
Shades online

A soul from earth transmigrate to a new world without any memories of his past now in a new world where bloodline rule supreme watch as he grew to became the strongest in game and a bit stronger in reality, or is he. Re-written gonna made am a villian have been reading some novels about villian but they always drop or they change the concept mid way so am gonna write mine so please bear with me.

Drogo20 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 Waking Up and Remembering Nothing.

In a dark Alley way in a remote city 6 teenagers could be seen pummelling a young boy of about 17 years of age down on the floor. The boy was coiled up with his head tucked in his arms trying to lessen the amount of damage he received yet this seems to be futile as the group was much stronger than him that even his attempt could not stop him from sustaining serious injury. After a long time a teen with dreads walked up to the boy and said "John you piece of trash should have just listened to us when we said so" " You are just nothing but a frog trying to eat swan meat what else someone who sent us" "Hahahaha" The others laughed as one of them mimicked John " I love you Bella you are the love of my life please" after this a wave of laughter resumed and the leader walked up to him rolled him over and saw that John was no longer breathing then he said to the others "lets go, our Job is done"

Unknown to the group of teens John was still conscious although barely he looked up to the sky and thought about his life till now. He was once a rich young master whose father was super rich then tragedy struck, his father got into an accident with which the police did little to none efforts they just found a random person to use as the scapegoat. He didn't really thought about untill today its Father's death his mom lunacy and a sudden girl who cane into his life. "Hahaha" he laughed and thought about his stupidity and ignorance he thought he gad found the love of his life yet it was a facade. He should have known since she came and acted like that the random phone calls in the middle of the night talks with him about his fathers will and her kidnapping, her family's sudden change in attitude and her sudden wealth gain he should have known yet he kept denying it. Tears streamed down his face as he remembered all about his life, "Aaaa...." He tried shouting towards the sky yet before he could finish he died, with his last thought been "Life is a bitch"


After his death a lightning bolt strike down from the sky and hit John body and in the blink of an eye was incinerated into nothingness after this a smokey like air substance gradually faded away from the spot..... In the Void a Soul could be seen drifting around on and on untill it got to a half blue and half red planet it stopped then plunged directly into the planet to a city then into the body of a boy who looks around the age of 16-17 years.

After what seemed like an hour or so the boy eyelids twitched and his eyes opened.


Sweat covered his whole body raising his body he breathed in heavily and looked around him in shock "Where am i" "who am i" "what am i" the boy looked around him then stood up from the bed and moved around in the room until he got to the bathroom stumbling over some stuffs on the ground as he hold his head.

Going to the wash basin he opened it and splashed water on his face trying to get over his disorientation before the third splash of water came on his face a splitting headache came onto him and he hold his head in agony stumbling towards the room he first opened his eyes in, he fell down before reaching the bed.