agallan in giant mode.

Suddenly, all the Arkmenom affected by the light felt heat. Smoke emanated from their bodies. Burn wounds appeared out of nowhere. Some Arkmenom instantly withered, as if burned.

Clearly, this was the result of the light sphere. Arkmenom at level 6 and higher began attempting to stop the effect of the light sphere. Those who could control plants quickly formed wooden shields from the trees in the forest to fend off Felicia's light attacks.

Meanwhile, others turned into giants to thicken their skin defenses. Of course, some controlled animals or transformed into beasts to withstand the onslaught of the light sphere.

While others tried to endure the attack, Agallan immediately ran towards Felicia. He believed the key to this assault was Felicia, the mage. As long as that woman was disturbed, the light sphere would disappear.

Agallan's thinking was quite accurate. However, was it easy to disturb Felicia, the Holy Maiden?

Agallan ran towards Felicia. His massive body crashed into trees, shaking the forest. He resembled a bulldozer destroying everything in his path.

Agallan clenched his fists and swung them forcefully. At that moment, Felicia swung her hand, and a shield appeared in front of her.

Agallan's punch hit the light shield, causing cracks to appear. However, the power of the punch was still not enough to shatter Felicia's light shield.

Agallan threw another punch and shattered Felicia's light shield. He immediately waved his hand to catch Felicia.

Felicia faced the attack calmly; she flew so fast out of Agallan's reach.

Agallan continued trying to catch her with both hands. However, Felicia flew around agilely, like a fly. Fortunately, the light sphere in the sky had now extinguished, and Agallan had succeeded in at least disturbing Felicia.

Seeing Felicia untouched made Agallan furious. He then shouted to other high-level Arkmenom to help him attack Felicia.

Thousands of giants emerged and surrounded Felicia. Various trees and plants came to life, attempting to capture the Holy Maiden. Various beasts also tried to hunt her.

Now, the pressure faced by Felicia was much higher than before. But a trace of confidence was embedded in Felicia.

Light projectiles continued to be relentlessly fired, attacking the Arkmenom around her. Each projectile could kill ordinary Arkmenom, and high-level Arkmenom suffered significant injuries.

Felicia kept releasing projectiles despite being surrounded by Arkmenom. In contrast, her projectiles continued to harvest casualties from the enemy side. One hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, finally hundreds of thousands. The casualties of Arkmenom due to Felicia's attacks and sneak attacks from other mages had exceeded hundreds of thousands.

Agallan finally surrendered; he could see that Felicia was also exhausted, but Agallan couldn't take the risk. He was afraid that if he forced all his troops, the casualties would be too high.

Arkmenom were not a barbaric race, although the treatment of lower-level Arkmenom wasn't great, they were still Arkmenom. A high number of casualties would anger the Zennoyan council.