
Shackles Of The Past

Synopsis I just have little to say to you. Do you believe the devil is real? Then what about Medusa? She has sent me to tell you this; She would reap out your flesh, feast on your meat, drink with your blood, clean her teeth with your bone, and wipe her mouth with your flesh. DARKNESS shall reign! When I arise! INFO: If you are looking for a novel to satiate your desires, then you have read the right story description! Just press the plus sign and add to your library, or when you read the novel and want to exit, WN will notify you if you want to add to your library. You gain a collection from there and continue a journey with me. I would love that! Then follow me at Ace_zza RL, like and comment for frequent update on new books. (See you there) NOTE: Credit to the book cover owner!

Ace_zza · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1- Journey to Dragsholm


The heavy rumble of rolling wheels pulled by the horses in accordance into a rocky path in the forest. The firm yet relaxed subtle flick of the reins by the coachman to which the horses flicked their ears, picking up their short-walk pace a bit, as their traces creaked quietly in effort of taking up the weight of the carriage.

The blazing midday sun shone relentlessly, the sunlight hot, but not harsh to the atmosphere.

The coachman guided the carriage cart in hustle, mannerly creating wrath for the captives. Three soldiers on each horses rode at the edge, two at their sides and one behind. The captives blindfolded, all chained to a single manacle at their wrists to their feet, striding in a row.

Dappled sun shone through the trees, creating mysterious shadows. The blue sky was dotted with fluffy white clouds that drifted lazily in the gentle breeze.

For a beautiful day like this, outside where the birds melodious chorus sounded, with the flowers blooming, but it was more like a nightmare to the ones restricted to be beautified, and suffers in chain as slaves.

Any who stumbled, tripping to the ground received a harsh whip, resulting an unbalance to others stumbling alongside with the victim. As to this, the guard whips the whole captives in general, hard enough for their body to weaken.

"Up you go, rise!" barked one soldier, as he whipped one of the captives that fell to the ground taking the others along.

"Please... take me back! I don't belong here," spoke one of them in tears. "You have to take us back! We are free people!"

"Yes... Take me back! Take me back to my family, i beg of you!" Cried another blindfolded slave, in attempt to rise on her feet with the amount of pressure in lifting the other weak captives through the manacle ahead.

"Silence!" yelled one of the soldiers. "Another word from you, nor anyone else, and i would have your head divided from your neck." he warned coldly, which sure did shut the mouth of the chained captives with fear in their minds.

The ride continued under the sunny weather, and the soldiers made matters worse for the captives, by leaving them without water through the whole journey to an unknown destination.

"Five days from now, we will eventually be rich. The whole village will announce our presence in grace," One of the soldiers expressed, holding onto the reins of his horse as he watched the path ahead, at the same time monitoring the captives struggle to walk properly. Then he faced forward, "One can imagine how much the pay will be enough to pay off debts,"

At his comment, one of them spoke, "True. Finally, we speak of golds not just a penny. Buy a plot of land and build a home for my family. A room for i and my wife and a single bedroom each for my children. A nice kitchen dinning with good furniture. A spot where i shall rare horses and sheeps, and a ground where my children will play," His words dived deep as he said those words in pure imagination.

"Nonsense!" Spoke another in disagreement. "Why do you always have to spoil our mood, family man?" He mocked, as the others laughed half-heartedly at his words. "What more do a man need than spending his good quality money visiting the local brothel, and drinking his life to stupor!" Then he lowered his voice speaking in a cunning manner, "Recently, i heard the goods brought there quite fresh,"

"Agreed," Spoke another soldier. "What is life without drink and above all," He tilted his head to his side with an eye raised slightly, "... women." He stressed.

"What do you people find interesting in the local brothel, exactly?" Questioned another, who had been quiet the whole time.

At his question, "To spread my net there, and catch your mother," Joked the second soldier named Devin, which the others laughed.

"Mind you search the place carefully," he retorted after their laughs died down. "... for you will be sure to find yours there also." A burst of deep loud hearty laughter echoed in the forest at the young soldiers words.

Another snickered, "Boy, you sure learn how to watch your tongue else, it wouldn't last long where its meant to be,"

"But i only spoke truth," The young soldier defended.

"Truth that can land you in trouble," Completed the first soldier as he stared at him for a brief moment, before facing ahead.

"But come to think of it, do you think this will work out as planned? I mean, won't we get caught and then punished," said the second soldier, whose question did not go unheard by the rest and left their mind in thought.

"Punished or not, as far as this is worth a pay, it's acceptable. Or don't you all want the money?"

