
Shadow Raven

Anthony was just a common boy before the [Soul Spirit] arrived. But when it did... His true Potential was unearthed, and no monster was safe from him...

TheGreatQilin · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Trials (4/6)

[You will now be sent to the Fourth Trial, the Combat Trial]

"What? Combat Trial? For real? I can't fight, you know that, right?"

I started rethinking me being the greatest assassin of all time.

I still treated everything as a game and did not take it seriously. I mean, it was strange to see messages from the 'Soul Spirit' and all, but I thought I was either dreaming or hallucinating. And it was kind of fun, so... Suddenly I felt nauseous and everything started spinning.

"Not again!"


[Is the Participant ready?]

"I'm not fucking doing this! Soul Spirit or whatever, I don't want to do this anymore..."

[The Participant must pass the 5 Trials to return to his Home World]

"Fuck your Trials! I want to go home! I got a full day of being called Young Master by Damien!"

And then I started pinching, slapping and doing everything to get me out of this "Dream". But after I realised that nothing was helping I couldn't help but start to believe that the Tower of Trials and the Soul Spirit and everything was real.

"No way what that weird kiddo said was true."

Five Years ago at the same date, the 11.12.2016, some kiddo in school started hallucinating and screaming that in five Years the Apocalypse would be coming. Nobody believed him at that time, but now I slowly started to realise that it was not a dream and what the kiddo said was true.

I started despairing, but when I thought of Damien being in the same situation, I couldn't help but laugh.

"He will probably think that he is the protagonist of this world after reading so many novels!"

I could imagine him being like: 'Where is my op mc system and the inhuman stats?!'

But when thinking of my sister and father, okay my father is the father of the two most annoying kids in the whole wide world, he will survive even a star exploding in his face. But my sister... I wasn't so sure.

I decided I needed to pass the Trials as fast as possible and call my sister and make sure she is fine.

[Is the Participant ready?]


Without any warning, a black bear appeared in front of me.

"Wait... Combat Trial, Black Bear, I'm not supposed to fight that monstrosity, right?"

[The Participant needs to defeat the Enemy]

[The Participant has ten lives]

[You will be given a common 'Hunter Set' as help]

"I really need to fight it? And what is the common Hunter Set the Spirit was talking about?"

I decided to say Spirit instead of Soul Spirit since it was shorter.

Suddenly a box appeared in front of me. When I opened it, I found a black leather jacket, black pants, a pair of black hunter boots as well as a bow and a quiver with arrows and a short sword lying beside it.

[The Participant will be given 5 Minutes to prepare himself]

"Wait! How am I supposed to fight a Black Bear?"








Seeing I wouldn't get anywhere by just standing around I took the 'Hunter Set' out of the Box and a screen appeared in front of me:

[Do you want to equip 'Hunter Set' ?]

[Yes] [No]

"Yes.., I think"

Suddenly the Hunter Set disappeared from my Hands and when I looked down I saw it on me instead of the T-Shirt and Pants I was wearing before. And at the right side of my vision I saw a description of the Hunter Set:

[Temporary Interface]

[HP: 10]


[Hunter Set (Common)]

[Hunter's Cardigan (Common)]

[+2 Defense]

[Description: Just an old Jacket of a Hunter. Nothing special]

[Hunter's Pants (Common)]

[+1 Dexterity]

[Description: Old Trousers a Hunter used to wear. Nothing special]

[Hunter's Boots (Common)]

[+2 Agility]

[Description: Worn out Boots that a Hunter used to hunt Bears with.]