
Shadow Love

Liu Xinran, a high schooler who swore off love after being betrayed by her dark past, finds herself unexpectedly drawn to Yu Xuan due to unforeseen circumstances. Despite her promise to never love again, Liu Xinran cannot resist the profound connection she shares with Yu Xuan. As their relationship blossoms, Liu Xinran navigates the complexities of her past while embracing the newfound emotions that Yu Xuan has reignited within her. The story explores themes of trust, healing, and the resilience of the heart in the face of unexpected love. [I hope this message finds you well. The image on my novel cover doesn't belong to me. If the true creator wishes to have it removed, I am more than willing to take it down promptly. Please let me know how we can proceed.] Best regards, [ Juas Ther ]

Lovely_jessa · Movies
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11 Chs

Huamei High School

In the dawn of a new life, a chapter unfolds, As sunlit promises embrace stories untold. Through the gates of change, courage takes flight, A canvas of beginnings, a journey in the light.

New school echoes with laughter and cheer, Strangers' faces, pathways unclear. Yet in the dance of introductions, connections arise, Meeting new souls, beneath the welcoming skies.

The hallways hum with the buzz of change, Each step a chance to rearrange. In the mosaic of faces, friendships find a start, A tapestry woven with each beating heart.

Beneath the unfamiliar, courage ignites, As the symphony of new beginnings invites. With every encounter, a story begins to spin, A journey of growth, where hearts begin.


The first light of dawn painted the edges of Liu Xinran's room as she stirred, a realization dawning with the sun. Her first day of school awaited, yet the clock betrayed her – she had overslept. Panic rippled through her, but before she could succumb to it, her mom appeared at the doorway, a mix of concern and reassurance in her eyes.

"Ran Ran, it's time to rise. Breakfast is ready," her mom's voice, a soothing melody, urged her into action.

The aroma of a home-cooked breakfast lingered in the air, tempting even in the urgency of the moment. However, time slipped away, and the hurried glances at the clock spurred Liu Xinran into a flurry of activity.

She dressed in haste, her mom's calm words providing a steadying force and a packed breakfast in hand, Liu Xinran sprinted downstairs.

Outside, the city was waking up, and the urgency of the morning manifested in the honks and distant hum of traffic. Liu Xinran hailed a taxi, the driver's understanding nod acknowledging the race against the clock.

As the taxi maneuvered through the waking streets, Liu Xinran stole glances at her watch, anxiety tightening her grip. The school building loomed ahead, a beacon of both challenge and opportunity. With a sigh of relief, she paid the driver and rushed towards the entrance.

Liu Xinran arrived just in time, the bell echoing in the distance. Breathing a sigh of relief, she entered the school, the morning's chaos replaced by the steady rhythm of a new beginning. Her first day, marked by the dash against time, became a testament to resilience and the unwavering support of a mother's love.

The grandeur of the Huamei School entrance unfolded before Liu Xinran, a blend of architectural elegance and the promise of endless possibilities. Her heart fluttered with a mix of nerves and excitement as she stepped onto the campus grounds on her first day.

The chatter of students, the distant echoes of laughter, and the rhythmic footsteps created a symphony of the unfamiliar. Liu Xinran, with her backpack adorned with anticipation, ventured deeper into the heart of the bustling school, navigating a sea of faces she had yet to know.

As she approached the main courtyard, a kaleidoscope of emotions swirled within her. Nervous butterflies danced in her stomach, but beneath it all, a spark of excitement ignited her spirit. The scent of possibility lingered in the air, and each step felt like a stride into uncharted territory.

Liu Xinran's eyes scanned the crowd, seeking a friendly face amid the sea of strangers. The unfamiliarity was both daunting and thrilling. She caught glimpses of vibrant personalities, groups engaged in animated conversations, and the shared laughter that defined the tapestry of high school life.

Liu Xinran's first steps into the new school became a dance between apprehension and excitement, a mosaic of emotions that painted the canvas of her high school journey. 

The classroom door creaked open, and Liu Xinran, a mix of nerves and anticipation, stepped into the sea of unfamiliar faces. As her eyes scanned the room, the chatter of students and the occasional rustle of papers enveloped her in the cadence of a new beginning.

Yet, amidst the strangers, her gaze froze upon a familiar figure in the corner. There, engrossed in a book, was someone she recognized—a quiet presence with a penchant for literature. His eyes, momentarily lifting from the pages, met hers for a fleeting moment.