
Shadow Allies

Existing but not living.... Hugh Mallory is an unfortunate child, a cursed transcendent being and a threat to the heavens. As every other kid, Hugh had always wanted a normal life. Till he got roped into a sadistic ritual that changed his life and that of everyone around him.....

Franktasy · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter Five The Legion of Heroes

Somewhere in Doomsville, in a remote island. A huge and very tall skyscraper almost the length of Shanghai Tower, was mounted on a land which was two times the size of Doomsville's highschool premises.

The Tower despite having a DNA shape still managed to have the shape of an "L". It was perfectly decorated with blue glasses in an abstract manner. No doubt the building was Godlike.

They named the building "Legion Tower", it wasn't the only building though, they also had the Legion Training hall, which was built in a Hexagonal facade design. It had an enormous rectangular shape, the exterior upper part of the building which was coated with perforated metal that had a silver color.

Their were two various other buildings, the whole place looked more like a tiny advanced village. Victor Copper a.k.a Metalio was inside the legion hall, at the top floor of the building looking through the window with his back faced to the 40 person oval conference table

which looked more futuristic.

He was standing straight with his head above his shoulders, his aura dominating the space within the spacious room.

He had called for a meeting earlier so they could discuss on making his leadership official to the people of Doomsville.

He knew this position had always been meant for him and not to some man boy that paraded in a silly costume.

It had always been him, he was the strategic thinker, making all the plans and giving out effective orders only for Omega man to dictate whether it should be carried out or not. But now's his time and he intends to carry the Legion to a whole new level.

Victor was a Sergeant, he was in the army and was very devoted to the course. He took part in a Project formed by the Government.

Project Alpha model 101, the essence of the project was to amplify human abilities inorder to create super soldiers, which it did but it cost them their sanity.

He was not affected due to his willpower, he gained a couple of amazing abilities. But chose to no longer serve when he noticed that he wasn't the only test subject, his best friend was also among.

Aside from his enhanced strength, speed and durability Metalio was able to manipulate fresh psionic power and was ranked the second strongest after Omega man.

"Finally they've arrived" Victor said to himself as he heard footsteps and murmurs.

"It's about time. What took you all so long?" He demanded authoritatively, but was instead met by silence as everyone proceeded to sit.

"Boost I demand an answer, as the fastest man on the planet I find it ironic that you show up late for meetings" Metalio said with a clear sign of disgust.

"Not my fault chief. Fuck I forgot something" Said Boost as he nonchalantly swifty zoomed out of the hall only to quickly returning in what seemed like a mili second, with a popcorn.

"The girls won't let me go" he said flashing one of the worker a flirtatious stare.

She had just happened to walk in to drop some files. She blushed shamelessly and quickly left. They had a lot workers, who made sure to keep the place in order. Their identity was confidential as the Government had promised, and as assurance they had the workers swear to an oat.

Princess Aureola a.k.a Mother Maker made sure of that, she claimed to be a half celestial and possessed immortal abilities. She'd practiced and mastered the arts of alchemy and dark Magic. She was probably the best alchemist and sorceress in the world.

While Boost whose real name was Adams Fletcher, the flirtatious bastard who couldn't stop ogling at the elegant worker's nice ass even as she exists the meeting room.

He was the fastest man so far, and claimed to be from a parallel universe "Earth 100".

He claimed to have gone through most of the parallel Earths in search for his lost love. His been telling the same story to every female worker he came in contact with, and funny enough it always worked out for him.

It must've been because his good looks, after all he was the most dashing of them all.

Metalio ignored Boost's carefree attitude,

he was the one person who reminded him of Omega man, and for that he hated him as well.

"Well not to waste much of our time, I'd like go straight to the point concerning my public Announcement as the new leader and face of Legion"

"Finally" three persons said in unison, their voice held a sign of boredom.

