
mine control

He was tall.

That was the first thing the students thought as they walked by the man standing in front of his younger sister's school gates. He was tall, six feet and half, and imposing. He was bald and square-jawed and incredibly pale and—just standing there, arms crossed, feet shoulder-width apart, and back ramrod straight.

He was just standing there in his classic black suit and tie. And no one could tell where the hell he was looking at, because despite it being a little after noon, his sunglasses were as dark as midnight. Everybody was making a wide skirt around the mysterious intimidating man and Jacob was no different. He walked slowly towards the front gates to go to his car, feeling incredibly reluctant to go anywhere near the guy. It was the sunglasses. It had to be the sunglasses covering half the man's face; it was basically a mask.

Jacob didn't take his eyes off him, squinting at him, whilst he walked in the mysterious man's direction. When it came to be a couple feet in front of him, like the other students, he made sure to make a wide step around him.

Or at least he tried to when the man suddenly addressed him.

"Hey, you. Come here." The man didn't yell but his voice was so deep and commanding that it caught everybody's attention anyways. And Jacob just about jumped a foot in the air just hearing the dude talk.

Jacob hesitated and just stood there staring few a second or two. He hadn't expected him to talk. In fact, it's kind of embarrassing, but Jacob didn't even think the dude was capable of moving, the guy was standing so still like a statue. Actually, what Jacob did expect was for the guy to stand there waiting for everybody to clear and then—what? Pick up his lady friend from the school for a date? Jacob didn't know. He certainly didn't expect him to acknowledge him; Jacob's never seen the guy before in his life.

Caught unawares, Jacob pointed to himself dumbly and said, "Me, sir?"

Jacob saw a muscle jumped in the man's jaw before the man forced an irritated smile. "Yes. . . . You." The man crooked a finger at him, beckoning him.

Jacob looked around in disbelief. The other students have already lost interest, and they actually looked a little relieved that the guy wasn't out to get them. When Jacob realized that no one was going to stop him from moving or that no one was going to point at the mysterious guy and start screaming, Jacob reluctantly treaded over to the man, dragging his feet. Jacob kept his eyes darting about, half-expecting more suited men to jump out of the bushes nearby. The whole scenario was suspicious. What kind of guy in a secret-service get up would stand in front of a school in broad daylight, after the students have been released, garnering attention?

Finally, Jacob stopped four or so feet away from him, careful to keep his distance. He imagined that if the man made a sudden grab for him, he'd have enough space and time to jerk away and scream for help. Of course, that plan was ridiculous since, one, they were still on school grounds, and, two, the school was still crowded with students flooding out to go home, and a lot of others having one last chat with their friends before the day's end. There were too many witnesses. But rule number one: always be prepared. Right?

The man took a second or two to stare at Jacob. Or at least Jacob got the feeling the guy was checking him out, but Jacob couldn't actually see the man's eyes so he didn't know for sure. Then the man turned his head and jutted his chin out, gesturing somewhere to the distance.

"That your sister over there?" he asked.

A shiver ran down Jacob's spine, and he felt goose bumps rising along his forearms. He didn't know this man, so how could this man have possibly known him? Let alone his little sister? What about the rest of his family? His dad? Did the man know his dad? He started to come up with ridiculous and impossible scenarios a mile a minute. Did his dad owe the dude some money, and he's come to collect? Was that it?

Jacob looked to where the man was gesturing, and, surely, there was Grace chatting and laughing with her only friend. Her chin-length hair brushed against her cheeks whenever she made a slight movement. And her impeccably straight bangs stopped just above her eyes. Neither Jacob nor the man could catch a glimpse of Grace's face, especially with her hair obstructing the view. Her uniform was immaculate: crisp, ironed, and her shirt was tucked neatly into her pleated skirt. In the shade, with her head bent low whilst she talked and with her tiny stature, Grace was unnoticeable. But not to this man, and never to Jacob.

Jacob's heart rate sped up. He pursed his lips and debated whether he should lie about Grace being his sister or not.

