
Shackles Of The Past

Synopsis I just have little to say to you. Do you believe the devil is real? Then what about Medusa? She has sent me to tell you this; She would reap out your flesh, feast on your meat, drink with your blood, clean her teeth with your bone, and wipe her mouth with your flesh. DARKNESS shall reign! When I arise! INFO: If you are looking for a novel to satiate your desires, then you have read the right story description! Just press the plus sign and add to your library, or when you read the novel and want to exit, WN will notify you if you want to add to your library. You gain a collection from there and continue a journey with me. I would love that! Then follow me at Ace_zza RL, like and comment for frequent update on new books. (See you there) NOTE: Credit to the book cover owner!

Ace_zza · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2- The Possession

A tale is half but told,

when only one person tells it.

~Saga of Grettir


Medusa was left thinking. Though her eyes were closed, she couldn't fall asleep.


A howling wind rattled through the curtains bringing it a chilly atmosphere, alone in the dark, ominous and shadowy room at an abandoned castle with no portraits or wallpaper.

Its aura was thick and foreign with darkness encircling the wave-like motion in the night. The entire castle appeared in serenity, with a mysterious power it possessed within itself.

Dimly, a single shaft of moonlight shone on the body of a lady laying on a small bed with her closed eyes, as it appeared she was sleeping. She was asleep, but it wasn't her body sleeping, but her soul.

Eventually, her eyes shot open to reveal those ocean-blue ones. Swinging her legs over to the side of the bed, her barefoot stepped on the cold marble floor, which dark fogs suddenly covered the landscape, with heaviness that could cut through a knife.

At every step she took, the aura she carried along could blind ones sight. Suddenly, a door appeared at her front, as she expected. Twisting its knob that opened with a low creak, she walked in, which shut with a loud bang and disappeared like it never appeared.

At the far end through the door, revealed a lady in black dress back-facing her. The same moonlight that illuminated her, illuminated the lady's back view, but not her face. At least, not yet.

"Your arrival was sooner than expected," The lady finally spoke, breaking the thick silence that resonated in the castle. "Is it about your visit?"

Medusa finally stopped walking, staring at her with a passive look. 'That's not why i'm here," She spoke through her mind, coldly. 'You know my reason," At her words, her inner soul faced her.

She had an ebony-black hair, which complimented the vibrant black dress that flayed, showing off her shapely figure.

Her face was perfectly round, flawless, rather like that of Medusa's, but not so long or deeply refined.

Her mouth was tender, and her eyes, though big, were timid and without unusual color. Dark eyes, however fringed, with long luxuriant lashes. A great mane of dark hair grew back from her forehead, falling about her almost magically. It seemed motionless and soft, more dark, perhaps, and so fine that the dark made the mass of it appear faintly translucent.

Unlike Medusa, whose skin was so pale as it was almost white, a swan of a princess she seemed, her cheeks firm and her mouth glistening slightly, and her lashes very vivid around her glowing blue eyes which was void of emotion, her inner soul had that look of pure evil that sculptured entirely at her expression, as she took every step in elegance.

"This is our start," She said. "Get into the kingdom of Dragsholm and kill Reaven,"

'This wasn't part of the plan,' Medusa reminded telepathically.

She shrugged slightly, "Things change," Came her casual words. "There's something he possess that belongs to me. The final touch lies within that castle,"

'Which is?'

"The black stone," She replied almost immediately. Her thought trailed as she made the words. Returning, "It has been in his possession for ages, and i want it back. He must be smart enough to take what's mine and lives for it. I hate the determination but i'm always up for the challenge," Then she faced her, "... and you will help me achieve that."

'I thought you once said the stone was worthless. Why the sudden interest?' Medusa questioned, as she watch her inner soul walk towards a couch at a corner and sat gracefully.

"For so long i have been in this torturous state, i desire more than the lives of humans," Then she looked at Medusa. "I want more than that. More than shed of bloods,"

'And the death of Reaven concerns it?'

"Yes," She answered.

'If that stone is worth you say, then he should be powerful enough to hold it. And it wouldn't be that easy,'

"Sometimes, a little patience is needed for things to fall into the right place," spoke her inner soul.

'Time is not on our side,'

"Who says we can't control it?" As simple as her words came, it had an underlying meaning that passes a message without having to say much.

Medusa breathed, taking in every information she had gathered. 'I could simply get the stone without having to get into that kingdom. I could kill him without being chained and blindfolded. What else do you need me there for?'

"And you think i'm not aware of that before sending you there," returned, her inner soul. "There is more to it than just killing him and getting the stone. And you will find out, with that same patience i talked about,"

'Why does he seem strong?'

"He's stronger than you can imagine," Her inner soul gazed at her. "And he has to be long gone before that sixth full moon."

'And what do i gain?' Medusa asked.

"What do you want?" Her inner soul questioned back.

