
Shadow Love

Liu Xinran, a high schooler who swore off love after being betrayed by her dark past, finds herself unexpectedly drawn to Yu Xuan due to unforeseen circumstances. Despite her promise to never love again, Liu Xinran cannot resist the profound connection she shares with Yu Xuan. As their relationship blossoms, Liu Xinran navigates the complexities of her past while embracing the newfound emotions that Yu Xuan has reignited within her. The story explores themes of trust, healing, and the resilience of the heart in the face of unexpected love. [I hope this message finds you well. The image on my novel cover doesn't belong to me. If the true creator wishes to have it removed, I am more than willing to take it down promptly. Please let me know how we can proceed.] Best regards, [ Juas Ther ]

Lovely_jessa · Movies
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


Liu Xinran immersed herself in her books in the quiet corner of the library, the soft rustle of pages turning the only sound in her world.

Suddenly, a distant noise disrupted her focus. Curiosity piqued, she cautiously looked around, trying to identify the source.

As she leaned over the table, attempting to discern the commotion, a gentle but firm hand reached out, pulling her back. Startled, Liu Xinran turned to see a mysterious figure standing beside her, a finger pressed to their lips in a silent plea for secrecy.

Yu Xuan's eyes widened as he spotted a group of girls approaching the library, their animated chatter echoing down the hallway.

Quickly assessing the situation, he hurried over to Liu Xinran, gently pulling her by the hand to a concealed corner. As they tucked themselves away, he pressed a finger to his lips, signaling for silence.

The library's bookshelves provided a makeshift barricade, shielding them from view as the group of girls entered. Yu Xuan, hands still raised in a 'stay quiet' gesture, shared an intense look with Liu Xinran.

The hushed whispers of the approaching girls grew louder, but the two friends remained still and silent, hidden from sight.

The tension mounted as the group of girls perused the shelves, oblivious to the hidden duo. Yu Xuan's eyes never left Liu Xinran's, silently conveying the importance of remaining unseen.

After what felt like an eternity, the group of girls finally exited the library, their laughter fading away.

As the coast cleared, Yu Xuan slowly lowered his hands, releasing a held breath. Liu Xinran, grateful for the quick thinking, nodded in appreciation.

Liu Xinran, still puzzled by the recent events, turned to Yu Xuan with a furrowed brow. "What just happened back there?"

Yu Xuan, maintaining his composed demeanor, simply shook his head, offering a reassuring smile. "It was nothing, just a bit of unexpected chaos. No need to worry."

Though curiosity lingered in her eyes, Liu Xinran respected Yu Xuan's silence and decided not to press further. Nodding, she sighed, "Alright, if you say so."

They resumed their study session, focusing on textbooks and notes, the library providing a refuge of concentration. The subtle tension from earlier gradually dissipated, replaced by the hum of study sessions around them.

As the evening sun cast a warm glow through the library windows, Yu Xuan finally closed his book. "Ready to call it a day?"

Liu Xinran nodded, gathering her belongings. "Yeah, let's head out."

They left the library, the earlier mystery lingering in the air unspoken. Liu Xinran glanced at Yu Xuan, but he simply grinned and said, "Sometimes, it's best not to question everything." They shared a laugh, leaving the school together, the day's events becoming a curious footnote in their shared memories.

 As Liu Xinran and Yu Xuan walked side by side on their way home, a gentle breeze rustling the leaves overhead, Liu Xinran couldn't shake the suspicion that lingered from the library incident.

She stole glances at Yu Xuan, trying to read any hint of what had transpired, but his demeanor remained calm and collected.

After a few minutes of contemplative silence, Liu Xinran decided to break it. "You're sure everything's okay, right? In the library, I mean."

Yu Xuan glances at her. "I told you, it was just a random moment of chaos. Nothing to worry about."

Liu Xinran nodded, though her curiosity persisted. "Alright, if you say so."

They continued walking, the familiar route home stretching ahead. The setting sun casts a warm glow on the streets, creating a peaceful atmosphere. Liu Xinran, determined to not let suspicion cloud their friendship, steered the conversation toward lighter topics.

As they reached the point where their paths diverged, Liu Xinran hesitated for a moment. "Well, this is my stop. See you tomorrow?"

Yu Xuan nodded, "Absolutely."

They exchanged a quick wave before heading their separate ways, leaving behind the mystery of the library and opting for the simplicity of everyday conversations.