In the end, he decision didn't matter. The man knew already just by seeing his reaction. Mystery guy unfolded his right arm very slowly, casually, and snapped his fingers. Instantly, Jacob's mind went black, and his body arranged itself into proper posture: back straight, hands to his sides, hands unclenched. At that moment, there was no Jacob, just an empty-headed body.

The man spoke just as casually and slowly for he had nothing to worry about. He said, "Let's get straight to the chase. Every time I snap my fingers, you will fall under my spell, Jacob. Only when I snap my fingers. No one else. Now, do you have a girlfriend? Anyone you're courting? Love interests?"

"I have a girlfriend," Jacob replied monotonously. He wasn't thinking. He wasn't in control.

"Do you love her?"

"I don't know."

The man looked at Jacob and said, "Hm, no. You don't love her."

"I don't," Jacob dumbly agreed.

"You only got with her because you were bored."

"You're right. I did."

"I don't think you want to be with her anymore. What's her name?"


"You don't want to be with Josephina anymore, do you?"

"Not anymore."

The man nodded to himself, his right still held up, relaxed, in front of his face. "You're going to break up with Josephina tonight. And your sister over there? You've had a crush on her your whole life. Ever since she was born, you were enamored. She absolutely does it for you. You enjoy everything about her, but especially her body. She turns you on like you wouldn't believe. And you're not allowed to watch porn anymore, but it wouldn't matter because porn doesn't turn you on. From now on, every night, you're going to jerk off to sexual thoughts of your sweet, little, innocent sister. Okay, now after I snap my fingers again, you're going to go to your sister, tell her you're sick of waiting for her, and the both of you are going to walk back to me."

The man snapped his fingers. Jacob blinked once, turned around, and strode off towards the direction of his little sister. As he neared, Grace and her friend gradually cut off their conversation, and stared at him approaching with identical looks of confusion.

"What's wrong, Jacob?" Grace asked when she saw the irritated look on her brother's face.

Jacob grabbed her thin wrist and tugged gently. "Grace, Christ. I'm fucking ready to get outta here. It's been long enough. " He tugged on her wrist again, not too hard, but Grace easily stumbled and fell against his lean body. "Let's go, sis."

Grace looked back at her friend with a questioning and bewildered expression, but said, "Um, okay. I'll—I'll text you later so we can work on math together, okay?"

"Uh, sure! See you!" her friend chirped, brushing off Jacob's weird behavior. She pulled out her car keys and started off to the parking lot. She didn't give it a second thought. She barely knew Jacob, Grace talked about him only sometimes, and figured that was how all college boys acted.

After the siblings have walked a couple paces away, out of earshot from Grace's friend, Grace violently shook her brother's grip off of her wrist. She looked up at him, craning her neck and squinting her eyes against the sun shining behind his head.

"What's wrong with you today, Jakey?" she asked softly, lightly touching the sleeve of his button-down shirt.

Jacob looked down at his sister, at her dark eyes and pouty mouth, and automatically his annoyance faded away. The crease between his brows smoothed out. "Nothing. There's just this guy that wants to speak to the both of us."

"A guy? What guy?"

"Him." Jacob directed his gaze at the tall, suited man standing erect at the school gates.

She gawked. "Who the heck is he?"

"I don't fucking know either, Grace. I don't fucking know," Jacob said plainly. He exhaled and ran his hand through his short blond hair.

Grace fell silent as she stared at the mysterious man. They both continued walking towards him, but the closer they got, the slower Grace walked. Jacob turned, grabbed her wrist again, and encouraged her to keep walking. Jacob stopped a few feet away from the man again, but this time with his little sister cowering halfway behind him.

"You wanted us?" Jacob asked, gesturing his free hand to himself and Grace behind him.

The man wasted no time. He snapped his fingers. Jacob dropped his hands to his sides and straightened his spine, and Grace did likewise. Her arm dropped lankly from where Jacob was holding it, and fell against the side of her skirt. The light in her eyes died, and she stared blankly somewhere behind the man into the distance.

"Are you both virgins?" the man asked.

Grace answered yes at the same time that Jacob said no.

