
mind control 2

You fuck your sister yet?"

Jacob and Grace were standing before the unnamed man the day after they first met him. The two of them approached him after Grace's school day ended without even giving a second thought as to why they did. They didn't have a reason to but they did so anyway. Their bodies moved for them, as natural as waking up and brushing their teeth in the morning.

And the man, he was once again dressed immaculately with his unwrinkled suit. Although, the students passing by wondered if they were going crazy, if some weird déja vu shit was going on. Because didn't that guy wear that exact same blazer? That exact same tie? Those exact same sunglasses? Shoes? Shirt? Hell, even pants? The man was one hell of an enigma. But just like yesterday, no one dared to talk to him except for the siblings.

"No," Jacob replied blandly, eyes blank.

The man nodded. "Uh huh. You touch her?"

"Yes. Her nipple."

The man's well-groomed eyebrows shot up in surprise. Jacob and Grace had made progress quicker than he thought. He had expected Jacob to restrain himself for much longer. He expected to forcibly make Jacob make advancements on his sister, but it seemed like the plan was going better than he could've imagined. His fantasy was unraveling, and it made him excited.

With a straight face, he asked, "Oh, and what'd you think of her nipples?"

"They're nice, I guess."

The man chuckled at Jacob's blatant honesty. Then he directed his attention to Jacob's sweet little sister. "I've got new directions for you, Grace."

She said nothing.

"You're not allowed to wear underwear anymore. And if you have to wear underwear—have to—you'll either wear a thong or see-through lacey panties. You want to explore your options."

"I'm so tired of wearing the same bland dollar store panties," Grace agreed robotically.

"And you also get dripping wet every time you think about or touch your brother. Doesn't matter if it's sexual or not."

"So wet . . . ," Grace mumbled.

"That's right. Well, that's it for now." The man uncrossed his arms and snapped his fingers.

Jacob blinked once and focused his faze on the man smiling in front of him, all gleaming white teeth. "Oh hey, nice seeing you again, dude. How's the kid?"

"Great, thank you! He's great. I think he'll definitely be going here after he graduates. I think, ah . . . he'll very happy to attend school with your wonderful sister here. He'll be glad to know that he'll already have a friend."

Jacob clenched his jaw, and his lips pressed together tightly. He was uncomfortable with the idea that a kid, some dweeb he didn't even know was going to be tripping all over himself to be friends with an older girl, a high schooler—his sister. He paused briefly, trying to reign in his jealousy, knowing that it was completely irrational. All the while, the man watched Jacob's face aptly, his grin growing wider like he was watching a science experiment go exactly the way he wanted it to.

"Right. Well. Good for him. Let's go, sis."

Jacob grabbed Grace's hand and pulled her towards him. The second their palms were firmly touching each other, Grace gasped softly.

"What? Let's go." Jacob glanced down at her face, and automatically, his eyes darted to her soft, dark red lips, but his gaze kept traveling upwards and landed on her cheeks. The color of her cheeks matched her lips, completely red. But when Jacob expected Grace to look angry or embarrassed—emotions that would've explained her red face—she was confused.

Both of them walked towards Jacob's parked car, away from the mysterious man who was watching their turned backs, parked in its usual spot down the road.

Jacob waited for Grace to say something and speak her mind, maybe say why she's confused. She didn't say anything. So he didn't either.

. . . . ~*~ . . . .

Jacob had been teaching Grace her math for an hour now.

Both of them were seated at the kitchen table, each sitting across from the other. It was a perfectly safe distance for Jacob, he decided. It wasn't too close. Not close enough that their elbows touched and set his skin ablaze. Not too close that her hot breath would ghost over their working hands or the sensitive skin on Jacob's forearms. Not too close that Jacob would have an uncontrollable, raging erection.

However, the downside was that, across from Grace, Jacob could see everything: the gentle fall and rise of her chest as she breathed. Today, too, she was wearing no bra and the same PJs. That meant she was wearing the same crop-top as yesterday. The shirt's fabric fell sexily over her pointed nipples. Each inhale brought Grace's breasts outward, reaching for Jacob, as if offering themselves and their sweet suppleness. Each exhale was a complete denial.

