

This is the tale of a young child who was fostered by a magical creature while growing up unaware of his true identity. It is the boy's adventure to discover who he was and where he came from.

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chapter 5 (Elf's princess)

So there is only one that can save us and that is to get the hell out of here.

"But how can we get out of here? We can't run from that Elder ". I don't know what to do.

"Bro-Brother !! Don't worry about me...you guys go ahead and leave me here."

"I can't do that sister....how can I leave you here to die."

"But brother..."

"You don't have to worry sister...we all will get out of here in one piece."

"TRYFING can you do something about this situation??"

"Hmm, well we can use your portal ability to get out but if we do that and get back to the dark forest your mother will find out about this incident ....and she will get really mad...so we can't go back".

"I know that already...tell me what I don't know".well even though I have this so-called ability it has its limit ... I can't create a portal wherever I want to go...I can only create a portal to the place where I have been before.

"Then there is only one thing we can do now..."

"You have a way to get us out...then.tell me"

"Well, I won't call it a way...cause it's a suicide thing to do...and that is to kill that elder and get out of this place."

"But how can we kill him?..he is too strong for me to handle."

"Look at him...he is toying with my shadows brothers..we don't know what capable thing he can do..when we engaged in a fight with him."

"Well, you are right about that."

"We don't have a choice Jen we have to go all out."

"Look how much blood your sister Nina is bleeding...if this keeps up she gonna die from blood loss."

TRYFING is right we can't waste our time chit-chatting...we have to warped this soon.

"Brother Jasper!!". I called brother jasper who is licking his sister's wounds.

"Let's go, brother..."


"Brothers, please protect our sister". I summoned two silhouettes figure to protect my sister.

"Now brother". Jen and his brother jasper rush toward the elder elf.

But they were stopped by the other elves.


"Damn you elves."

*Arugh* Jen kicks the elf on his stomach.

Even though Jen is just a 10-year-old kid his stamina is far greater than his age kids.



*Growl*. Brother Jasper growls while cutting the elf's chest with his claws.

*Ice spikes*

Jen created ice spikes around him and throw them at the elves.



A loud howl came out from the elf's mouth.

"Look like I have to stop playing with this bunch of shadows." elder elves...hurriedly dealt with every shadow around him.

"Where is she? we came into the forest for her to train...but somehow we end up fighting with that kid."

"Oh, there she is". Elf elder jumps from tree to tree until he reaches the tree where a small figure standing at the tree branch looking at the fight that going on.

"Are you alright?? Sorry for the disturbance that your training has to stop...but we will deal with it soon."

"No, let it be.. don't harm him". The small figure spoke.

"Let's see what he is capable of." the small figure reveals its face which was covered by a white robe...

A little girl with white long hair, green shining eyes, and pointe ears with earrings revealed her angelic face...she looks to be a year younger than Jen.

"But PRINCESS he is hurting our people."

"Huh!! They are the ones who provoke him first...he was just leaving quality but the leader stopped him and throw an arrow at him."

"But still, we can't let him be.. he even killed one of our people...and now he is hurting others."

"Yeah, we can't let him be ...so capture him but don't hurt him badly ...we will take him to the elf's kingdom."


"What ? but why ??".

"Just do as I said." Even though she spoke in a low voice..however everyone can know that's a voice of authority.

"A-As your wish princess."

After saying that the elder dashed to where Jen was.

"Damn are they undead or what they are keep coming," I muttered in frustration.

"We don't have time..sister is losing too much blood..we have to end it soon...otherwise, she won't gonna make it."



*Blarh* out of nowhere I was tossed into the tree and vomited a mouthful of blood. when I looked up where the explosion happened I saw the elder standing there.


"Damn you fucker... I gonna kill you all". I somehow manage to get up and rush toward the elder.

I swung Tryfing at the elder...but he is dodging every single one of them without trouble.

"Well, I wanted to kill you right here and now...but sadly I can't do that....cause princess wants you alive."

"What!? Princess??".

"What are you talking about?" even though we are having a conversation ... I never stopped swinging Tryfing...

"So be grateful to the princess because of her your life was spared. "

I don't have any idea what he was talking about. cause I didn't see anyone that resemble of the Princess.

Well in the first place I have never seen a princess so I have only a rough idea of what they look like.

"Wait...who's that?". when I was fighting with the elder...I saw a small figure behind the elder...on the tree branch.

"Is that the princess he was talking about". I thought to myself.

No, it's not the time to think about that. I have to warped this up.

At that moment I gather the mana on the tryfing...and the shadow of the tree and the bushes around us all started to move.

"What the!?" elder was shocked when saw all the shadows around them gathered around Jen.

"What's he doing now". He can't believe what he was seeing right in front of his eyes...even his own shadow went towards Jen.

When Jen gathers all the shadows around him...half the shadow went inside tryfing half the shadow went inside the Jen.

Then he swung TRYFING at the elder.



*Arghhhhhh* A loud howl escaped from the elder's mouth.

Because his arm was cut off by Jen