Mystery man jerked his head at Jacob in surprise. He took a moment before saying, "Well now. That's unfortunate. I was hoping you both would be." He turned his attention this time to Grace. She did nothing. "Grace?"

"Yes, sir."

"From now on, you're going to dress skimpily around the house in front of your father and brother. Understand?"


"You do it because it's the summer, and you're really hot."

"I'm hot."

"And you're going to be shyly flirtatious towards Jacob, but you don't even realize that you are."


"Last thing, every time you both see me from now on, standing here, you are to approach me without a single question. Not a word until I address you."

The man pulled back the sleeve and checked his watch. "I've gotta be going. But I'm going to have so much fun with you two. Of course, not as fun as you're going to have with each other." He chuckled at his shitty joke, shaking his head. Now that he's satisfied, although it won't be for long, he snapped his fingers again.

The siblings blinked.

"Hey, thanks for telling me about the school, sport. I'll be sure to enroll my kid here when he graduates middle school," the man said. He beamed at Jacob and clapped him on the shoulder. His grip on his shoulder was strong, confident, and intimidating like the rest of him.

The man's smile was bright and friendly, all even rows of white teeth. Jacob couldn't help but beam back. "Hey, yeah, dude! No problem! Listen, if your kid ends up going here, make sure he gets Miss Garner. She's the best English teacher in all of ninth grade. Trust me, I had her."

"Oh, I'll try and see what I can do. See you, Jacob. Bye, Grace."

Grace flashed him a little smile, ducked her head so he couldn't see her eyes, and waved him good-bye. The two of them watch him walk away for a seconds. The man's hands were in his pockets, and his gait was incredibly long. It looked as if the man hadn't a single care in the whole wide world.

After the guy disappeared around a corner, Grace looked up at Jacob, and Jacob dropped his head down to look at Grace.

"Christ, he's tall, isn't he," Grace said, laughing.

"I know, taller than me, and I'm pretty fucking tall so that's saying something," Jacob said, laughing along with her. He stole a glance at her smiling mouth, dark pink lips, plump, smooth, and glistening in the sunlight. He liked the easy way she smiled, that she had no barriers blocking him. With Jacob, Grace was open and unafraid. He looked away and cleared his throat. "Well, let's get home, m'tired. You?"

"How're you tired?" she asked, still smiling up at him. "You don't have any classes today. I had to be in school for seven hours, and I can do a marathon."

"Fuck off."

She tilted her head back and laughed. Not even thinking about it, she slipped her hand into his, just as she's always done when they were growing up. With a squeeze, they set off towards Jacob's car parked a ways down the school.

Like clockwork, Jacob's body reacted without his permission. His palm in hers began to sweat a little and his heart rate picked up, making him breathe a little faster too. The feel of her small hand nestled in his, smooth, perfect and unscarred, caused a slow, languorous heat pool down to his groin. He knew that if he kept his hand where it was, he would have a full-fledged erection soon enough.

He dropped her hand. She didn't mention it.

. . . . ~*~. . . .

"Are you cooking dinner tonight?" Grace asked at the bottom of the stairs with her left hand resting on the banister. She had her backpack slung over her right shoulder, her thumb hooked under the strap, ready to drop it the second she stepped foot into her room. She looked at Jacob with wide, expectant eyes.

"Uh," Jacob said.

"Or take out? You have money for take out?"

Jacob shook his head, getting himself together. He fished his wallet out of the front pocket of his jeans. He counted the bills inside before he glanced up and smiled. "Take out. Whatcha feeling tonight?"

"I don't know. I'm okay with anything." A shrug.

Jacob picked up his phone, unlocked it, and then pulled up the dial pad. "Okay, how about pizza?"


He glanced up at her, exasperated but not angry—a helpless smile. "You just said you were down for whatever, sis."

"I know! But I don't want pizza."

"Okay, McDonald's?"



She paused and bit her lip. Jacob stared.

"Okay, yeah. Get the usual."

Jacob winked at her and said, "Okay, princess."

"Oh shut up," she replied already walking halfway up the stairs.

