
shadow sage standing at the end of the world

In the year 2045 the population hit 20 billion, pollution was out of control and the world was no longer a fare and just place. The world is slowly dyeing trying to support a race to big to sustain. The mans story you are about to read is about a boy who was born with nothing grow up with no one except some over orphans who treated him like dirt. In This world if you cant work you are seen as less than animals and as he had a deformed arm such as Meany in the polluted future he was despised. The worlds time has come to an end but those who watch offer salvation to those who can survive.

Jordan_Haskett_4344 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Rise Of The End Of The World

At the top of a skyrise building stood a boy around 18 years old pale as a ghost with a deformed arm blue eyes and silver hair wearing tattered cloths.

The boy named Jax walked to the edge of the building looking out at the sun rise thinking about his life.

His parents throw him away when he was born because of his arm growing up in an orphanage with kids who treated him like dirt, getting kicked out of the orphanage at 13 to go work Jax struggled for 5 years to survive and he was now to tired to fight on.

Jax went to take the final step as the sun blazed over the land when the world started to shake violently and a deafening noise echoed all over the world making jax fall on his ass as his vision went to black.

As Jax sore blackness words started poring into his head.

[your world has come to an end the convergence will be initialized the gods have chose to save your world for those who survive]

[convergence -90D-00H-00M-]

When jax woke up he look around in a daze seeing that it was now around mid day.

Before jax even analysed what happened a blue box and a voice in his head stopped his thoughts.

[The gods sends a gift to all in hops of your survival please pick your occupation]

Before he said anything 5 cards flouting in front of his face appeared.


mage a job involving magic of basic elements and can be upgraded to wizard



hunter a job involving speed strength and dexterity can be upgraded to warrior



sorcerer a job involving summoning of creatures throw magic and some element spells can upgrade to great sorcerer



sage a job that know all about all magic but lack in defence can be upgraded to great sage

★★★★ (it is 3 and a half stars but it wont let me do a half)

[novice knight]

novice knight a job of a knight in training can use various weapons can be upgraded to knight or paladin


Jax looked over the options and decided that novice knight and hunter were a no go as no one as ever heard about a famous one armed knight for a reason.

That left 3 mage - sorcerer -sage. mage although good was lacking compared to the overs.

Jax grabbed at a card and made his final choice.

[occupation sage confirmed cannot be changed for 10 days]

The over cards disappeared and a chest fell in front of jaxs feet with the words occupation chest.

It didn't last long as it disintegrated into nothing leaving a plane looking staff and 2 bags.

Picking up both

[bag of supplies 10 food 10 water added to inventory]

[bag of equipment 1 basic knife 2 protection stone 1 antidote 1 health potion]

He was so engrossed about the things in front of him he didn't see the world around him streets covered by grass with cracked concrete and trees grown within a few hours.

A screen pops up in front of him when he picks up the staff.


-name -Jax

-race- human

-occupation- sage

-level- 0

-strength- 0.5 -agility- 0.4 -dexterity- 0.4

-intelligence- 2 spirit - 1 -mana- 25

-skills- sages wisdom, elemental magic(basic)

(for reference a 10 - 35 year old have around

-strength- 1 to 2.5 -agility- 0.5 to 1.5 -dexterity- 0.5 to .15

-intelligence- 1 to 1.5 spirit - 1 to 2 -mana- 10 to 20)

[sages wisdom]

- can compile information for a sage and helps you learn -

[elemental magic] (basic)

-basic knowledge of the 4 elements and how to use them-

A wave of information hit strait into Jax's brain

Jax "what's happening to the world"

{The beginning of the convergence has begun}

Jax was started by the voice in his head and soon asked

Jax "how said that"

{I am your skill sages wisdom}

Jax "if you know about the convergence then what is it specifically"

{you own world is not the only one that is dying 9 worlds are dyeing so the gods made a plan to save them all. well a plan is an over exaggeration there going to smash all of your planets into one to see if that saves the worlds well no they cant do that}

She cut of all of a sudden with a buzzing noise in jax's head

{they plan to fuse 9 multiverses into 1 with the epicentre as the 9 worlds to make a new universe even the pr$%^(£%$!r gods agreeeeeeeeeeeeeeedddddddddddd}

[error 194364 information restricted]

{sorry information about this subject is prohibited}

Jax's started to understand now the world was changing but the outcome was not sure to save the world.

Sitting up and looking at the world around him he sees the new world many buildings were covered in mossy grass and trees growing in and out but what scared him was the amount of creatures around

It looked like a land of the lost situation birds as big as people flying around and new monsters roaming the streets fighting starting everywhere.

Jax "wisdom what's happening its only been a few hours"

{The worlds natural laws are destroyed that was what the sound was evolution is being kicked into overdrive as well as monsters a coming from other universes and dimensions}

As he was coming to the realization many people around the world were dying even after a few minutes more than half the worlds population has dead.

Humans are by no means the strongest creatures alive, but are intellect made us dominated the food chain, but it is no longer a chain its a web. By gods grease gives humans the power to dominate the food web froth strength and intellect once again.

---------------------authors comments----------------------------

It will have necromancer related skills as well as magic and some over surprise but so far I'm just laying the base work feel free to comment any improvements you would like and I will try incorporate them

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