
Shadow Secret

Adam was reborn into a world where humans still couldn't rule the planet despite the existence of superpowers. Humans with superpowers, often referred to as Mages, had been striving for peace on the central continent by guarding borders and prohibiting wars. Unfortunately, Adam now had to face an era of change. The social order system established by the International Mage Association began to falter. Seeds of war had spread across the peaceful central continent. In an era that would produce heroes, Adam preferred to lurk in the shadows.

Daoist6B2k5n · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Night at Oziloth Forest (2)

An Arkmenom sitting atop a wooden tower was seen sipping something from a wooden cup. Warm water with a hint of spiciness moistened his throat. He felt his body becoming slightly warmer.

Weddung was a typical Arkmenom drink made from weds fruit, blending spiciness with sweetness. It was perfect for an evening drink.

"Dogazan, leave some for me," said an Arkmenom named Tekkalop to his companion.

Dogazan glanced at Tekkalop and snorted, "Make it yourself."

"Impossible, getting wedd fruit is extremely difficult."

"In that case, you can enjoy just the water."

"You stingy person!"

Tekkalop stood up and walked to the edge of the tower, leaving his companion. He gazed at the dark forest and the starry night sky.

He saw something flying above the forest. He squinted, but couldn't find that figure again. He thought it was a bird and didn't dwell on it too much.

However, a moment later, a rock the size of a fist flew at high speed and immediately struck Tekkalop's head.

Blood gushed from his head, and Tekkalop fell hard.

The sound alarmed Dogazan.


He checked Tekkalop's condition and was shocked to see his comrade lying motionless.

"Who — gah!?" A sharp wooden spear flew at high speed, piercing Dogazan's heart.

Dogazan lowered his head, looking at the spear with a surprised expression. Losing a lot of blood, he eventually couldn't maintain consciousness.

They weren't the only ones attacked; a large number of Arkmenom on defense towers were attacked by a special mage unit led by Felicia.

Felicia's led special forces had their assigned tasks.

The first and second squads were tasked with destroying Arkmenom's food supplies and weapon storage.

The third squad aimed to silently kill as many high-level Arkmenom as possible. The fourth squad and support squad were tasked with diverting attention.

Suddenly, a heavy rain poured. It was the result of mage power. The rain extinguished torches, the light source in Arkmenom's camp.

Arkmenom's camp resembled human camps to some extent. The difference was that high-level Arkmenom usually lived in hastily built tree houses. The higher the treehouse, the higher the status of its inhabitant.

Meanwhile, ordinary soldiers generally lived in large tents and in the wilderness. Unlike humans, Arkmenom were accustomed to sleeping in the wild.

"Alright, everyone, this is the perfect opportunity to deliver a fatal blow to Arkmenom!" Felicia, with the fourth squad and support squad, shouted, boosting her subordinates' morale.

Katarina, part of the fourth squad, took a deep breath. Their task was to attract the enemy's attention, so she wouldn't hold back her power at all.

"Red Thunder: Spider Web Bind."

Thunder flames on Katarina's fingers spread to her shoulders. She then raised her hand. The red thunder in her hand spread in all directions, targeting every Arkmenom around her.

Katarina's attack didn't stop there; the red thunder continued spreading from one victim to another. Every Arkmenom hit by Katarina's red thunder died instantly. Katarina used the bodies of the victims as antennas to expand the reach of her red thunder.

Katarina quickly stopped her attack after sensing two Arkmenom approaching her.

Katarina focused her magical power in both of her hands. She then attacked the two Arkmenom with red thunder.

The two Arkmenom appeared injured but not severely. They shouted words that Katarina couldn't understand, but she knew they were definitely angry with her.

"Are those Champion-level Arkmenom?"

Arkmenom, ranging from the first level, Common, to the fifth level, Champions, had tattoos on their bodies that could be used as references for their levels.

Katarina had memorized the tattoos for each level of Arkmenom, allowing her to understand the level of the two Arkmenom.

Champion-level Arkmenom possessed extraordinary physical strength, although they hadn't developed any talents, relying solely on their physical power.

While they might have a chance against other mages, Katarina's mage power buffed her physical strength. Thanks to this, she had incredible speed.

Therefore, Katarina didn't hesitate to attack the enemies. She left her horse and ran towards the two Arkmenom.

The two Arkmenom laughed at the foolishness of the human girl. Despite being a powerful mage, engaging in close combat against Champion-level Arkmenom was clearly not a smart move in their eyes.

The red thunder in Katarina's hand continued to extend, slowly forming a red sword.

A massive fist from one Arkmenom soared toward Katarina. The world suddenly seemed to slow down. Katarina looked at the fist, which was only 10 cm away from her face. She then lowered her head, tightly gripping the lightning sword in her hand and effortlessly cutting through the Arkmenom's body.

"Red Thunder: Sword Step."

Another Arkmenom, witnessing the act, tried to escape, but Katarina wouldn't let them get away.

She surged her entire body with red thunder, then shot like a bullet towards the fleeing Arkmenom. Katarina swung her sword in the air and cut the neck of the Arkmenom.

Two Champion-level Arkmenom died easily. However, it wasn't over yet. Katarina saw thousands of other Arkmenom rushing towards her. The previous battle had drawn too much attention.

However, there was not a hint of fear in the girl. She only felt a high spirit.

The pouring rain, the sky covered in black clouds, the terrifying atmosphere of the forest, coupled with the roars of thousands of Arkmenom in anger—all these pieces felt like a puzzle that fueled Katarina's excitement.

"All of you... Come at me!" Katarina shouted with a crazed smile, challenging the thousands of Arkmenom surrounding her.

Inside the chaotic Arkmenom camp, the continuously dancing red lights added to the dark atmosphere.

Katarina's madness also made other mages more brutal; they didn't hold back their power and unleashed it towards the group of Arkmenom.

Continuous flooding, bursts and explosions of fire, whirlwinds and tornadoes—various wonders unleashed by the mages caused chaos and significant casualties among the Arkmenom. This sudden attack could be considered highly successful.

However, the Arkmenom leaders began to act; of course, they wanted to seize this opportunity to slaughter all the mages here.

Dangerous moments were about to unfold. No matter how strong Felicia's gathered special forces were, she couldn't possibly defeat all the Arkmenom forces with only 500 mages she had assembled.

Fortunately, among the Arkmenom forces, none could match Felicia as an SSS-level combat mage. Even Agallan, the Arkmenom general, was no match for her.

Therefore, Felicia only needed to use all her strength to hold the Arkmenom forces and provide time for her mage forces to escape.