
Shadow monarch douluo

The Shadow Corps, created by Lu Bubao as the Shadow Monarch, is a fearsome force. Each corps is led by a powerful shadow beast, such as the Dark Devilgod Tiger or the Ice and Fire Dragon King. When all nine shadow corps are assembled, they will plunge Douluo Star into ultimate darkness. I fear that even Douluo God Realm will be doomed. plz support 1$ or nore via paypal: https://www.paypal.me/TerrenceTanaka my thank you gift would be +3 chapters, the more people who choose to donate the more chapters a monthly subscription on patreon worth 3 dollars per month: http://patreon.com/Thehonourabletranslator plz subscribe you will be 15 chapters ahead and you will have early access to new novels plz support

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Chapter 19 Shadow VS Jade Phosphorus Snake (3)

"Lu Bubao, if you admit defeat to me now, you will suffer less. Otherwise, you will experience the feeling that life is worse than death under my biphosphorous poison!" Dugu Yan threatened in the red poisonous mist.

Lu Bubuy hid under the shadow of the stone in the form of a shadow and replied calmly, "Yanzi, don't worry. As I said, I will tell you in this actual combat class what the most important thing is for a soul master.

"TThe quality of the martial spirit, the quality of the soul ring, the level of soul power, and the direction of the soul master's development are not the most important. The most important thing for a soul master is to have excellent on-the-spot adaptability. In this regard, you are not as good as me. That's why you will lose to me."

"To you?" A contemptuous sneer came out of the poisonous red mist: "Now you are forced to be helpless. I just need to use the green phosphorus and purple poison, two kinds of poisonous mist. Mix them together to form a larger range of control, and you will lose!" "

Don't think I don't know; you sprinkled so many stones on the soul fighting platform; the purpose is to use the shadow of the stones to avoid the control of my jade phosphorus poison. I am very responsible to tell you that I not only have three soul skills but also the poison skill that my grandfather gave me. I can mix the different poisons produced by the three soul skills together to form a stronger mixed poison." "Wait for the

mix When the poison covers the entire Soul Fighting Arena, the stones you planted will be useless. Wherever you hide, my biphosphorus poison can poison you to death!"

If you don't know the details of Dugu Yan after hearing these words, Lu Bad He would definitely be very nervous, but yesterday Ye Lingling told Lu Budiao that Dugu Yan had learned poison kung fu from her grandfather, so in Lu Bubai's opinion, Dugu Yan's talk about mixing poison did not scare him.

In fact, as long as you use realgar with wine and fire like Tang San in the original book, Dugu Yan's poisonous mist control can be broken.

It's a pity that Lu Budao doesn't know where to find realgar, and realgar is poisonous, and he doesn't understand poison at the moment, so rashly using realgar or other poisonous substances will not only fail to break the poisonous mist of Duguyan but will even make him poisoned and be laughed at.

So Tang San's method doesn't apply to Lu Bad. However, Tang San has the knowledge he brought from the Tang Sect, and Lu Budg also has his own unique knowledge reserve.

Although it was impossible to completely clear away the poisonous mist on the Soul Fighting Stage, Lu Bubble already had a countermeasure in mind.

The countless stones all over the floor of the fighting spirit platform are the way to deal with Dugu Yan's poisonous mist.

Ye Lingling said yesterday that Dugu Yan's poison is controlled in the form of poisonous mist; now that seeing is believing, it is true.

Whether it is smoke or water mist, they all have fluidity. The poisonous mist released by the Jade Phosphorus Snake is biased towards smoke and is composed of a large number of extremely fine toxic particles.

In the area covered by poisonous fog, the toxic particles in the fog will flow; that is to say, the toxicity of the same location will change with the flow of toxic particles. In areas with more toxic particles, the toxicity is stronger, and vice versa. Otherwise.

Lu Bad's soul power cannot resist the erosion of the stronger green phosphorous snake venom, but if it is a weaker snake venom, he can still use his soul power to enhance the body's anti-venom ability, force out the snake venom that invaded the body, or wrap it with soul power. The whole body does not allow the snake venom to touch it.

Therefore, for him, as long as he appears in an area where the snake venom is weak every time, he doesn't have to worry about being persecuted by the poisonous mist.

How do I make it appear in the area where the snake's venom is weak every time?

The countless stone shadows all over the Fighting Spirit platform are the springboard.

Lu Budg can use the shadow of each stone to transfer the location, and each time he transfers to a place with less toxicity, In this way, even if Dugu Yan really mixes the three kinds of poisons to form a large-scale poisonous mist that covers the entire Soul Fighting Platform, Don't be afraid, either.

Moreover, by shifting positions within the poisonous fog, one can also find out the location of Dugu Yan. Once Dugu Yan appears in the field of vision, the winner of this spirit fight will also be determined.

Adhering to this battle idea, Lu Budg has already started to act. The second soul skill, Shadow Strike, was launched. He drilled out of a certain stone shadow in the red poisonous mist and found that there were more poisonous particles here, so he instantly jumped to another stone shadow's position.

Finally, he found an area with less poison. In front of him, there was a figure reflected in the hazy poisonous fog; that was Dugu Yan.

The second soul skill Shadow Strike was launched again, and Lu Budiao quietly came to the position of the stone shadow behind Dugu Yan, and his fist with a 50% attack increase suddenly smashed towards the back of Dugu Yan's head.