"Oh, my dear princess." Jacob swept his arm grandly. "Her wish is my command! I bow down to royalty. Whatever she desires!" he hollered at the stairs, bowing at the waist dramatically. "I bow down!"

"As you should!" she screamed down, giggling madly.

"My princess, she has no mercy!" Her bedroom door slammed shut, but Jacob knew she heard him through it. "No mercy!"

He stared at the door, waiting for her reply. When she didn't, he brushed it off. He ordered her favorite dish from the nearby restaurant. Afterwards, he hung up and let his hand with the phone in it drop limply on the table. And after brief second, he pulled up a chair and sat down mechanically. He stared down at the red cotton cloth, blank and unthinking. He didn't want to think about what he had to do. The screen on his phone turned off after a few minutes of no activity. Jacob turned it back on.

There on his home screen was a picture of himself and Josephina. Jacob was the one holding the phone since he had the longer arm; his girlfriend was wrapped snugly around his torso. And even though her chest smashed up against his, it was still clear to anybody that her breasts were large. Her smile was radiant because it was genuine. Her long wavy dark hair cascaded down her back, only interrupted by Jacob's hand resting on top of it. She had one hand cupping his jaw, and her lips were puckered as she got ready to kiss him. Jacob's smile was genuine too, his brown eyes twinkling. The both of them were looking at the camera with easy-going, natural expressions.

All at once, Jacob felt his stomach turn upside down and his breathing turn shallow. His girlfriend. What was he going to do about his girlfriend? How would he tell her he wasn't interested anymore? That he wasn't interested in the first place. Reluctantly, his thoughts turned to Josephina and the moments they shared together. Sure, they weren't the absolute, hands-down, most wonderful moments he's ever had in his life, but still, the cutesy, little moments were better than any of the other ones he's had with his exes. Picking her up from her house, handing her roses, driving and joking around—their first date together. And then what about the time he surprised her at her dorm with breakfast in bed? Or the time she fucked his brains out on their third month dating, and then woke up the next morning and then fucked him again? Jacob envisioned her on the sheets, her perky breasts exposed, her whole body exposed, her dark pebbled nipples hard from the morning chill. Her face was peaceful and relaxed and perfect.

Jacob sighed and dropped his head into his left hand, staring at the black screen of his phone in his other. It had turned off again. The screen reflected his face: eyes were tired and droopy, his straight, Roman nose, and his dark, bitten lips. Jacob put the phone face down on the table.

He closed eyes.

Why had he gotten with her in the first place? Because he was bored? He knew he was such an asshole for even going through with it, and leading her on for so long. Why would he get with such a sweet, wonderful girl when he's been in love with Grace since he could remember? Been in love with Grace, his sweet, innocent Grace with her laughing smile and her shy, expressive eyes. He thought of Grace learning to walk, walking towards him, bumbling, and him eagerly spreading his arms for her. He thought of Grace tripping over a soccer ball at eleven, bursting out crying, not calming down till Jacob gave her a kiss on the head and put a Band-Aid to the back of her head where she hit it. (It fell off minutes later but it was the thought that counted.) He thought of Grace at fourteen, the day before her freshman year of high school when she walked into his room quietly with her dark eyes downcast saying, "Jakey . . . I don't think I want to go to high school. I don't want to deal with drama, AP classes, and new people." He remembered her clasped hands fidgeting nervously, and her expression, begging him to somehow take her and runaway from it all.

Jacob clenched his eyes. Between Josephina and Grace, Jacob decided that there was no competition. It was Grace. Grace was everything. Jacob will deal with the break up call later tonight. Oh fuck, Grace. Grace. Grace, Jacob thought.

Suddenly, he heard steps stomping enthusiastically down the stairs. Jacob glanced up from the table and gaped. His mouth fell open. Grace.

Probably the sluttiest outfit he has ever seen her in, Grace was wearing a short-sleeved crop top that ended just under the curve of her breasts. And, yes, even though Grace's small A cups would never compare in size to Josephina's double Ds, they were beautiful in their own right. Both mounds were perky and adorned with twin hard peaks protruding proudly through the thin cloth. Her smooth, pale stomach was completely exposed. And the only thing covering her butt was a pair of tiny booty shorts that showed the bottom of her ass cheeks.

