
Shadow monarch douluo

The Shadow Corps, created by Lu Bubao as the Shadow Monarch, is a fearsome force. Each corps is led by a powerful shadow beast, such as the Dark Devilgod Tiger or the Ice and Fire Dragon King. When all nine shadow corps are assembled, they will plunge Douluo Star into ultimate darkness. I fear that even Douluo God Realm will be doomed. plz support 1$ or nore via paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TerrenceTanaka my thank you gift would be +3 chapters, the more people who choose to donate the more chapters a monthly subscription on patreon worth 3 dollars per month: http://patreon.com/Thehonourabletranslator plz subscribe you will be 15 chapters ahead and you will have early access to new novels plz support

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27 Chs

Chapter 20 Shadow VS Jade Phosphorus Snake (4)

"The most important thing for a control-type soul master is to have excellent on-the-spot adaptability. In this respect, you are not as good as me, and this is why you will lose to me." Hearing this, Dugu Yan gritted his teeth in hatred and said, "

You haven't lost yet!"

"You lost, and it was a disastrous defeat." Lu Bubai's eyes flashed coldly, and he said sharply, "Don't you understand? You have maintained large-scale poison control for so long, and you have spent your soul power to combine two poisons into a stronger poison to attack me. Now the soul power in your body is obviously weakened, and the poison mist released by such a weak soul power is impossible to affect me. You know, our soul power is only one Class."

"Shut up." Dugu Yan didn't have the temperament to listen to others' preaching, so he tried his best to break free from the shadow after he shouted.

To Lu Bubai's surprise, she broke free. She did not use violence to break free but used her thoughts to gather the surrounding purple poisonous mist in front to form an opaque barrier, resisting the light of the soul ring on Lu Bubai's body.

When the ray of light disappears, the shadow under Dugu Yan's feet also disappears, so naturally it is no longer affected by the shadow fixation.

After regaining freedom, Dugu Yan disappeared into the mixed poison mist that had been fused. Only a confident voice echoed, "The biphosphorous red poison and the biphosphorous purple poison have formed a mixed poison; I don't need to use soul skills anymore. There will be no soul ring light. Let's see how you lock my shadow this time, Lu Budao. Don't you ever try to control me in the same way again. You are the one who loses in this soul fight. If you don't admit defeat, just Let the green phosphorous, red, and purple poison turn into pus!"

After finishing speaking, Dugu Yan, who was hiding somewhere in the poisonous fog, smiled. Her soul power was indeed running low at the moment, as Lu Budao said, but she no longer needed it. If you consume your soul power again, you only need to wait quietly. In less than a minute, the mixed green phosphorous and purple poison will erode Lu Bad's whole body, making his life worse than death.

However, what Dugu Yan didn't know was that Lu Budg had been moving back and forth in the less toxic area, and unless his soul power was exhausted, the poison in the poisonous mist would not be able to harm him at all.

Soul power consumption, in game terms, is also called mana consumption.

When playing games, Lu Buddies will always pay attention to the mana consumption of the heroes he controls. Therefore, the moment he becomes a soul master, he is very sensitive to the consumption of soul power.

As a master of the control department, before controlling others, he must first learn to control himself. In terms of soul power control, Lu Budao has absolute confidence. He believes that he can create the best control effect with the least soul power consumption.

Lu Budao was convinced that he would win against Dugu Yan, and it was precisely because Dugu Yan was not very proficient in soul power control. The advantage of range control soul skills is that they can cause group control of the enemy, and the control effect is the same. The disadvantage is also obvious, namely that it consumes too much soul power.

There is no distraction control skill like the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School to reduce the consumption of soul power, and the range control soul skill is definitely a double-edged sword.

About a minute later, Dugu Yan's voice sounded in the poisonous fog: "Lu Bubao, are you dead?"

After a while, no one responded.

Just as the red-purple poisonous mist covering the entire Soul Fighting Stage was about to be lifted, Dugu Yan's body was unable to move again, and besides the purple and red mist, there was also yellow around her, which was the light of a century-old spirit ring.

Dugu Yan clearly saw that his own shadow reappeared, which was caused by the light of the soul ring on Lu Bubai's body. Moreover, the shadow was in front, which meant that the light of the soul ring was released from behind, and Lu Bubao was right behind him.

Dugu Yan tried to use the same method to gather the red-purple poisonous mist behind him to form an opaque barrier so as to block the light from Lu Bad's soul ring. Without the light shining on him, his own shadow would not appear, and he would be able to get rid of the shadow fixation. body.

Regrettably, Lu Bubao suddenly appeared in front of her from behind Dugu Yan, and her shadow was affected by the light of the soul ring and appeared behind her.

Helpless, Dugu Yan had no choice but to change direction, using his thoughts to condense the surrounding poisonous mist into an opaque barrier in front of him so as to resist the light of the spirit ring.

