
Shadow Love

Liu Xinran, a high schooler who swore off love after being betrayed by her dark past, finds herself unexpectedly drawn to Yu Xuan due to unforeseen circumstances. Despite her promise to never love again, Liu Xinran cannot resist the profound connection she shares with Yu Xuan. As their relationship blossoms, Liu Xinran navigates the complexities of her past while embracing the newfound emotions that Yu Xuan has reignited within her. The story explores themes of trust, healing, and the resilience of the heart in the face of unexpected love. [I hope this message finds you well. The image on my novel cover doesn't belong to me. If the true creator wishes to have it removed, I am more than willing to take it down promptly. Please let me know how we can proceed.] Best regards, [ Juas Ther ]

Lovely_jessa · Movies
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11 Chs


Jing Jing, a girl of affluence and renown, was renowned not only for her inherited wealth but also for her captivating beauty. Despite being accustomed to admiration and attention, her heart harbored a unique desire – a fondness for Yu Xuan, the son of her mother's friend.

In the opulent circles they moved, Jing Jing's admiration for Yu Xuan stood as a well-known secret, a silent longing that went unnoticed by the object of her affections. Yu Xuan unaware of the undercurrents surrounding him, remained unresponsive to Jing Jing's unspoken sentiments.

One day, as Jing Jing applied her signature lipstick, a symbol of her poise and allure, a hushed revelation interrupted her routine. A girl named Lan Xu, eager to share a morsel of gossip, whispered into Jing Jing's ear, revealing that someone else had engaged Yu Xuan in conversation.

The unexpected news sparked a mix of emotions in Jing Jing – a flutter of hope, a pang of jealousy, and a touch of curiosity.

At that moment, as the crimson hue adorned her lips, Jing Jing found herself at the crossroads of emotions, her usual confidence momentarily shaken by the prospect of someone else capturing Yuhan's attention.

The luxury surrounding her couldn't shield her from the vulnerability of unrequited feelings, setting the stage for a delicate dance of emotions in Joy's world.

Jing Jing, fueled by curiosity and a hint of jealousy, decided to find Liu Xinran, the girl who had engaged in conversation with Yu Xuan. She made her way to Yu Xuan's class, only to find that both Liu Xinran and Yu Xuan had already left for the day.

Determined to get answers, Jing Jing set her sights on Liu Xinran, who was still within reach. She approached Liu Xinran with a polite smile, ready to inquire about the earlier encounter. However, to her surprise, Liu Xinran seemed to look right through her, as if she were invisible.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the day, and Liu Xinran continued walking without acknowledging Jing Jing's presence.

Jing Jing, hopeful and expectant, emerged from Yu Xuan's classroom just as he and Smith approached. A genuine smile adorned her face, eager to exchange a greeting with Yu Xuan. However, as she extended the warmth of her smile, Yu Xuan's gaze remained fixed ahead, seemingly oblivious to her presence.

Undeterred, Jing Jing persisted with her smile, hoping for a reciprocation. Despite her efforts, Yu Xuan walked past her without acknowledgment. Chenxi, noticing the interaction, gave her a polite nod before following his friend.

The unreturned smile left Jing Jing standing there, a flicker of disappointment clouding her features. The bustling school corridor continued around her, but at that moment, the unspoken tension lingered, marking another chapter in the intricate dynamics of unrequited affection.

In the confines of the broadcasting club room, Jing Jing's frustration reached its peak. The memories of Liu Xinran and Yu Xuan seemingly ignoring her presence replayed in her mind, intensifying the storm within her. With a surge of emotion, she unleashed her feelings, shattering things around her.

The room echoed with the sound of breaking objects as Jing Jing's turmoil manifested in the physical chaos around her. The weight of being overlooked and dismissed by those she admired and desired had become too much to bear.

Jing Jing emerged from her private space with an air of nonchalance, her posture regal, and her expression unreadable. As the granddaughter of the school chairman, she had a certain mystique that made her almost untouchable.

Lan Xu, who worked under Jing Jing, approached discreetly. In a hushed whisper, Lan Xu shared a few words with Jing Jing, their eyes exchanging a mischievous gleam.

Jing Jing, with a subtle smirk, nodded in agreement. The unspoken understanding between them was palpable. It was evident that they were plotting something, a secret alliance forged in the shadows of their shared ambitions.

As Jing Jing glanced around the room, her demeanor remained composed, but a spark of anticipation lingered in her eyes, hinting at the unfolding of a clandestine plan.