
Shadow Earth (original)

On an Earth, consumed in Shadows. Can the world survive the deadly yet mysteries creatures known as Shadows. Read more to discover the great stories of Andre, Chris, and Sarah.

MichaelNelson · Horror
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6 Chs

The Real Threat

Andre: Hey Sarah, do you think the base has a chance of holding?

Sarah: The base? HELL no! even if it does, I'm not staying.

Andre : Why would you leave if it holds.

Sarah: My dad, he's a dick to everyone ALL the time.

Andre: oh... well ummmm... Why are we out in the city again?

Sarah: Water. Nice way to change the subject by the way.

Andre: Sorry haha, I don't know much about family... Never really had one.

Sarah: It's okay, I understand. Alright, you go search that room over there. I'll get this one.

Is Sarah's Dad really that bad? I've only ever seen him as strict, you kind of have to be nowadays.

I think we'd be better off staying, but if they're leaving then I am. I don't really know any of the people back at Base. I'm usually quiet back there. I wonder if...

*Sarah screams*

Andre: SARAH!

*Andre rushes towards her screams*

???: STOP! Come any closer and I'll blow your little friends head off.

Andre: Okay. Okay... W-What do you want?

???: I want all your supplies. NOW!

Sarah: I told you, we don't have anyth...

???: SHUT UP!

Andre: She's not lying, we don't have anything. That's why were here in the first place.

???: FINE! If I see you in the city again. I'll kill you both!

*??? let's Sarah go while fleeing the scene*

Sarah: *heavy breathing*

Andre: Hey? Hey! Look at me. He's gone, okay? Stay here, I'm gonna go see where he's going.

Sarah: What? Are you CRAZY? He just almost killed me!

Andre: Exactly, I'm gonna make sure it won't happen again...

*Andre runs off to catch up to the Stranger*

Sarah: WAIT!? Ah, god damn it!

???2: what'd they have?

???: Not jack shit.

???2: damn it. Alright then, let's split up.

???3: You sure this is worth it boss?

???2: If you want your group to survive the I suggest you follow orders damn it!

Wait... No no no no, that's not possible. That third guy... He sounded so familiar... Shit whatever it doesn't matter. I gotta follow that other guy.

*Andre stalks the first Stranger for around 5 minutes until they're alone*

*Andre pounces on the Stranger but almost immediately afterwards the stranger gets the upper hand*

???: AH you little shit! Get off me!

*Andre pushes the Stanger onto the floor*

Andre: This is for Hurting my friend. *points gun towards strangers head*

???3: HEY! I'd put that gun down if I were you.

Shit! It's that third guy.

???: Yeeeaaah, go on ahead and shoot em Adam

