

This is the tale of a young child who was fostered by a magical creature while growing up unaware of his true identity. It is the boy's adventure to discover who he was and where he came from.

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chapter 4 (High elf's)

"They are the high elves."

"So that's how they look". I never thought that elves looked so beautiful with their pointe ears, green gems eyes, and long blonde hair ...they were so pretty ... I was in a daze for a second.

"who are you kid? What are you doing here." there are six elves and the one who asked the question seems to be their leader.

"Oh, my name is Jen and I'm Just passing by."

"Just passing by ?? Do you not know without our permission no one can not enter our domain ."

"Your domain!?."

"Jen looks like we accidentally entered their domain." Tryfing said thorough telepathy.

"Sorry, we don't know that this is your domain ."

"So don't worry we will take our leave now." I don't wanna cause trouble on our first journey.

"Yeah, you better leave this instead."


"Brother and sister let's go". When I was about to climb on my brother's back someone stopped me.

"Wait right there."

"Hmm, why??".I don't understand why they are stopping me now..cause they are the ones who said to leave.

"Where did you get that magical beast?."

"What do you mean by get?? I didn't get them... I was raised with them...they are my family".


"What?? your family?"

Well, as I know magical beasts are common creatures that can be found anywhere in our "LATANIYA" world. But it's hard to get them and make them obey you some handful of people only can make them obey you...so I understand why the elves were shocked when I said they are my family.

"Yeah you heard it right they are my brother and sister."

"But how can that be?."

"And not only that ...that sword in your hand it has terrifying, Aura...who are you?? reveal your real identity ".The one who seems to be the leader pointed his crossbow at me.

"Oh, my chill, brother as I said before I'm Jen... Jen nightwalker....there no reason to be hostile toward me....and I also don't know my real identity..."

"Do you think I'm a fool huh!?".

"N-No it's not that...you are taking it the wrong way...please calm down."

Even though I tried to console him but ..he didn't listen to me and shoot his arrow at me.


I stopped the arrow with tryfing. but when the elf's leader throws his arrow at me his other companion also started to throw arrows at me.

"Damn this elf why are they suddenly attacking us."

*Ice wall*

Shadows are not the only thing that I can control...I have other abilities too..and I think I inherited them from my family bloodline.

I stopped the arrows with my ice magic but I can't control it very well it's so hard to control it.

*Growl* growl*

At that time my brother and sister jumped at the elves while growling in anger.

When the elves notice them coming their way they unsheathe their sword and swung at my brother and sister.

But my brother and sister were faster than their sword.

And when my sister went to one of the elf's necks ... I heard her scream.

*Yeow* yeow*

* Thud* my sister fell to the ground.

When I looked at my sister my eyes went blank ...from seeing blood on her body.

"Jen elves reinforcement came."

I can hear TRYFING words...but my body was frizzed at the moment...

"Bro-Brother ?"My sister's low voice snapped me from my daze.

My eyes were felled with tears ...and my blood was boiling from anger.

"Come, brothers".I muttered.

And when I say that a dozen of silhouette figures appeared and surround us.

"Go get them".In my single word, all silhouette figures dashed toward elves that were on the tree branches.

"What!? What are these things". The elves started to panic..when they see silhouettes of figures coming their way ...and in panic stated they throw arrows and swung their sword at the silhouette figures..but every attack went past them... cause weapons don't work at them ...only physical attacks can harm them.

There are now dozens of elves....and dozens of silhouette figures fighting at each other.

When the weapons don't work at them...elves were feared and confused as to what to do ...at that same moment, all silhouettes of figures arrived at where the elves were. And grab all the elf's necks.

"Who-who was the one that hurt my sister?". I asked but not a single word came from the elf's mouth.

"Kill all of them, "I ordered the silhouette figures to kill them...and the silhouette figures tightened their grip on elves' necks and when thay were about to snap their neck...I was interrupted again.


An overwhelming voice echoed to the entire forest.

"kid stop that".

When I look up at the tree I see an elderly person at the tree branch.

"Oh, and why should I stop.... how dare they harm my sister?"

"I'm sorry for what they have done ...don't worry I will heal your sister."

"You don't have to heal her I can do that by myself...I just wanna know who was the one that throw an arrow at my sister."

"And what will you do after finding that."

"Huh!? Isn't it obvious I will kill him/she"

"Then I'm sorry, we can't tell you that."

"Oh, it's fine Even if you don't tell me... I am gonna kill all of you."

"And don't even think that I can't kill you all."

"Can't we just settle this peacefully?"

"Huh!!...you Wanna settle this peacefully... it's you people who tried to harm us first."

"As I said I'm sorry for what they have done to you..so!?"




"Now we are even now," TRYFING told me who was the one that hurt my sisters.

And I ordered my silhouette's brother to kill him through telepathy.

"What!? How dare you kill my people." an overwhelming pressure presses me down to the ground.

*Blargh* I vomited a mouthful of blood.

"What..... a pressure ".

I tried hard to get up but every attempt failed.

"For the crime of killing my people, I ANOS ANOR will pass you judgment ."

"And the judgment is DEATH"


When I heard his word I started to panic but my body couldn't even move an inch.

"Brothers ....leave others a-and go for the elder."l again gave an order to the silhouette figures.

They all went to the elder and started to throw punches at him..but the elder Dodge every single attack flawlessly.

And thanks to that I was free from the pressure.

When I was freed from the pressure I rushed toward my sister.

If I use my portal ability we can go back to the dark forest and be safe...but if we do that Mama lice will find out about today's incident and she will never let me leave the forest so we can't go back to the dark forest.

So there is only one that can save us and that is to get the hell out of here.