
Sex Stories: Mr. LarsBar's Nut Factory

A collection of smut created by yours truly, MrLarsBar (formerly MrMarsBar). Consider this a fic to rebrand my name! A factory of stories where you can nut however you want. There is a wide variety of stuff here that I'm sure you will enjoy. Fuck Azula from Avatar as her soulmate, watch Mikasa from Attack on Titan get fucked by her big dick husband, or have a wonderful, loving morning with Rindo Kobayashi from Shokugeki no Souma! The possibilities are endless! Updates on Tuesdays (occasional) & Thursdays! If you want to see more, go to my Patreon: p@treon.com/MrLarsBar [replace the '@' with an 'a']

MrLarsBar · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Fate Stay/Night - Rin Tohsaka x Big Dick Reader (Part 2)

The door was unlocked. Strange, you thought, as you entered the Tohsaka estate. Heading to the living room, the first thing you saw was a toned ass shaking in endless circles. The black skirt was smooth and outlined how plump it was. Shaking, shaking, and accompanied by a high-pitched wail.

You were acquainted with the mage Rin Tohsaka, the woman who let her hair fall freely and wore a flat expression on her face. This Rin, free and comfortable in her home, wearing a two-side-up hairstyle and a red turtleneck, was unfamiliar to you. But that ass could never be mistaken.

Rin Tohsaka, the Booty Queen as you and others liked to call her, could never be mistaken for another woman.

Although wearing dark stockings, her legs were quite the sight too. Your eyes devoured this vulnerable Rin for a while, imprinting it into your mind before you cleared your throat.

She froze. You stared down at her elevated rump, cock stirring in your pants.

In a blur, she got to her feet and started dusting herself off casually. With her face and ears red and her eyes swirling, she wasn't able to pull it off with the ease of a true mage and you were left stifling a laugh.

"D-did you see?" Rin asked under her breath.

You wordlessly nodded.

Shame spread across her face and she turned redder. To get some steam off, she coiled up her body and jumped.

"Urgh! Y-you idiot!"

You caught a glimpse of her panties. Black, you noted.

She came up to you and poked you in the chest. "W-why did you have to come so early anyway!?"

"Because you told me to…?"


She ran and dropped onto her sofa. Turning herself to the side, outlining her amazing ass, she mumbled and grumbled. For a minute, you watched her wallow in her embarrassment. Watching the curves of her thighs and cheeks shift with every self-deprecating word.

"Is something wrong?"

"Everything is wrong!" Rin exclaimed. "Shirou is wrong, you're wrong, everything is wrong!"


You approached her, leaned down, and slid your hands up her skirt. She immediately shut up as your fingers massaged her pussy through her panties. Her body turned hot.

She was getting moist. That was when you slipped out and gave her booty a hard slap. The echo of her booty covered her muffled moan and she sat up straight.


"Sorry," you said without sounding sincere at all. "So something happened with your boyfriend?"

She muttered something you couldn't quite hear. You took a spot beside her, silent but inviting her to say something with your gaze. She grabbed her legs and pulled them towards herself.

"His dick is too small…"

You blinked.

"His dick is so small, his balls are so small," she continued ruthlessly, "his loads are so small…ugh, it annoys me just thinking about him!"

"You broke up?"

"No, I…" Rin groaned in frustration, lips to her knees. "...I love him, tiny dick and all. I need something better, is all." Her voice descended into silence and a hot atmosphere came over. A small hand squeezed your crotch and you could see a smirk peeking from her lips. "Maybe you could help me?"

"Help you cheat on your boyfriend?"

Her hand slowly started to unzip your pants. "It's not cheating if he can't even fuck me properly."

The two of you drew closer and closer until you kissed. Your hand went to her waist, bringing her closer, bringing her deeper. Inside your pants, Rin stroked your soft cock, bringing it to life. Your tongue wrestled with her, getting a pleasant strawberry taste.

Exchanging moans and smells, intensifying your arousals, the heat flushing your bodies. Your left hand cupped her breasts, feeling her hard nipples through the fabric of her red turtleneck.

"No bra?" You asked, breaking apart. She smirked, eyes glittering. Her hand, still stuck through the hole of your pants, amplified its efforts. They were soft and limited in movement, yet pleasant nonetheless. Your cock pulsated and grew, reaching the height of its arousal and peeking out of your pants. Exposed, pointed up, her hand gripped it tightly.

