
Shadow Allies

Existing but not living.... Hugh Mallory is an unfortunate child, a cursed transcendent being and a threat to the heavens. As every other kid, Hugh had always wanted a normal life. Till he got roped into a sadistic ritual that changed his life and that of everyone around him.....

Franktasy · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter Four Her Knight In A Shining Armor

The Taxi stopped around a venue to crown hill estates. Selena stepped out of the taxi and walked gently across the lonely path that led to her estate.

The alley was dark and lonely, it looked really spooky but it was a shorter cut and she didn't want to be home late. She quicken her steps in other to skip the torture. But then suddenly a bulk figure emerged behind her. She walked briskly also trying so hard not to panic. lt could be just any ordinary person she assured herself.

But she was wrong, he was far from ordinary. she stole a little glimpse at the person behind her, and could tell he meant harm. He had a henious square face shape, buzz haircut and had a very large scar from his left eye to his forehead with several cuts on his head. She quickly fetched out her phone attempting to call her Dad.

But on noticing this the man quickened his steps and that's when her survival instinct kicked in. She started running as fast as she could and the stranger chased after her. Her heart was beating loudly, adrenaline pumping with insane speed, her vision blurry.

Unfortunately she was tucked from behind by the man's huge hand, causing her turtle neck sweater to rip in half exposing her light purple bra. She still struggled to run but instead fell down

"Help! someone help!" She cried helplessly

"Shut up bitch!" The scary man roared while lashing at her with a thunderous slap.

"Aah!" she yelped in pain

"Please don't hurt me" she pleaded looking really terrified

"what do you want? Money" she attempts to strike a bargain

"No bitch, your head." Said the man with a sinister look on his face.

He pulled out a Glock and without hesitation pulled the trigger. The crack of the gun was striking, spilling out a ball of fire as a metal slug proceeds to chew into he's victim's skull. But the bullet was unsuccessful thanks to the intervention of a troubled kid.

Hugh kind of lost track while trailing Selena but after going through a few corner roads, he eventually found her being held at gun point he rushed towards the man, but as soon as the bulk man pressed his grip on the trigger. He knew he won't be fast enough to stop the shot, so he decided to act as a shield instead.

He dived towards her interceding in-between her and her doom. As he wrapped his arms around her. Fortunately for him the bullet only grazed his shoulder, as he let out a slight yelp before releasing his grip from her. While she remained paralyzed with fear. He ran towards the man who was still puzzled as to what just happened. Grabbed him by the wrist while forcefully placing his arm over the his shoulder.

Another shot was fired, but fortunately for her, whom was still shivering like a dessert rat that been plunged unexpectedly into a bucket of ice-filled water, the gun was pointed up. She saw the two men in some sort of stance. No it was not a stance, the smaller figure was holding the huge man in an arm lock. And the smaller figure was none other than the weird boy that had been gawking at her, her knight in a shining armor.

He was still holding the man in an arm lock as he added pressure to his grip and caused the man to yelp, releasing the glock. He kicked the gun farther from their current position, before twisting the man's arm more viciously. A loud crack was heard followed with a loud cry indicating a snap of the bones.

"Aaahrgg!!" Cried the buff man as he finally broke free from the terrific grip.

His right arm was dislocated, But he was not about to give up. He wasn't going to cower away from a fight with a little kid. He started to straighten his dislocated arm. Letting out a loud groan as he straightens his arm and then posed a combat stance, with hands folded to fists, slightly raised elbows and his legs well balanced. And with an arrogant smirk on his face he said

"Give it your best shot kid."


He roared angrily and without hesitating threw a straight punch that almost collided with his opponent's chin. It was however deflected and also countered with a knee kick that connected perfectly on his abdomen, causing him to purge out blood and saliva, he could swear he heard a crack. The huge man swifty held him by the head and launched another kick. But this time, he was able to block it with his forearms, it still hurt though.