"I do," Answered the second soldier. "More than you can imagine. But-"

"But what?" Ariel cut in. "Trying to back away?"


"Then what's the fear?" Asked the third soldier.

"Dragsholm," he answered. "The kingdom of the cursed. None has ever gone there, and returned alive. Aren't you afraid?"

"Tch!" Ariel scoffed. "Those are just mere rumors to scare people. And precisely, i heard the king just woke up from his slumber-"

"You mean the devil just woke up from his cursed grave," The second soldier corrected, a faint glint of fear visible in his eyes.

"Devil or not, as far as the pay is of worth, who cares if it's the coin of the dead. The plan is to get to the kingdom, into the castle, and give the captives in exchange for the coins. It's a one time opportunity," Spoke Ariel in a convincing manner.

"Or a life time end?" Sighed the second soldier at the end. "It's not too late to return,"

"First, you where daydreaming about the money to house you and your family and next, you attempting to give up and walk away. Really, what's wrong with you these days?" Said the third soldier in sarcasm at his last sentence.

"Don't you fear death?"

"Don't you want the pay?" Ariel, the first soldier, questioned back to Thomas, the second soldier.

"Only the living enjoys what's enjoyable, but the dead never sees nor have a taste of what's sweet," Thomas reasoned.

"Keep the preaching to yourself. Amongst all, you need it the most," The third solider spoke in conclusion, as they all kept their faces ahead, at the same time, preparing their mind for what challenge is yet to come.


The journey to Dragsholm was five days, to which had only been a day but appeared forever. As nights flashed faster, the soldiers tied their horses to a tree, feeding and giving it enough water to last for another day whereas setting fire in the middle of the forest, while keeping keen eyes on the captives.

They drank, laughed, joke and ate to the fullest, whereas leaving the slaves starved and thirsty.

Among these captives who twisted and turned uncomfortably after been unblindfolded only at night, a pair of eyes watched the soldiers intensly, like a hawk.

Though under the dark night, her silver blonde hair appeared as the only source of mild light. Her enticing ocean-blue eyes eased down gently to her shadow-black velvety eyelashes blinked slowly, as to which reckoned expressionlessly.

It was past midnight, when a soldier brought the left over food to the half asleep captives. "This is a reward for your good behavior. Behave badly and you will starve for a whole day," Spoke the soldier, and then left.

The strong wafting pungent lingered around, as they rushed it hungrily, but one face stared blankly.

Medusa, a disgraceful body that none associates with. The villagers cursed her. They threw stones at her when she passes their roads. The women shoved her footstep with broom, and cursed her out of their store. The fishermen uses their rod to push her out, saying never to return.

She couldn't feel. She knew she was different. As to how she kill without thinking twice. It was as if some kind of power possesses her, likewise, a feeling she was used to; Anger. A grudge she holds with a reason to why she holds it.

A past she shares with a past. Her thought lingered until she heard a voice beside her, "The journey to Dragsholm is a long and hectic one. You should have eaten to preserve your strength," Then the girl folded her arm to support her head on the ground. Her eyes observed Medusa, but Medusa remained silent, with her eyes focused on the logs on fire, watching the dance flames, the burning log that crackled with particles produced in the flames.

"I've heard about you," She continued. "The witch that fed on her mother's womb," Then she paused for a while and raised a brow. "It's strange to believe, for it has never occurred in any history i know of,"

Still Medusa kept silent, ignoring the words of the girl.

"I won't be surprised on your presence. After all, outcasts like us differ from those who claim to be pure," Said the girl.

Medusa eyes fell on the girl that laid beside her. Her hair had coils of black hair and the clothes she wore where cheap looking. She had a comely figure, that filed to perfection. Those black eyes that sparkled expressive demure, timorous personality.

When their eyes met, the girl smiled, "My name is Seraphena, but Sera for short. I'm guessing yours is Medusa," She introduced, while Medusa's eyes returned to the fire that would soon exhaust, as a result of the logs turning into dark knots of ashes.

At some point, Medusa sarcastically told herself she had became popular. Not a good kind of popularity but a bad-mouthed one.

"My father told me a lot of things, and took to me to different kingdom when i was little, but among all, one he told me to beware of was Dragsholm, the kingdom where haunted souls resides. Who will imagine your worst nightmare finally coming into reality. For the devil to return and the demon lord awaken, the earth will surely come to an end... soon."

Dragsholm. Medusa thought trailed ahead, as she looked above the trees that hid a high hill with a castle built on top. The kingdom where her journey begins.

Eventually, the fire exhausted, turning the forest all dark and quiet.