He could see Grace play with her hair when she was confused. She would roughly run her hands through her short bob, pulling her bangs back and exposing her pale forehead. And then she would let all the strands fall back into place, some of her bangs sticking out stubbornly. And she would tuck pieces of her hair behind her ear whenever she bent her head over to look at a problem closely, whenever they got too obstructing for her vision.

Jacob could see furrowed eyebrows. He could see her purse her lips in thought. The way she slowly dragged them inwards, and then let them slowly, languorously blossom back out—moist dark red petals blossoming.

It was fucking torture.

Jacob tapped the pencil on the textbook as he waited for Grace to work through the problem. Tutoring Grace had been one of his favorite things to do with his little sister. It put him in a position of power. It made Grace dependent on him in a way that she hadn't been since they were toddlers. It made Jacob feel like the older brother he was supposed to be: awesome, all-knowing, smart. But now? But now he felt like every slight movement of Grace's was erotic and every single second spent with her in this silence was overbearing.

Tutoring Grace has become so much more difficult lately. And it wasn't because of math.

"I need to use your calculator," she said, reaching for her brother's phone. Jacob let her. She pressed down on the home button and turned on the screen. The picture of Josephina and Jacob blinked on. She continued to pull up the calculator without saying a word, totally unaffected.

But it had affected Jacob. It made him cringe and recoil slightly as he remembered the horror that was the break up last night.

"Why?" Josephina was sobbing with abandon, no care of how she sounded like. She sounded broken and confused, completely confused. "Was the sex not good enough? Was that it?"

"No!" Jacob cried out. His heart clenched guiltily in his chest. Thank goodness he was lying down on his bed instead of standing up. "The sex—Josephina, god, the sex was amazing, I'm telling you that."

"Then why?"

He pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "I already told you why. I'm just not interested anymore." That was a slight lie. How could he tell her that he wasn't interested in the first place? That he had done it because he was bored? "Some things just wither out and die."

Her ragged breathing on the other end, then, "You cheated on me."

Jacob sat up in surprise, his blankets pooling at his waist. "What? No—"

"You cheated on me, and that's why you're not interested anymore! You fucking asshole! How do you just fall out of love with me out of nowhere? That shit doesn't happen for no reason. You cheated on me." She sobbed harder as she talked. The more she realized that her explanation was most likely to be true, the more that she couldn't control herself.

Her sentences were like arrows to his heart. He floundered, speechless, for a second or two whilst she sobbed. He had never cheated on any of his girlfriends ever.

"Josephina, I promise you. Listen—Josephina—Josephina!"

Her sobs quieted down some. Just enough for her to hear Jacob talk.

This time, Jacob continued in a softer voice, almost a whisper. "I have never cheated on you. I have never touched a woman or lay with a woman or anybody the whole time I've been with you. You were the only one. Please believe me."

He heard her choke back a sound of pain. Her breathing was shallow and raspy. That and her soft sniffles were the only sounds on the line as she thought in silence. And then softly she inquired, "Promise me?"

"Promise you."

She paused and then asked, "What about. . . ." She fell silent again.

"What about what?" Jacob asked encouraging her. He wanted everything out in the open.

"What about emotionally? Did you cheat on me emotionally?"

Jacob's breath caught in his throat.

It all went downhill from there. The next few hours were horrible. They yelled at each other, screaming things that they never meant to scream. Whispering comments hatefully, shooting straight for the heart. They let their anger control them, wash over them completely. They've hung up multiple times on each other throughout the night, only to call back and get consumed in yet another tsunami.

It was hell, and there was no possible way that Grace hadn't heard him yelling next door, and yet here she was acting like nothing at all transpired last night.

Grace solved the problem successfully, grinning up at him in glee.

"See, I knew you could do it, sis." Jacob beamed back at her.

"Okay so." She tucked her hair behind her ear as she looked down at her textbook. She pointed at a new problem. "Could you help me with this one too?"