There was a long silence between them, before Medusa finally spoke, 'I want my life back,' She said. 'With you, gone forever,'

Her inner soul snickered at her words, "What more do you need than to rule over mortals and the earth under you,"

'That's what you desire, not me.' Medusa spoke firmly. 'Let's get this done with,' And she attempted to leave when she heard her say,

"How about we make a deal then?" Her inner soul proposed an idea.

Medusa faced her with a hard stare, her eyes colliding with her inner soul's black ones. "I have you body on the sixth full moon and i shall grant you the increase of your life count,"

Medusa's gave her a dark glare, to which she continued in a far serious expression. "I will reduce your consequence, and increase your life count for an exchange you kill Reaven, get me the stone and i take over your body," She offered. "Deal?"


Cold water splashed Medusa's skin as her eyes shot open. The soldiers poured the rest on the captives, who where still fast asleep due to the previous day fatigue.

"The next time you all sleep like dead log, i will sure walk you to your early grave. Now move!" Ariel ordered with a scowl on his face, as they quickly jerked upright to prepare for the journey of the day.

The ride was as usual, but the only difference was the captives weren't blindfolded, and left to walk alone with a single manacle chaining all.

As the day went by so quickly, the soldiers entertaining themselves with jokes while the slaves suffers under the harshness of the sun kissing their skin, only one had quite a different mindset. While the captives thinks of a way to escape, Medusa plans on how to reach the castle at a quicker means.

"Get on your feet!" One of the soldiers barked angrily, as he dismounted his horse. Then he gripped tightly the hair of the captives who fell and cried. "Up i say!"

"I want to go home! I-I don't belong here, you must believe me. You have mistaken the wro-" Before she could complete her sentence, a harsh slap cut her words.

The others gasped at the sight, and quickly lowered their head anxiously, a feeling of uneasiness running through their body.

"Another word from you, and i will cut off your tongue next," He warned her harshly then looked at the others, saying, "Anyone!" he added which the rest of the captives responded with tense shoulders.

"Now move!" The ride continued, the stress doubled, and the captives was denied food and water. If there was something to remember, it was that just ones mistake can take down the others.

It was past three in the afternoon when the soldiers stopped to have the horses drink enough water, and drink to keep themselves active in the journey, when one of the captives fell to her knees, panting in dehydration.

"P-please, just a drop... or two. I p-promise not to... disturb. I'm thirsty," With her chapped lips, she said and the soldiers laughed half-heartedly at her request.

"Please, just a drop or two. I promise not to disturb. I'm thirsty," The soldier mimicked hilariously, and the soldiers laughed along at his droll play.

"You want water, isn't it?" He asked, and the young girl of age, nodded desperately with hope-filled eyes. Unexpectedly, the soldier who asked, pulled off his pants to his feet, letting his organ display naked before everyone's eyes, as the captives screamed and pulled their faces away.

The young girl shook her head in helplessly, tears falling down her cheeks with her eyes shut tightly. The rest of the soldiers continued pouring out their laughter, watching their fellow drag the girl forward, closer to where his member stood erect.

"Open your mouth!" He ordered coldly without any feeling of remorse, as more tears fell freely from her eyes.

"N-no, p-please... I-I beg of you," She pleaded barely in a whisper, appealing to the soldier in front of her. "Don't shame me so,"

As he heard her, he burst into laughter and then dragged her by her hair forward, pushing her face closer to where his organ were just few inches apart. "Open up!" His words were far strict than the first order, receiving cries and gasps from the captives.

"N-no..." Her voice cracked as she spoke, while her heart thrummed widely inside her chest.

"You either open up willingly or forcefully, so you decide, hmm?" He said half-heartedly, watching her contemplate his order.

"I-I can't-"

"Open your mouth!" The girl flinched at his loud harsh voice, so did the captives. The girl feared for her life desperately, as much as she never did before.

She was only a young girl that lived in a small cottage to accommodate her and her poor family, only for she to be dragged out of her home. Re-encountering the beautiful memories, tears flowed her cheeks like lava, as she opened her mouth, just for the soldier to start urinating.

She tried to break free from his grip, but he was just strong enough for her. "Now swallow!" Was what he said, and she whimpered in disgust then gulped, in fear to be killed or beaten.

He laughed after he had finished easing himself, so did the others, and pushed her backwards, then dragged his pants up to his waist.

The girl cried bitterly, with her head lowered to the ground, the ache shooting up and down her body.

Gazing at the shuddering slaves only increased his laughter. "Dirty pigs!" He insulted. The rest of the soldiers joined in laughing at his ludicrous ways, shaking their head in amusement, before they heard him ask, "Who else is thirsty?"

Nobody answered. No one wanted that occurrence to happen twice. Their preferences was better to stay thirsty and silent, than to have urine and fall ill.

"No one?" He mocked impassively, while observing each heads of the captives. Certain none would reply, he was about to walk towards his horse when he heard a voice loud enough that echoed in his head and touch the brisk of his mind,

'I'm thirsty,'