Jacob was gob smacked. He didn't even know she had those clothes. All he's ever seen her in at home were graphic T-shirts, sweatshirts, and sweat pants.

Jacob clenched his fist, digging his nails into his palm, but nothing could stop it this time. His dick had a mind of its own. Jacob could feel himself getting hard, and although he wasn't fully erect yet, a small tent was already forming behind his zipper against his will. He tucked his phone in his front pocket, and whilst his hand was in there, he subtly readjusted his penis.

"Is the food here yet? I'm starving," she said, breathless. She collapsed into the chair across from him and grinned. When she dropped down, her breasts jiggled a little, and Jacob had to actually cover his mouth to prevent himself from moaning aloud.

Closing his eyes from the glorious sight before him, Jacob mumbled behind his hand, "Sis?"

"Yes, servant o' mine?" she replied cheekily but somehow still shy.

"What are you wearing?"

"Shirt and shorts. It's so hot, you know? I'm tired of wearing the same PJs all the time. It's too hot for that."

Eyes still closed. "Grace. I can see your god damn nipples behind your shirt." Opening his eyes and dropping his hand from his face, he gave his best reprimanding glare at her. Jacob struggled looking anywhere but her face, especially not her chest.

Looking down at her erect nips, she blushed profusely. The blush complemented her complexion perfectly. Her cheeks were stained a beautiful deep red. "I'm sorry—I—I thought it would be okay since we're related, and it wouldn't be that big of a deal. . . ."

"I'm a guy with a penis. It doesn't matter that I'm your brother. Do you realize how inappropriate this is?" He waved at her chest, her nipples still obvious.

She looked up at Jacob, at his annoyed expression, and then back down to her chest. Her lips slid into a pout almost subconsciously. She said softly, "But I'm hot. I don't want to wear my regular PJs simply because you're uncomfortable."

"Grace. . . ."



"It's my body, I—"

"Grace! Go upstairs and—"

Ding dong. Both of them stopped speaking immediately. They whipped their heads towards the door. A short silhouette was dark against the distorted glass in the front door. The siblings were both wearing expressions like they just caught robbing a store, eyes wide and mouths slightly open. Then they both looked back at each other in confusion. It was silent for a couple of beats.

Grace snapped out of it first. "I'll get it, Jakey."

Jacob slammed his hands on the table and jumped up after her. "You are not answering the door half-naked, sis."

She continued walking towards the door anyway. "It's fine. I've got everything covered."

"Covered?! Bull shit. Come here, let me—"

Jacob had caught up to her and wrapped his arms around from behind her to keep her from reaching the doorway, but since he was a great deal taller than her, his arms reached only her upper half. His fingertip ended up brushing roughly against her nipple. Grace had gasped out of surprise and pleasure, jerking backwards deeper into Jacob's embrace, against his boner. Jacob's mind exploded from the experience of touching his sister's sweet tit, and the brief contact between his arousal and Grace's backside. The friction provided him a momentary reprieve from his aching, dripping arousal.

Jacob quickly shoved Grace behind him and answered the door instead. He took and signed for the food items, and hefted them to the kitchen table, ignoring the shocked Grace standing there in the foyer watching him. Neither Jacob nor Grace said a word throughout their early dinner, and it was a silent and awkward affair. No one made eye contact. After it was all over, Grace stood up and climbed the stairs to her room without even offering to wash the dishes. That was fine with Jacob. He wanted to be alone with his sexually charged thoughts and his shame.

. . . . ~*~. . . .

The moment his bedroom door slammed behind him, his jeans and boxer briefs were at his ankles. He was hurriedly kicking off his garments whilst also trying to multitask and unbutton his shirt. He tripped over his pants and flopped onto his bed. His erection bounced and slapped wetly against his chest when he landed on his back.