Then he managed to release an uppercut to the man's hard jaw, the punch was powerful and so was the impact. It shook his opponent off balance and he swiftly followed it up with a series of punches to his breastbone, mid section, ribs close to his liver, and then with a chop to his windpipe.

The huge man choked hard, as he fell to his knees and without remorse he threw a heel kick above, that landed straight to the back of he man's skull, forcefully causing him to hit his forehead on the hard floor.

«That should be enough to pass him out.» He thought to himself.

"Aaarg!!" Roared the man as he suddenly ran towards him, and too him unawares with a choke hold from behind.

He bent tactically and tried reaching for the man's leg. On noticing this the man lowered his grip to his waist, locking his arms quickly and performed a suplex. But surprisingly the little boy was able to restrain himself from being squashed by hooking his ankle to his leg. He was really impressed by the little boy's moves.

«He must be military trained.» The Huge man thought to himself.

Then he gathered some momentum and threw himself forward, locking the boy's both arms with his forearm, and preventing him from invading the impending attack.

Bam!! It echoed through the lonely alley with Hugh's face kissing the floor face flat, that was enough to pass him out or possibly end him. But the huge man didn't stop there, as he turned him to face up and mounted on to him. Then with his fists folded, he started raining down a storm of punches and with each strike blood spurted out like water. Every strike was almost enough to split his little skull in half.

For a face littered with blood and cuts, smiling was the last expression anyone would expect, so why was he smiling. The huge man paused as he noticed the growing smile on the boy's face, and this agitated him even more as he thrust harder punches.

Hugh could see the light, his mom and Dad calling unto him to come join them, he felt free. What was he thinking jumping into harm's way to save a pretty face, he could swear this was not his doing, he'd always minded his business even when a girl was being raped or a guy is been shanked to death, he never played hero. so why?. Why now??. It didn't matter anymore he was going home, to the only people that mattered most. His parents.

"Stop!, please your going to kill him!!" Was all she could mutter between sobs.

She did not understand why a person, no a stranger would go through such lengths just to protect her, and strangely she began to feel an intertwined connection between them. She had been screaming and pleading for the man to stop but he didn't seem to bulge, it was then she sighted the glock. Reaching out for it with shakey hands she pointed it towards the enemy's direction and fired without hesitation.

The man felt a sharp burn on his shoulder, as blood started to gush out from the perfect hole plastered on his shoulder. Luckily for him the bullet was not stuck to his skin. It had only punctured through. So he turned towards the direction of the shot only to see a frightened pretty face swearing and sobbing while pointing the gun at him with trembling hands.

"Get the fuck outta here or I swear I'll blow your fuckin' head off!!" She screamed hysterically.

The huge man slowly stepped away from the somewhat lifeless body with his bloodied hands up as a sign of surrender, as he gave her a smirk. His eyes flinched a bit from the sudden shift of a swollen lip.

As he spat out thick blood and mockingly said to her "Your man's a real fighter sweetie."

"I'mma give you the count of three."

"You ever held a gun before?"

"One! " She started the countdown with no hesitation and little determination.

"Go on do it! pull the trigger!." Dared the man.

"Two!...Three!!" She screamed hysterically, shutting her eyes and fired another shot.

On opening her eyes she saw the huge man staring at her with is bloodshot eyes, fuck! she missed. With a huge grin on his face he proceeded to leave. She fired once more, but missed. Although almost hitting her target.

The man remained unfazed as he continued to walk away, She tried to shoot again but the glock was empty and the man had already walked away. Flinging the gun away she rushed to Hugh, who seemed unconscious.

"Hey! Please wake up!" She pleaded desperately.

He slowly opened his eyes as soon as her moist tears hit his face. And looked at her, then looked around. This was definitely not heaven, he realized. And he's not dead, and still alone in this awful world.

He shrugged her hands off as he started to go, staggering and limping away.

«Today really seemed like a good day to die.» He thought to himself

She could only watch as her knight in a not so much of a shining armor limped away into the dark abyss.