

This is the tale of a young child who was fostered by a magical creature while growing up unaware of his true identity. It is the boy's adventure to discover who he was and where he came from.

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16 Chs

Chapter 16( Black Market arc-part 2)

"Don't worry, Jen, she will be okay!" "Who knows, maybe she is having a good life there?"

"Yeah!! Tryfing, I hope you are right.

"Now then, why don't you go to sleep and rest well for today? Your shadow brother will be back with good news by tomorrow."


"Oh yeah, brother Jasper and sister Nina, you guys are not allowed in the inn, so why don't you guys go to the stable...for today?"

"And don't do anything while you guys stay there. As you guys know, I signed a mana contract... for the other animal's safety."

"Yeah, we know, so don't worry!" "We won't do anything to other animals that reside in the stable."

"Hehe, I know you guys won't do something that will put my life in danger."

"Okay, then you guys, see you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow, Jen, and sleep well. Don't think too much, okay? She will be fine!"

"Yeah, okay, sister!" After saying that, I and Tryfing went inside the inn, and brother Jasper and sister Nina went to the stable.


"Our room number is seven, right?!"

"Yeah, when you go upstairs, you will find your room on the second floor at the end of the floor."

"Okay, thank you, Mira!"

"Hehe, it's my pleasure!"

"Well, see you tomorrow, Jen, and I hope you will sleep comfortably in our inn."

"Yeah!! "See you tomorrow, Mira!"

When I got the information about my room, I went straight upstairs. And just like Mira's side, I found my room at the end of the second floor.



I put the key on the door and opened it. When I entered the room, I was mesmerized by the decoration.

When I first entered the room, the first thing that I saw was a bed—the bed that Tryfing told me about and that I wished to sleep in. The bed that I always dream about seeing one day.

I saw it for the first time, and my heart raced to touch it. When I saw the bed, everything around me disappeared in an instant. It was only me and the bed in the room now.

I walked slowly toward the bed, and when I touched it, it was so comfy and fluffy and without wasting a second, I jumped on top of it.

"Damn, my dream came true, finally!"

"Haha, I told you that it would be very comfortable to sleep in."

"Yeah!! TRYFING. "It's so comfortable."

After lying on the bed, I fell instantly asleep—maybe because of my tired body or because of this bed—but I had a very good sleep for the first time in my life.


(Next morning)



"Oh, you woke up!"

"Yeah, tryfing good morning!"

"Haha~moring!! So how was your first sleeping-in-bed experience?

"It was good. Very good. "I slept very well..for the first time!"

"Is that so?!" Then it's good."



"Oh, brother, you are back?" Did you find Eve? Is she doing okay? "Is she happy there?"

"Jen, stop asking lots of questions at once."

"Oh yeah, sorry, I got carried away!"

"It's fine!! "Tell me, did you find her?" TRYFING asked the silhouetted figure. And in return, the silhouetted figure shakes its head.


"what you did not find her?" I asked, and the silhouetted figure nodded its head.

"But how can that be? If she is in the neighboring kingdom, then why didn't you find her brother?" I asked again but silhouetted figure stands there without moving an inch.

"What's going on?" I chest became heavy.

"Everyone comes out!!" When I said that every shadow that existed in this room started moving, and lots of silhouette figures appeared in front of me.

"You guys all move out to the neighboring kingdom." After saying that, every silhouetted figure disappeared into thin air.

"TRYFING, let's go!"


I grabbed TRYFING in my hand and went outside of the room.


"Hmm, Jen, what happened? Why are you going in the early morning?"

"Oh, Mira!! "I have something to do, so see you later."

"Oh, right, I have something to ask!"

"Yeah, go on, I'm listening!"

"How many kingdoms are there on this northern continent?"

"There are lots of kingdoms on the northern continent if you include small kingdoms too."

"But in my guess, there are more than 20 kingdoms on the northern continent."

"Hmm, that many, huh?!"

"Okay, thank you for the info, Mira!"

"I'm in a hurry, so let's catch up later, okay?"

"Hmm, Okay!!".


[Brother and sister, hurry and come at me fast.]

[Hmm, Jen]

[Jen, what's wrong? What happened??]

[I will tell you later, but first, you guys come at me. We have to go.]


After I called for my brother and sister, they came to me as soon as possible.

"What happened, Jen, and why did you call us in such a hurry?"

"You guys came fast, that's good!

"But the thing is that the shadow brother that I sent yesterday didn't find Eve in the neighboring kingdom."

"But how can that be?" "Didn't the hat man write that location in the paper?"

"Yeah, but the shadow brother didn't find her so... "I sent more shadows to the neighboring kingdom to look for her."

"If we still do not find her, then we have to search this whole damn continent."

"But first, let's get out of this kingdom.!"

"Hmm okay!!"

I climbed on my brother's back, and my brother started running to the main gate of this kingdom.

"Oh my, look at that kid, he is riding on a magical beast!"

"Yeah, you are right. Is he from the noble family?"

"Who knows? Maybe he is."

After seeing me ride on the back of my brother, people started to gossip about me, but I ignored everything they were saying because right now, that was not important.

And shortly after, we arrived at the main gate.

"Open the gate and let us pass," I said to the guards:

And without saying anything, they opened the gate for me.

"Let's go, brother!"


When we got far from the kingdom and arrived at the forest, I climbed down from my brother's back.

*Phew*I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

When I opened my eyes, which are glowing blue, I saw lots of people and houses. Right now, what I'm seeing is the neighboring kingdom. I'm sharing the visions with my shadow brother's right now. What they are seeing is what I'm seeing. This is an ability that I got from training with TRYFING.

"Now everyone SCATTER!!" I gave orders to the shadow brothers.

And they all scattered all around the whole neighboring kingdom.

-To be continued...