
Shadow And Silver

"Justice? Humanity? what a mockery If this is humanity I want no part of it, I reject my humanity!” ** Zellrid grew up without a normal childhood, thanks to his peculiar family. Even the least villainous member of his family is known as a war criminal. Despite this, Zellrid became a skilled monster hunter. Making a vow to find a cure for the affliction that had plagued his ancestors, he walked the path of hunting down monsters and delving into the secrets of the curse. While he struggled to resist succumbing to his own dark impulses and falling prey to the same fate as his family. So What do you think is the best way to kill a monster stranger? With a sword, a gun, silver battle axe or why not take the obvious and easy road and be a monster yourself?

Todo_Aio · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

The mortal vs The god : part 1

One by one, he dispatched them, his eyes burning with a fierce determination. Finally, the last of the undead fell, its lifeless body crumpling to the ground.

Panting heavily, Zellrid glanced around to ensure there were no more enemies. When he was certain the coast was clear, he leaned against a nearby rock, trying to catch his breath.


A powerful punch slammed into his side, launching him like a rag doll across the town.

He barely had time to use his blade to deflect some of the impact, but the force was too strong.

He soared through the air, breaking through multiple trees and leaving destruction in his wake. Finally, he crashed into a giant boulder with bone-shattering force, creating a deep crater as he rolled and tumbled to a stop.

His eyes rolled back into his head, a surge of darkness overtaking him as he struggled to stay conscious.

Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through his body as he felt a swift kick.

Zellrid moved with lightning speed, blocking the creature's kicks with his blade and rolling back with incredible agility.

His fingers curled into a gun-like shape, shooting bolts of lightning at the beast.

But to his surprise, it dodged every attack effortlessly, leaping onto his face and blasting a crimson beam that tore through the ground.

In a flash, Zellrid's eyes widened as he realized the figure in front of him was no stranger - it was the eldritch presence he had been fighting.

But it had changed. The entity had transformed into a smaller, more human-like form, a sign that it had adapted to their impending battle.

Zellrid swiftly reacted, punching the creature into the sky and hurling his sword at it with immense force like a deadly spear.

The creature, however, caught the sword midair and shattered it with a single hand, then invoked multiple orbs behind him, laughing a hearty laugh as he unleashed them upon Zellrid.

With the orbs relentlessly tracking him, Zellrid sprinted through the forest, his feet pounding against the ground with increasing urgency.

He leaped off a nearby tree and quickly changed direction, narrowly avoiding a barrage of projectiles that reduced the tree to smoldering ash.

Determined, he turned towards a steep cliff, summoning a crackling lightning spear in his hand.

He clenched his jaw and used all of his strength as he hurled his lightning spear towards the creature.

With a fierce yell, he launched himself off the cliff's edge, gripping onto the handle of the spear as it flew towards its target with incredible speed.

As he soared upwards, he tensed his muscles and forcefully struck the creature's center.

The impact amplified as the creature's orbs collided with him mid-air, propelling them through the sky. They crashed onto the forest floor in a deafening boom, sending debris flying in all directions.

For a moment, there was only silence. Then, breaking branches could be heard as the creature rose to its feet.

"Oh come on, die already, you devilish fuck." Zellrid groaned as he struggled to get back on his feet and moved towards the creature, limping with each step.

As he approached, the creature cackled maniacally, a sinister grin spreading across its face.

The creature's voice echoed through the forest as it spoke, "I'm surprised. I didn't know mortals could reach such levels. Our blood has certainly enhanced your kind."

Zellrid, his face weathered with exhaustion and pain, couldn't help but grin under the circumstances.

"You think you're special, aren't you? Well, get ready for an even bigger surprise. I'm not just going to defeat you, I'm going to end your life. You may think you're a god, but to me, you're just another monster that needs to be slain."

Zellrid and the creature locked eyes, both refusing to back down. In an aggressive motion, the creature transformed its hands into sharp blades while Zellrid's fists tightened with determination.

Zellrid lunged forward, unleashing a ferocious kick aimed at the creature's head. But with uncanny speed, the creature transformed its head into a jagged, drenched nail that impaled Zellrid's foot in an instant.

Zellrid screamed in agony as blood poured from his wound, a crimson river flowing from his body. The creature showed no mercy, immediately launching another attack towards Zellrid's throat in an attempt to end the fight.

But Zellrid, fueled by rage, twisted his body to the side and retaliated. He delivered a devastating uppercut on the creature's jaw, sending it reeling back several feet.

With quick reflexes, Zellrid summoned multiple spears from the ground, leaping into the air and hurling them at the creature in a desperate attempt to paralyze him.

But just as he thought he had the upper hand, the creature transformed into a cheetah, sprinting towards him with deadly precision.

In a split second, it morphed again into a monkey, swinging through the trees and evading Zellrid's attacks.

And like a true nightmare, it finally transformed into a monstrous gorilla and hurled a massive boulder at Zellrid, who could only brace himself for impact mid-air.

The boulder hit him with the force of a freight train, sending him crashing through the dense foliage and into the rough bark of a tree.

Zellrid grunted in pain, bruised and battered but still conscious. His body screamed for him to give in, but his spirit was unbroken.

With a determined grunt, Zellrid pushed himself up, every movement sending waves of pain through his body.

The creature appeared in an instant, grabbing Zellrid's head and slamming him against the tree with incredible speed. "Die, die, die, die!"

The world began to fade to black for Zellrid, each blow from the creature sending shards of pain through his skull.

"I refuse to die!" Zellrid let out a primal scream as he slammed his elbow into the creature's neck, sinking his teeth into its throat with ferocity.

He then plunged his fingers deep into the creature's eye sockets, desperate to inflict any kind of damage before it could overpower him.

But his cry was immediately stifled with pain as the creature swiftly attacked, morphing its throat into razors slicing through Zellrid's tongue and causing twice the amount of harm.

As the creature drove its arms into his chest, Zellrid's eyes widened in shock before he collapsed onto the ground. The last spark of life faded from Zellrid's eyes, the weight of the creature's blows finally too much to bear.