"Sure thing, princess," Jacob replied. He dragged the textbook over to his side of the table and turned it upside down so he could read it. And so he read it. And he read it again. And again. And before he realized it, he had actually spent five or ten minutes just reading the same problem over and over again with no progress being made whatsoever. "Um. . . ."

"Don't get it?" Grace had been staring at his face, disinterestedly whilst Jacob thought. She had her head resting lazily in her palm, her propped up arm supporting her head.

"No, I'll get it. Maybe if I work it out." Jacob furrowed his eyebrows, thinking. He grabbed her notepad, her pencil, and started scribbling madly. "Hmmm. . . ."

Grace watched her older brother work. It was sight to behold, to see Jacob get lost in thought. To get so lost, in fact, that he didn't notice that he was mumbling madly underneath his breath all the numbers and processes that he was working through. He didn't notice the way that his leg jiggled underneath the table when he was frustrated, moving the table slightly. He didn't notice, most of all, Grace's scrutinizing stare.

Grace sighed, and Jacob looked up in alarm. His pencil was frozen mid-write.

"What?" he asked.

"You don't get it, Jacob," Grace stated. She pressed down on his phone's button, and then said, "It's been twenty minutes now that you've been working on that same problem."

She stretched, raising her fists in the air and leaning over the seat's back. The position had her back in a beautiful arch. It brought attention to her exposed midriff, her ribs jutting out a bit. Her shirt had risen up tantalizingly, rising past the under-curve of her small breasts, but not enough to flash her long, erect nipples. What it had shown, though, was just a little, small part of her areola—a light, rosy pink.

She had her tilted back as she stretched and exposed the sexy white column of her throat.

Her brother gaped—mesmerized at hands-down the most erotic sight of his life—before he shook his head. Jacob's eyebrows pulled down in frustration. "It's been a while, okay? Just give me a minute and I'll have it for you, sheesh." But still, he couldn't take his eyes off her.

Grace settled comfortably back into her seat, and her shirt fell back down. She said, "Wow. 'A minute.' Sure, Jake. Because that's what this was: a minute."

He flashed her a sheepish, lop-sided smile. "Hey now. I'm no super computer."

Grace laughed and smiled shyly at him from underneath her eyelashes. She rolled her eyes in good nature. "Obviously. I didn't know my big bro was such a dumbass!"

He was confident enough in his intellect (having one of the highest GPAs in his high school before he graduated) not to be insulted. So he laughed with her.

"Am not," he replied easily. With his mind off of the difficult math problem, he gradually relaxed into conversation. His muscles unlocked one by one.

"You are so." Grace was now fully grinning at him.

He shook his head. "Am not."

"Are so."

"Am not."

"Are so."

"Am not."

"Are so!"

Grace jumped out of her seat, leant over the table, and pressed her fingertip between his eyebrows to emphasize her point. Annoyed, Jacob grabbed her wrist and held it down on the table, with no real resistance from Grace's end. From his view, he was getting a good look of her cleavage however small.

Glancing back up from the quick look at her breasts, he said teasingly, "You're jealous."

This time Jacob pressed his fingertip between her eyebrows. Grace used her free hand to grab her brother's wrist and lock it against the table.

"Why would I be jealous of you?"

"Don't lie, princess. You feel stupid when compared to my superior intellect."

"No!" she cried out, laughing. She twisted her arm back and forth under his grip, before she finally freed it. She lunged for her brother's neck, trying to put him in a headlock, but this was ineffective for several reasons. One, she was attempting this from across a table, and, two, she was way too small to put any weight in it.

In a flash, Jacob pulled her up out of her seat completely, and dragged her across the table into his lap. The textbook, the notepad, her pencil—all of it—was pushed haphazardly away. Some of her math papers flitted to the floor, littering about. Jacob had her in a headlock, the very same one that Grace failed to make on him. He flexed his arm, cutting off some of her air.

"Admit your inferiority," Jacob commanded. "I'm better physically and mentally."

