
The Pin

Logan was lost in thought as he made his way down various streets. "Hmm… I need to finish this task quickly, and what's this hidden reward? Could the System be capable of giving me money if I successfully bed a girl? No that's silly, why would the System give me money when it could give me a priceless face."

In the eyes of the other people in the street, Logan was deemed an ugly ass kid that was mentally ill. Logan tended to mutter under his breath while talking to the System.

Of course everyone else he was cursing each and everyone one of them, making his image in everyone's heart drop significantly.

Feeling slightly bad about himself, he quickly found refuge inside of a historical building of sorts. Inside were numerous artifacts and history lessons. Looking through them, Logan stumbled across a seemingly ordinary pin. Suddenly, Logan heard the System ding and speak throughout his mind!

"System has detected a magic item within close proximity to host! Caution is advised!"

"Huh, what? A magic item? Logan glanced wearily at the pin. "System, can you scan this pin in front of me and see if it's the magical object you had detected earlier?" Curious, Logan patiently awaited the System's response.

"Ding! This pin in front of the host seems to be enchanted with the "Lesser Void Space" spell. It gives an object a give cubic feet worth of storage space. It can be upgraded with additional spells. In order for the host to use such an item, you must drip some of your blood on it to bind it." The System sent out into Logan's head.

"Wah? So it's like a "bag of holding". How come I must use my blood though System? There must be a different way." Logan asked, shocked by such an extreme measure so soon into his new life.

"If the host was able to cast and learn magic spells, they may use their "mana" as a binding force as well. Unfortunately for the host, he is only a normal mortal. So his blood must be used in order to bind something of such standing." The System chirped, almost answering faster than Logan could ask.

Logan had conflicting thoughts on what to do. On one hand he could try to steal it, although it was morally wrong. After all, it was a magic item! But on the other hand he could try to buy it from the place, or just give up on it entirely. What if he got caught? What would Logan do then?

After mulling it over for a bit, Logan decided to try and steal it. Just think about how much more Logan could carry with him.

"I can steal so much more stuff once I get this! Imagine all of the sweet apples and other fruits I could take." Logan blissfully daydreamed. He wanted the pin more and more.

Waking up from that stupor, Logan realized that the historical area place was closing for the day, so he decided to come back tomorrow after work to try and steal the pin.

Walking outside he glanced at the roads before picking one, only stopping slightly to yawn and stretch before carrying on.

Wandering down the street, walking past the horses and other things, Logan came across a gambling stand.

"First game is free, second gme double stakes! Come on down and try your luck!" Screamed an old and toothless guy. He was sitting down and in front of him was a teensy tiny table. On that table was three cups and one round ball.

"Well hey there lad! Care to give your luck a try? First one you get to play for free, and if ya win I'll give you five pence." After mentioning the money, his left hand gestured for Logan to come and sit down in front of him.

Humoring the man, Logan casually walked over, hopefully looking cool as he did so. Sitting down the old man put the ball in one of the cups and began to spin, shuffle, and chuck the cups around on the table, never once lifting the lip of the cup off of the table.

"Well then.." the old man said, slowing down then eventually stopping. ".. which cup do you pick?" At this the old man sneered. Knowing full well it was impossible for the kid to figure it out, he hadn't even tried to cheat this one, fully confident that this kid was about to lose.

"Hmmm.." Pondered Logan, thinking. ".. well, left is for theft, right is for blight, and the middle is most likely a riddle!" Logan exclaimed this loudly, not sure where he got it from. "Sir, I choose the middle cup!"

"Sure thing lad, haha good luck." The old man laughed, even himself not knowing where the ball may lie. The old man slowly reached over and picked up the middle cup. "Huzzah! Sorry kid, maybe next time though."

Logan sighed in disappointment when he saw that he had guessed wrong, he needed money for a real place to sleep tonight. "Well played sir! Might I know where the ball was then?" Logan asked, truly curious where it could be.

Slowly lifting up each of the cups, the ball was found under the right cup! So much for that saying then. Logan stood up, brushed himself off, and left.

Continuing with his walk, Logan saw many children out and about, playing tag and the likes. It was there when it suddenly hit him, he couldn't remember his childhood from Earth at all. This bodies old childhood was filled with lots of yelling and beating, not much fun there.

Filled with a sudden sadness, Logan didn't know what to do. He just stood there, off to the side of the path. Tears littered the ground, and sobs could be heard if you listened carefully.

Logan was filled with utter despair, he couldn't remember his childhood at all! In that moment he felt resentment and envy towards those kids, how dare they have fun and play around when he couldn't even remember being such an age?!

Doubling over, he clutched himself as he tried to calm down, he stopped his sobs and dried his eyes. Afterwards he hurriedly ran away from the kids, looking for another barn he could stay the night. After all, he didn't have any money yet.

Logan walked for hours, the earlier incident slowly receding to the back of his mind.

It took him another hour before finally finding a place to stay, and, unbeknownst to him, it was the same place he had stayed the previous night.

Hmmm :/

Is it early if it's 2am or is it super late? YOU DECIDE

Also vote power stones, <3 love you all and thanks for all of the support guys, it really means a lot.

Hope everyone has a great day!!

Galloncreators' thoughts