
Shades online

A soul from earth transmigrate to a new world without any memories of his past now in a new world where bloodline rule supreme watch as he grew to became the strongest in game and a bit stronger in reality, or is he. Re-written gonna made am a villian have been reading some novels about villian but they always drop or they change the concept mid way so am gonna write mine so please bear with me.

Drogo20 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2 Ethan Chapter 2 New world and Bloodlines

The boy was on the ground lying right in front of his bed and he was unconscious, suddenly he woke up and then he looked around him, so i am now in a new world, and this body's name is Ethan.

It turns out that this planet was also named Earth and it wasn't like this the yellow path was always lush with green and forest but now is nothing more than a wasteland ever since the shades invaded the earth. No one knew where they came from they just suddenly appeared on the surface of the planet and the solar system, and that there body are full of resources for blacksmithing and a core which is usually found in there body around the heart area. In this world there are bloodlines though they only appeared after the shades came. Everyone on the planet all have bloodlines, except that some bloodlines are weaker than the rest, for example someone who has a rat bloodline will be weaker than those with a cat or dog bloodline, likewise someone with a Drake bloodline could fight against someone with a gryphon bloodline not only that the terrain also contribute to them as someone with a fish or crocodile bloodline will be stronger and faster in water than on land, and someone with a lizard bloodline will be stronger on land.They are all ranked from F to S,though there are some rare cases who are ranked as SS and an unknown rank.

Not everything is lost for those with a weaker bloodline cause with enough patience and cultivation one can evolve their bloodline, cultivation can be done by absorbing those cores dropped from the shades. The cores are also ranked from F to SSS. The F cores are known to be white, E cores are green, D cores are blue, C cores are Purple, B cores are Red, A cores are Black, S cores are Gold, SS cores are Dark gold, as for the SSS Rank cores they are unknown since they have never been able to kill one, and there as only been one SSS shade wich was known to date. And ever since his appearance in the war mankind had lost that was how they lost half the earth to the shades. And human has predicted that since there is one there will always be another one so they had never provoke the shades to start another one and that doesn't stop the humans from trying to claim back there lost territory though.

And also there are Family's who are the power houses in the world, they ruled the world openly, as no one ever had the gut to speak about it, since the government will never agree to it everytime the journalists asked them in the conferences everyone concluded that they are the rulers of the world.

In total there are 4 Great Family in the world

The first are the Queens having the Dragon bloodline, The second are the Merlin's having the vampire bloodline , The Third are the Smith's having the Tiger bloodline, while the fourth are the Muller's having the Bull bloodline.

And there are the lesser prominent families, they are numerous cause with enough money one can buy a title for himself.


As for him or Ethan he was having a Werewolf bloodline, which was ranked as a C Rank bloodline in the family however his was ranked as E rank cause of how weak his bloodline was.

Normally after the age of 10 one awakens to their bloodlines wich may come from any gene, but mostly from parental genes, after awakening one will gain the ability known as partial transformation giving the body limited use to the bloodline and after their 18 birthday they gain the full transformation giving them the ability to transform into their respective forms.

He on the other hand was hardly able to elongate his body's hair to some extent and thats it. Others on the other hand were able to control their teeth and jaws, their muscles and elongate their Nails to Claws.

What a bad joke in Life i was a weak guy in my past life and now i am still weak.

Yet before he could dig deeper into this new world and lament his weakness he fell unconscious.