Grace was still grinning. She wheezed out, "Never!"

She dragged her nails across his forearm. It wasn't enough to draw blood, but it was enough for it hurt, enough for it shock her brother into releasing his hold.

"Ow! You bitch!"

"Sucker!" she cried out, cackling manically.

She darted away. They proceeded to run around the table, with Jacob trying to make mad grabs for her. She kept skipping away untouched, laughing the whole time confident that the table between them will keep her safe.

But she celebrated prematurely. After several minutes of running clockwise and then counter-clockwise and then clockwise again around the table, Jacob caught her around her slim waist whilst she attempted to dart away. Too quick for her to react, Jacob lifted her up and tossed her easily over his broad shoulder.

Jacob tried not to think about how close this put his sister's cunt to his face.

"I'm the sucker? Fuck off." He slapped her ass in punishment (to Jacob's delight, it jiggled), and he received one to his ass in return.

"Put me down!"

She kicked and screamed as he made his way over to the living room. She bobbed back and forth with every step he took. Finally, he stopped in front of their couch.

"Say uncle, princess."

"Screw you."

"All right then." He gripped her tight around her hips and heaved her over his shoulder, tossing her unceremoniously onto the cushions. He scrambled on top of her before she could make another surprise get away. He grabbed her bicep and shoved and pulled her onto her stomach. He twisted both of her arms behind her, and he held her in that position using only his hand. It was big enough to hold both of her wrists. She tried squirming out of his hold, but the wiggling only made her ass rub against his crotch.

Instantly, his cock responded to the hot friction, stiffening in his jeans, making a very sexy, very obvious bulge. He grinded his hips against her rear subconsciously, his cock seeking relief. Grace grunted underneath him as she squirmed.

The sight was amazing. She was held down underneath him with her arms in a lock, completely powerless to Jacob's ministrations. Anything he wanted, he could take so easily. Her ass was in the air, her booty shorts uncovered the bottom half of her ass cheeks. She had them pressed against Jacob's arousal, her left one applying hard pressure onto his cockhead. Her black hair was wild and everywhere. She had her head turned to the side, glaring up at him. Her dark eyes were glinting. Her face was beet red. The rose blush covered her cheeks completely. It even traveled to the back of her unprotected neck. And her lips were a pretty dark red, moist and glistening from when she licked them earlier.

With the position she was in—face down, ass up—her shirt had risen up, completely up. Leaning over a little to the side, he could see her whole left breast, everything. He could see her long, hard nub pointing downwards, and the small pink areola surrounding it.

Seeing it set his body on unbearable fire. He grounded his hips harder against her. He could feel his boxer briefs dampening with his thick, copious amounts of pre-cum. He hesitated and then leant over her body. He pressed her lips against her left ear, the one exposed, and said, "Say uncle."

She closed her eyes and exhaled roughly. His hot breath on her ear made her whole body shiver. It caused her ass to shake, to rub against Jacob's aching groin, and a thrill of pleasure shot down his spine like lightning. Jacob's eyes rolled back for a second in utter bliss.

His breathing turned shallow. He took a moment to gather his wits. "Sis, say uncle or else I'll be forced to reduce to drastic measures."

Grace scoffed. "Oh yeah?"

Jacob pressed his lips firmer to her ear and whispered, "Oh, yeah."

She bit down hard on her lip, stopping a moan halfway. "I dare you."

He didn't disappoint. Jacob used his the hand that wasn't holding her wrists and reached underneath her. He placed it on top of the waistband of her shorts. Then he slowly dragged it over her stomach, pausing to feel her quivering, her fast breathing. He reveled in the feel of touching something so delicate and soft. He continued upwards very lightly, committing to memory the swell of her under-breast. He used a feather's touch and cupped her left breast.

She gasped.

Jacob's mind was exploding. At this point, he was lost. He was completely lost to his lust; he surrendered to his desires. He pinched hard on Grace's long nipple and tugged firmly downwards, eliciting a half-scream, half-yelp from her. Then he twisted it, making it as painful as possible.

"Say uncle."