At this time, Lu Budg came to the left side of Dugu Yan through the position exchange of the shadow of the stone and then to the right, appearing and disappearing around Dugu Yan continuously, and the shadow of Dugu Yan also appeared in sequence with the light of the soul ring in all directions.

Duguyan gave up; she felt that Lu Budg was playing tricks on her; the frequent condensing of the poisonous mist completely exhausted the remaining soul power on her body; and the poisonous mist covering the entire soul fighting platform gradually dissipated.

The figures of Lu Bubao and Duguyan were clearly exposed in the field of vision of Yu Tianheng and others.

Looking at Dugu Yan, whose shadow was fixed on the fighting spirit stage, Oslo's face was full of incredulity. "This. Is this Lu Budiao winning?" Yu

Tianheng also had an unbelievable expression: "Yan Yan's Bi Phosphorus The purple poison is already quite domineering, let alone a mixed poison. How did Lu Budao manage to be safe under the mixed poison of Yan Yan?" Oslo found that Lu Budao was

gearing up and walking towards Dugu Yan's position, so he hurriedly yelled, "Sister Yanzi, admit defeat, or else Lu Budao will treat you to a fist! He is not a kind person." "Leopard, shut up."

Dugu Yan Yuguang glanced at Oslo and said firmly, "I will not admit defeat even if I die!"

Lu Budao came to Dugu Yan and watched Dugu Yan quietly. Moving his body, he could only stare at Lu Budao, angry and angry, wishing to punch him hard in the face.

"Yanzi, you really are like me; you refuse to admit defeat even if you die. If so, then I can only knock you out and make you lose consciousness. However, my shadow martial soul currently does not have a powerful attack method, so I can only use it to attack you." Fist and kick to stun you. As you said, the attack power of control-type soul masters is very weak, so it will take a while to stun you. Don't worry; I will try my best to beat you unconscious as soon as possible. So that you won't have to suffer a little more."

After saying that, Lu Budiao kicked Dugu Yan to the ground, stepped on her snake tail, and slammed it down hard with his fist.

Bang bang, bang bang, ah——

The sound of collisions, the subtle noise of fists rubbing against the air, and Dugu Yan's screams echoed on the fighting spirit stage one after another.


Nine Heart Begonia Martial Soul slowly poured towards the sky, and with the release of a faint fragrance, a white light descended from the sky, and the white light turned into petals and fell on Dugu Yan's body.

In a few seconds, Dugu Yan, who was beaten unconscious by Lu Budao, healed from his injuries and fully recovered his physical strength.

"Lu Budiao, you bastard, my grandfather never hit me like this." There was a

sudden roar from the audience of the playground fighting spirit, and Dugu Yan stared at Lu Budao full of unwillingness and resentment, wanting to swallow life alive like a python.

Lu Budiao pushed away Dugu Yan's extremely angry face, who was close at hand, and said helplessly, "You refuse to admit defeat; what can I do? I can only knock you out and end the fight." Dugu Yan gritted his teeth angrily.

"Can't you throw me off the stage?"

Lu Buddy's eyes lit up. "That's right; why didn't I think of that?"

"Lu Bubao, how do you know so much about Yanyan's soul skills?" Yu Tianheng asked suspiciously, "If you don't have the physique to resist poison, it proves that you have completely predicted Yanyan's poison control. Phosphorus poison will not be affected, am I right?"

Before Lu Bubai could reply, Ye Lingling explained first, "Well, Yanyan already knows Lu Bubai's three soul skills, in order to let them use them in the fighting spirit. Be more fair; when I went to practice in the mimicry field yesterday, I also told Lu Budg about Yanyan's three soul skills." After listening, Dugu Yan couldn't

believe his ears, and looked at Ye Ye in surprise. Lingling, "Lingling, you idiot. Usually you don't like to talk; why do you talk too much in front of that stinky bastard?" "

Sorry." Ye Lingling lowered her head guiltily and said, "Because Lu Bubao gave me psychological counseling before. I also want to help him, so..." "

So you betrayed your good sister?" Duguyan still couldn't believe that it was a good girlfriend who betrayed her and complained to Ye Lingling, "When Lu Budao joined our team, I absolutely supported you and even wanted to teach him a lesson for you. Half of the reason for today's fighting spirit is also because of you!" "I'm sorry." Ye Lingling couldn't think of a better

words to express her apology.

"Okay, everyone, stop making trouble." Qin Ming rescued Ye Lingling, looked at Dugu Yan, and said, "Yanzi, this defeat may not be a bad thing for you. Just accept the defeat, learn from this lesson, and continue to fight." Go make up for your shortcomings."

"No, I don't accept it. He beat me up, and I have to beat him back." Dugu Yan glared at Lu Bubble again, saying, "Come on, let's fight again."

Lu Bubble shook his head and said, "II'm not interested in you anymore."

Dugu Yan said forcefully, "Whether you are interested or not, I will fight you!"

"Alright then." Lu Bubu was silent for a while, then said seriously, "I can fight you again. But I have one condition."