His pants were not coming off. Huffing angrily, Jacob gave up trying to unbutton his shirt for a second, and unhooked his jeans from his ankle and then the other one. Without anything else to focus on, his shirt was off quickly thereafter, following the other pieces of clothing onto his bedroom floor. Jacob scooted to the head of his bed and reached over to his nightstand. His hand moved over to the lowest drawer, roughly yanked it open, and retrieved a condom. He knew that he would last longer with the rubber obstructing direct contact, and it'll keep him from making a mess on his bed.

He ripped the wrapping open with his teeth and spit out the piece towards the direction of the trashcan, not caring if the tiny thing made it or not. He got up unto his knees and sat back on his ankles. He moaned quietly when he rolled the condom on, giving himself a short massage on the underside of his head. He fondled the sensitive area underneath and then made a turning motion on the head. He jumped backwards. The movement was too sensitive for his uncut cock. The condom was rolled completely on now, and he settled for slow, lazy strokes from the base to his beautiful cockhead. He closed his eyes, tilted his head, and sighed contentedly. Earlier, he was desperate to get the dishes done as soon as possible so he could finally relieve this ache. And now that he had his hand on it, he felt amazing.

Jacob teased himself, a few more feather light strokes, before he stopped. His penis already protested the loss of contact. He started gathering his blankets into a nice little hill then he lied down on top of it and inserted his penis into a hole the blankets made. He groaned lowly. He imagined his sister underneath him instead, her body entirely open for his ravishing. Her legs were spread wide apart, offering her older brother her sweet snatch, her virginity. It belonged to him. Her skin was glistening from her sweat, and the moonlight streaming in from the window making her pale skin glow. Those nipples of hers that he was fucking crazy about—erect and long and so, so pink.

She was breathing heavily because she was scared to take him and his large, thick cock—scared and excited. Her eyes were wide and dark, and her hair was splayed around her like a dark halo. Jacob imagined her closing her eyes and emitting her perfect soft, feminine moans, because he's rubbing his cockhead on her pussy lips. Teasing it, spreading her juices, making her drown. He imagined rubbing his cockhead all over the clit, and she's moaning so loudly because she's so inexperienced. She couldn't handle all these new sensations. She was thrashing and screaming and moaning so loudly, but it didn't put Jacob off, it spurred him on. He imagined himself rubbing and rubbing on her clit, torturing her and satisfying himself. He imagined pulling away and her whimpering—she wanted more, her first orgasm. He pulled away and slapped his cock against her pussy lips, letting her know just how big and heavy her older brother's cock was. And she loved it. Every slap of his cock had him literally being splashed with her pussy juices, on his dick and the skin below his navel. At least in his imagination.

In real life, he was fucking his bed like there was no tomorrow. He held on tight to the blankets and snapped his hips desperately into the material. The rough sensation of fabric was nowhere near to what he imagined his sister's smooth velvet dripping cunt would feel like. The artificial vagina he made was loose and unresisting. But in his haste to get off, it was good enough.

In his imagination, he kept on rubbing his dick on her clitoris like a madman. His one goal was to drive her toward her first orgasm. He leant down and took a sensitive nipple into his mouth, giving it a few experimenting sucks, tasting it. He swirled his tongue around the nub, and then flicked it. That was enough to drive her over the edge. He imagined her holding onto the blankets for dear life, her tilting her head back and screaming as loud as she can, her eyes clenched shut, her lifting her breasts towards him, her back a perfect arch. He imagined her shuddering from the intense shocks of pleasure surging through her body. Her vagina juices spilt from her hole and coated his cock completely.

That did it. That did it for him.

He came, and he came real fucking hard. He pulled up over her, grabbed both her knees, and held on for the ride. Without a hand to hold it in place, his cock twitched and bobbed wildly out of control with every shot of cum going through it. Ropes and ropes of cum, nonstop, were landing on her stomach, pooling in her navel. Some landed on her tits, on her hair, and a bit landed in her mouth she held open in complete shock. In his fantasy, her eyes were wide as she swallowed his seed out of reflex, curious and innocent.

In real life, though, he fucked his bed. Some part of his brain, in the very back, thought that he probably looked like a rabid animal. He kept fucking until he exploded, but not all over his beautiful, willing sister. He exploded in a condom, in a pile of sheets