She moaned in response. He twisted it harder.

"Oh," she groaned.

Jacob was sweating and breathing hard. He loosened his grip on her nipple, and started to draw light circles around the nub and areola, teasing her sweetly.

Grace turned her head and muffled her moan into the cushions.

"You like that, princess?" Jacob tried to ask snidely, but it only ended up coming out as genuine curiosity.

"Mmmm," she said. She turned her head to the side again. Jacob pinched her nipple again, then resumed to lightly circling it. "Ohhh, Jakey. . . . What. . . . Oh. . . . Oh."

Just when she was getting settled in to his soft touches, he grabbed and twisted it harder than he had before. She screamed and pushed away from his offending hand, but backwards into her brother's hard chest. With her back tucked neatly into his chest, Jacob threw away his resolve. He let go of her wrists and used his right hand to grab her other nipple. He took turns pinching them, tugging on them, twisting them to circling them lightly and rolling them in his fingertips.

Whilst he played with her breasts, Jacob rolled his hips against her from behind. He slid his cock against her ass cheeks, moving his hips in gyrating motions to get as much friction for himself as possible. His cock appreciated the perky curves of her ass. The thrill of gratification drowned his brain. He couldn't think. He couldn't think. He could only focus on the sensations of her nipples in his fingertips, the weight of her breasts in his palms, and the friction against his dick.

Suddenly, Grace released the loudest moan—she was practically screaming—followed by violent shivers. The pressure started to build intensely in Jacob's balls before he broke down on top of her, his orgasm washing over him in tidal waves. He gripped her nipples especially hard, purposefully tugging and pulling them away from her, as he rode his orgasm. His hips bucked and twitched as his cock released load after load after load, spilling everything into his boxer briefs, coating his cock in his own sticky, milky come.

Jacob groaned. Slowly, he lifted himself up and sat back onto his ankles. He tugged Grace's limp body onto her back. Her shirt was pulled up to her chin, and her beautiful small mounds were open to him. He brushed a thumb over a nipple lazily and gazed down at her. She looked up at him from hooded lids. Her red mouth was open and panting. He reached down and collected her languid form into his arms, pulling her flush against his chest. He held her tight, tighter so that he could feel her breasts and nipples shoved against him.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, and her legs around his waist.

"I win," Jacob said, smirking.

She threw her head back and laughed. "You win."

They let the silence wash over them. It dominated the room, seeped into the holes, and filled them with awkward. Jacob pulled his little sister away from his body, averting his eyes. He cleared his throat and said, "Uh, I think we're good with math for today."

She lowered her eyes and detangled her legs and arms. They both walked waddled over to the kitchen stiffly. Like a gentleman, Jacob bent to the ground and gathered Grace's notes that fell in their rough-housing and stacked them neat and orderly. His sister finished collecting her things on the table at the same time that Jacob stood up. They faced each other but avoided eye contact.

Jacob cleared his throat again. He opened his mouth to say something, but no words came to fruition. He shut his mouth, handed Grace her papers, and retreated into his room.

He closed the door behind him and looked down at his crotch.

"Shit," he cussed. There was large dark wet patch over his left hip where his cockhead leaked plenty of pre-cum and ejaculate. Grace must've seen it. He can't imagine not seeing it; the wet patch was huge.

He stripped out of his clothes, wincing when he saw the sticky mess in his pants, and entered the bathroom that was connected to his bedroom. The shower was warm and helped to loosen up his tense muscles. Jacob exhaled and leant his head against the tiled wall.

He was still in some sort of state of shock. He kept playing the event over and over in his mind like a movie. He let himself feel regret and guilt. He figured he deserved to feel crappy after doing what he did to his sister. The emotions tasted vile in his mouth, but he swallowed them anyway.

Author's note: Thanks for reading the second chapter, guys! I hope I didn't make anyone wait for too long. I promise they're going to have sex, but we got to have some foreplay first, right? [Wink]

Anyway, please review! Say that you liked it; I'll appreciate even a small, measly sentence. They help to encourage me! : D