Suddenly feeling a coolness behind him, Dugu Yan reacted immediately and drove the snake tail to swim quickly, first opening the distance, and then aiming at Lu Bad's position to increase the toxicity of the poisonous mist at that position.

With a flash of Lu Bad's figure, he switched positions with a certain stone shadow, thus avoiding Dugu Yan's counterattack.

The attack just now didn't hit Dugu Yan, but it made her flustered a bit. How could she have thought that Lu Budg could approach her quietly in this poisonous mist without being harmed by the toxin? How did he do that?

With a single thought, the third soul ring on Dugu Yan's body lit up, and the purple soul ring shone with dazzling light. The red poison mist covering a range of ten meters suddenly expanded outwards, completely submerging half of the soul fighting platform, and the purple poison gradually grew in the mist.

Seeing the purple aura spreading continuously in the red mist, Qin Ming was startled and said, "No, it's the green phosphorus and purple poison. Yanyan is serious!

"BBut the trump card of the team, even the captain's blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex, must be handled with care." Oslo said in a panic, "If you miss, Lu Budao will turn into pus in an instant!" Qin Ming watched

nervously The poisonous mist that has completely turned purple on the soul fighting stage also wants to stop this soul fighting, but will this affect the outcome of the battle?

What if Lu Bad had a way to deal with the Biphosphorous Purple Poison?

Qin Ming didn't call out the suspension of the fighting spirit. If there was any danger, he would take action in time, and the flames of the wolf spirit would burst out instantly to burn up the poisonous mist and let Duguyan detoxify Lu Bad.

After noticing that the poisonous mist around him turned purple, Lu Budao also became nervous. He was not afraid, but he finally waited for the appearance of the Biphosphorous Purple Poison.

Apart from competing with Dugu Yan, this spirit fight is also about finding a way to break the poison of the Jade Phosphorous Snake.

Biphosphorous Purple Poison is the strongest poison of the Biphosphorous Snake Martial Soul. If he can survive the Biphosphorous Purple Poison, it means that Lu Budg can try to pass through the poison formation set up by Dugu Bo in the Sunset Forest.

The way to deal with the green phosphorus and purple poison is still the same as before: using the shadow of the stone to move to a less toxic area and then waiting for the opportunity to get close to Dugu Yan.

"Lu Bubao, if you don't admit defeat, I don't care about the consequences!"

The second and third soul rings under Dugu Yan's feet were still shining, and she pushed her hands forward, concentrating her soul power to mix the green phosphorus red poison and the green phosphorus purple poison. At the same time, once the two different poisons are mixed, the poisonous mist will cover the entire Soul Fighting Platform, and the exciting poison of the Biphosphorous Red Poison will strengthen the corrosive poison of the Biphosphorous Purple Poison.

At that time, even a 40th-level soul sect would have difficulty surviving under the mixed poison.

Lu Bad's voice suddenly sounded in the two colors of poisonous mist that were merging: "Yanzi, you hide your shadow under the shadow of the poisonous mist. This method is very clever. But you neglected one point. Where there is light, there will be a shadow. Those three shining soul rings on your body have betrayed you. Look at your feet."

Dugu Yan looked at his feet and found that, under the light of the soul ring, his own shadow was clearly reflected on the ground.

This scene had to make Dugu Yan nervous because the light of her soul ring had appeared for so long, which meant that her shadow had also been exposed for so long. Lu Budg did not appear from her shadow and launch a surprise attack; he must have some intentions.

Dugu Yan immediately withdrew the spirit ring; the light of the spirit ring disappeared, and the shadow under her feet also disappeared. The tail of the snake suddenly moved, and she quickly swam towards another position of the poisonous mist.

Just a few meters away from the spot, Dugu Yan was stunned. Her snake tail was swinging with all her strength, but she couldn't move, as if it were tightly attached to the ground, unable to move.

She saw this kind of situation in Shi Gao's actual combat class. At that time, Shi Gao's shadow was under the control of Lu Bad, unable to move his body. Could it be?

Dugu Yan looked down at his feet subconsciously, and the shadow that had just disappeared reappeared inexplicably.

"How is this possible? I've obviously taken back the spirit ring. There should be no light to form a shadow." Dugu Yan really didn't understand the situation. She tried to release all her spirit power in order to get rid of the shadow, but it seemed powerless.

Because of the large-scale poison control, the required soul power is extremely high, and Dugu Yan's soul power consumption is far greater than that of Lu Bad, who frequently uses shadow jumps and swaps positions.

Moreover, Lu Budg's soul power is now at the thirty-sixth level, which is only one level behind Dugu Yan's soul power. With only the thirty-seventh level of soul power, Dugu Yan still couldn't get rid of Lu Bad's shadow.

"You lost." When these words sounded, Dugu Yan clearly saw Lu Budg in front of him, and the three soul rings under his feet were shining with strong light.

It turned out that the sudden appearance of his shadow was not caused by the light of his soul ring but by the light of Lu Bad's soul ring.

Lu Bubao repeated what he said just now: "You see, the most important thing for a soul master is to have excellent on-the-spot adaptability. In this respect, you are not as good as me, and this is why you will lose to me."