
Shadow And Silver

"Justice? Humanity? what a mockery If this is humanity I want no part of it, I reject my humanity!” ** Zellrid grew up without a normal childhood, thanks to his peculiar family. Even the least villainous member of his family is known as a war criminal. Despite this, Zellrid became a skilled monster hunter. Making a vow to find a cure for the affliction that had plagued his ancestors, he walked the path of hunting down monsters and delving into the secrets of the curse. While he struggled to resist succumbing to his own dark impulses and falling prey to the same fate as his family. So What do you think is the best way to kill a monster stranger? With a sword, a gun, silver battle axe or why not take the obvious and easy road and be a monster yourself?

Todo_Aio · Fantasy
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23 Chs

The mortal vs the god : part 2

As he lay motionless on the forest floor, the creature let out a satisfied growl. The forest fell silent once again, as the beast towered over its defeated foe.

The creature's shoulders were gripped with a powerful force as a voice echoed, "Pss, you've been quite naughty." The figure scolded and continued, "I see you caused quite the commotion for my partner."


With a mighty swing of his sword, the figure delivered a massive blow that sent the creature soaring through the air before it landed down the cliff. "Hey, emo kid. Wake up before I have to use this needle on you. It's expensive, you know."

The man grumbled as he took off his cloak and kicked Zellrid's still body with the toe of his boot. "Ugh, fine." He bent down to Zellrid's lifeless form, his mischievous grin revealing a chipped tooth.

He picked up a needle from his bag and hovered it over Zellrid's chest, ready to inject the colorless liquid into his veins. "This will bring you back, kid. But don't think you're off the hook yet."

Zellrid's body shuddered as the needle pierced his skin and the liquid flowed into his system. His eyes fluttered open.

"Welcome back, emo," the figure smirked, then handed Zellrid a small bottle. "Here, drink this. It'll make you feel better."

"Ordeon!" Zellrid exclaimed, his face lighting up with happiness as he spotted him. "I can't say that I'm glad to see you," Ordeon scoffed as he helped Zellrid stand back up. "I was in the midst of giving a beautiful lady some back-shots when I received your signal."

Zellrid took a moment to steady himself before accepting the bottle from Ordeon and draining its contents in a few gulps. "Let's get that bastard."

He gave Zellrid a hearty pat on the back and motioned towards where the vengeful creature had returned for vengeance.

The creature charged at them with a ferocious roar, its eyes glowing with malice. Ordeon's grip on Zellrid's arm was like a vice, and with a savage roar he hurled him towards the massive creature.

Zellrid slammed into it like a missile, delivering a powerful punch that sent the monster crashing to the ground.

In one swift movement, Ordeon leapt forward and struck a morphed tentacle before it could lash out at Zellrid again.

The monstrous creature released a deafening roar as it unleashed a devastating blast of energy, obliterating everything in its path.

Zellrid's arm shook with the force as he desperately tried to shield himself, but Ordeon's quick thinking saved him.

With a swift clap, Ordeon summoned a powerful gust of wind that lifted Zellrid into the air, narrowly evading the attack.

The ground trembled beneath them as the energy dissipated, leaving behind a scorched and devastated landscape.

Ordeon and Zellrid locked eyes mid-air, silently understanding each other.

Ordeon stretched his hand towards Zellrid, conjuring up a huge barrier made of wind around them just as the monstrous creature made another vicious attempt.

The creature's tentacles slammed against the barrier but bounced back, unable to reach them.

"Now," Ordeon screamed out the command to his partner, Zellrid.

In response, Zellrid unleashed multiple bolts of lightning at the creature as it attempted to morph back into its original form.

With a sudden burst of energy, Ordeon descended from the sky like a wrathful god.

His sword was raised in a deadly stance, pointed directly at the creature's recoiling body.

Hitting him exactly in the head before dodging its claws backward.

Zellrid wasted no time unleashing a flurry of punches and slashes at the creature, their movements fluid and precise.

The creature was left bouncing from one hit to the next, unable to defend itself against the onslaught.

"Can you hear it?" Ordeon's voice boomed with excitement, his hands moving in a blur as he conjured monstrous hands from the swirling winds.

With a fierce grin, he slammed the creature to the ground and grasped Zellrid in a powerful grip, hurling him up into the distant sky.

Zellrid's body tensed as he called forth his power, summoning bolts of electricity from the stormy sky above.

This time, as he directed the lightning towards his target, it seemed to grow in intensity; its vibrant purple hue crackled with energy.

In one swift and forceful movement, Zellrid descended upon the creature, catching it off guard and piercing its skin with a powerful blow.

They emerged on the other side of the waterfall, leaving the creature growling in pain as Zellrid used his body to shield them from sharp rocks in the river, causing even more damage to the creature.

At the peak of the waterfall, Ordeon couldn't contain his excitement as he watched his friend's victorious attack.

He erupted into laughter, thoroughly entertained by the spectacle before him.

But Ordeon was not done.

With his index finger, he drew a glowing sigil in the air.

At once, the winds around them responded, forming a giant cyclone that began to decimate the surrounding forest.

Channeling his energy into the cyclone, Ordeon directed it towards the struggling creature.

A primal roar echoed through the air as the cyclone devoured the creature, its body twisting and writhing in agony as the powerful winds shredded its flesh.

In a desperate attempt to escape, the creature frantically tried to flee, but a hand clamped down on its limbs with unrelenting strength.

Zellrid braced himself against the force of the cyclone, determined to keep the creature from escaping while the violent shreds of wind relentlessly tore at its vulnerable body.

"Over my dead body, I am letting you flee." zellrid shouted 

"Then I'm taking your entire world down with me," the creature roars, a sense of mournfulness in its cry. It swiftly cuts off its arm and launches it at Orden with incredible speed, nearly piercing his head and giving him a chance to retreat.Ordeon tightened his grip on the sword as he turned to his companion, zellrid. "Do you think we will lose?"He asked, grinning.Then he leaped down from the rocky cliff he was standing on. "Nah we'd win", Zellrid answered as he braced himself.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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