Dorothy, Diane and Delilah a.k.a Trinity. They were all just one entity although nobody really knew which was more real because of how confusing their abilities were.

They could make more replica of themselves and could even shape shift. Yet they chose to use one identical face, one could only differ them by their personalities.

Dorothy was known to be the quiet and timid type while Diane was the aggressive and dominative type. Delilah was simply the called the seductress because of her touchy behavior.

This was only possible due to her divided mind, she could also manipulate elasticity.

But seemed to have split her powers among the three entities, they still had all their powers but tend to believe they only have one aside from their sheer strength and regenerative abilities.

Delilah could shape shift into any living thing that see set her eyes on. While Dorothy could manipulate the elasticity of her body to a very exaggerated length and Diana could make a tons of replicas of herself.

"I only called for this meeting to hear out your suggestions" Victor calmly said ignoring Trinity's ridicule comment.

"And then what?" A cold voice from behind asked.

They all slowly turned towards the direction and stared blankly at the coldest member of them all.

John Cruse known as Ironklaw was the only human in the "Big Six". He was considered as the deadliest member.

Unlike all other peak humans, Ironklaw didn't gain his stunning strength and reflexes by sheer training.

He depended solely on his tech. It's rumoured that he planted a chip in his brain, which enables him to possess the knowledge of all fighting styles known to man, also enhancing his reflexes to peak limit. His suit was able to take an all out hit from Maxwell Beckham a.k.a Fury "Metalio's lab dog". It was the nickname given to him by Boost.

Fury was also part of the Project Alpha Model 101, he was Metalio's best buddy but unlike Metalio he was not so fortunate.

The chemical compounds fried his brain, leaving only negative emotions rendering him into nothing but a walking zombie. He wasn't part of the Big six and he only took orders from Metalio.

No one really knew the amount of strength Fury possessed, as his strength can stretch to any limit. He also possessed insane durability and regenerative abilities.

He didn't possess the ability of flight like every other random hero but could effortlessly jump high enough to land on high skyscrapers.

He could also manipulate his muscles to any size, thanks to Ironklaw, who was actually the one to build most of their suits, and the only one Fury respects aside Metalio.

"And then we can compare and contrast our ideas to know which one's better" Metalio sharply answered.

"Seems to me you just called us here to give orde_"

"Keep quiet Old man!" Micheallio thundered, interrupting Boost.

Micheallio Chester The illusionist, could create all kinds of things through his imagination, in distant and far off places without even being present.

He could've been the most powerful of them all if he had absolute control over his abilities. Micheallio developed his abilities at a very young age. He gained his abilities from a chemical explosion In Doomsville Revolution hospital.

The explosion was caused by two scientists, Dr.Ruben Wilson who was now one of the most heinous villains formally known as Dr Dino and then his Co partner Dr.Jacob Robertson a.k.a Captain Cook.

He was reason for Trinity's abilities. Trinity's birth was a mistake, her sixteen year old mother was trying to perform an abortion, and so she went to Dr Jacob...who seized the opportunity to test out his experiments.

He gave her a pill that was mixed with alien's DNA, they same DNA that was mixed with the chemicals that altered Micheallio's abilities.

They all had interesting background stories and different agendas, and that was what brought them together. The Legion of Heroes Organization was more like a rehabilitation center for those that were exposed to phenomenal occurrences.

"Enough!" Metalio roared bringing order to the room

"We don't have time for petty arguments"... he paused before adding

"The Mayor's daughter was attacked two days ago by one of the deadliest assassins known as Crankshot".

Iron klaw flinched a bit on hearing the name, the rest noticed this and quickly realized that whoever the person might be, he must be capable of doing real damage.

"Now you all better get your shits together and start planning on the announcement!" Metalio finally said before walking towards the door proceeding to leave.

His hand was now on the door knob then he decided to add a little more juice to his words.

"And Boost"


"You damn right its a fuckin' order". And with that he matched out leaving the others in a puzzled state...