
Sex with a Ghost 3

Ensure you read the first part of this book SEX WITH A GHOST 1&2 before this one!!! In the sequel of SEX WITH A GHOST 1&2. Nevaeh is back from the land of the dead with a single purpose; to avenge her own death and that of her sister, Heaven. Uche, a good-looking young man in his early twenties, who also happens to be an atheist is posted to Akwa Ibom state for NYSC. Having been unlucky with women in his previous relationships, he seeks true love and hopes to find it there. On the first day of his arrival, he clicks with Omo, a beautiful corp member but she is already in a relationship. Night of that same day, he is molested by a ghost and that won’t be the only time. Who or what is coming to assault Uche sexually? Will he find the true love he seeks? Is Neveah going to get her revenge? Find out in this paranormal, mysterious and suspense-filled erotica… Warning!!! - Contents strong sex scenes, strong language and is certain to scare and turn you on!

Alexander_White · Urban
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112 Chs

“I am ready!”

"I am ready!"

"Finally…" Uche turned and his mouth dropped in astonishment. Her appearance startling, wine-colored flowing gown tailored to look bold against her dark skin. Straight black hair rested calmly over her shoulders. For a few seconds, he was wordless. No word in his vocabulary could describe her.

"Beau-ti-ful" he stammered. "Just beautiful".

"Thanks" she whispered as her dark eyelashes collapsed gracefully against each other like butterfly winds.

"Let's get going… we are already late".

"Do you know where the church is located?" Uche asked following from behind, watching her buttocks shift the gown up and down with every step.

"Yes… Ada gave me the direction before leaving this morning"

"Alright, but I really don't mind getting lost with you this morning"

She giggled. The clicking of her heels against the tarmac made a rhythm that sounded like soft classical music. He imagined what it would feel like to grab that ass and have his dick pressed against it.

"What are you doing behind?" she pulled him out from his lustful thought.

"Nothing…" His hand went up to his head. "Is it not ladies first?"

Omo stopped, turned and gave him a stare. "Come, I want us to walk hand in hand"

Uche smiled and walked up to her. She buried her left arm into his and together they continued like a couple walking to the altar. He felt his usual reserve melt away. He held her tighter. The candy scent of her hair cream filled his nostrils.

"So, how was your night?" Uche asked.

Suddenly, she stopped. The smile on her lips washed-out and she pinched a fold of skin in his right arm.

"Aww! What was that for?" He groans in pain.

"That's for killing a snake and leaving it in the hallway to scare me to death…"

His eyes crinkled at the corners as his shoulders shook slightly in silent laughter. "I am… sorry" he whispered.

"It is not funny oh… I fell while running away from that thing"

Uche broke free from her hold and held his sides as though he had a stomach ache. She studied his face in wonderment. The subtle upward quirk of his mouth told her he was smothering another laugh. She gave him another slap.


"That's good for you" Her face folded into a frown. She increased her pace leaving him behind. Done laughing, he ran after her.

"I am sorry na…" he took her hand.

"Better take out the snake next time"

"Ok, ma. But who took it out?"

"It was Nosa. He heard my scream and ran out. That guy picked the snake up with his bare hand, took it outside and buried it. He is never touching me with that hand again."

"Correct Benin boy…" he said between a silly smile.

Her lips squeezed to a side while she gave him a stare. "Uche, where are you from self?"

"Imo State"

"Hmmm, Nnamdi Kalu brother. Biafra people"

"Yes oh. A very proud one for that matter. We will divide the country and have our own republic. Where there will be job and security. Not this zoo you people call a country" he blabbed. Deep down, Uche knew that isn't possible yet, but he was hopeful. A Biafra nation will really not change anything, it is still the corrupt leaders that will take over. The marginalization and tribalism will continue.

"Keep dreaming. This is our only country and all of us will remain here"

"Biafra will come and I will have dual citizenship"


"Well, my mom is from Edo State"

"Really?" Her whole face lit up.

He nodded.

"Where in Edo state?"

"Owen West"

"Wow!" she rolled her eyes at him. "That's a lie"

His eyelash came down in confusion."Why will I lie about that?"

"I don't know. Are you saying it is purely coincidental that your mom is from my place?"

"Really?" He exclaimed.

"Yes!" She chuckled. "I am from Owen west too"

"That's cool. So, you are my sister from my mother's side?"

"Yes!" She beamed.

"Can an innocent brother now get a Christian hug from a sister?"

Omo read the desire in his eyes and witness the trembling in his voice. "No!" she replied and pulled her hand from his. "This is what I was saying. You could be lying"

Facing each other, Uche paused and took back her hand. His eyes lost in hers. She scanned him for an interior motive.

"Ok… forget the hug. You just look so huggable and I could no longer resist it. I wanted to capitalize on our shared ethnicity and steal a hug. I am sorry"

"It is alright".

Not expecting it, she threw herself into his arms for a quick hug. Uche felt the softness of her body, her breast pressed against his chest. He ran his hand over the smoothness of her gown and got a whiff of her sweet perfume.

In his embrace, the world faded away. She was cocooned better than any butterfly. Knowing that they were from the same place brought a strange familiarity like she had known him forever and her dream from the night before came rushing through her. Could this be the manifestation of that dream? She questioned herself.

"No wonder, we have a connection" He snickered.

Not wanting the moment to end, his arms squeezed a fraction tighter. Omo breathed more slowly, her body melting into his as every muscle lost its tension to the cold morning air.