"No boxers?" Rin licked her lips as she peered down. "I'm not complaining. Are you?"

You answered her question by pushing her down and continuing your makeout session. Your cock poked her, your warmth melting through her thigh-high stockings.

"Stop," she said, slobber on her chin. "Do it already."

You pulled back. As if reading your mind, Rin flipped herself over and got on her knees. You lifted her skirt and saw a wet patch on her panties, leaking fluids. You grinned and dived in.

"W-what are you–"

Her words melded into a heart-felt moan. The black material protecting her cunt was pushed aside for your tongue to dominate. Rin squirmed and mewled as you wrote the alphabet on her pussy.

"Ah! Mmmmh! W-wait! It's t-too good! Too good!"

Rin slapped her palms over her mouth, muffling her voice. But you flicked your tongue in her moist insides, hitting those sensitive walls. Her back arched, raising her ass, but you grabbed her sides and kept a hold on her. Your face couldn't be seen from an outsider's perspective, hidden by the veil of her skirt.


Rin succumbed to a long orgasm. Her juices spilled onto your face. A winded sigh left her as you cleaned yourself. Glancing back, eyes lidded, she saw your rock hard cock and urged you.

"H-hurry up, please."

You smirked as you pulled your pants down and threw it wayside. Unrestrained by any garments, it throbbed and leaked pre-cum. "Beg for it and I might consider it."

"Oh, come on! Plow my ass already!"

 "It would be my pleasure."

You threw her skirt up and in a single, perfectly angled thrust penetrated her cunt. You could feel her walls desperately trying to accommodate your girth, like a virgin experiencing its first cock. You tapped her most sensitive spot and Rin's entire figure shuddered.

Your pelvis slammed her booty, the complete sheathing of your length. She let out a pathetic sound, clashing with the clapping of flesh.

Again and again and again. You fucked her relentlessly. You reached a point her boyfriend couldn't.

"So good! So good! Ah! Ah! Ah~!" Her moans turned squirmier by the minute. "Shirou…he never–ah! He never went this deep!"

You grunted and went faster. The thought of being so much better than the sword-obsessed mage sent chills up your spine and a colossal amount of testosterone. Fulfilling a cheating fetish, fulfilling Rin's unsatisfied desires, filling her cunt up with your cock.

"You're so much better than Shirou! So much bigger!"

Upon hearing those words, your mind went blank. You went harder, faster, ramming your cock inside her like you would never get another chance to explore the bootylicious Tohsaka.

She came and came and came. Squeezed you everytime she heated up. After about fifteen minutes, the build-up to your own climax came to a boiling point.

Your balls clenched. You placed your body on top of her, head on shoulder, and whispered, "I'm cumming."

She squealed. You thrusted one last time and dumped a load heavy enough to drain all the energy in your body. Rich, thick cum flooded her womb, overwriting her walls from the prior muck of Shirou. Your hips rocked in tandem with every throb–with every viscous cum shot.

There was a sigh as it ended.

"Good?" You asked.

"Great," Rin sighed, collapsing into the couch at last. Your bulb served as a corkscrew, so when you pulled out everything spilled out. At first, her skirt hid everything. But eventually, as everything started to spread and leak, a small puddle of white was formed on the floor beside her. A testament to the sheer volume you released.

Your cock had a mind of its own, however, as it refused to stay down. Rin's arms dangled off the arm rest, her figure heaving in exhaustion.


You couldn't hold back. You picked her ups, arms hooked under her legs and neck, and ran upstairs to her room. It was your first time at her house but for some reason you knew where to go.

"H-hey, wait! Where are you–!" Although stuttering and confused, Rin didn't give any physical resistance. Not until she saw the trail of cum following you. "Stop! We have to clean that up–"

"Later," you said. Her pussy continued gushing out your spunk as you walked fast and there was nothing she could do about it. Rin opened her mouth to say something but shut up when she saw the door to her room.

You didn't waste a second. You tossed her onto the bed and slowly pulled your shirt off and anything else you had on you. When you looked at Rin again, she was sitting on the edge of bed, naked save for her stockings. Her skirt and red turtleneck were already discarded.

Fast, you thought, but also expected. Rin had been wholly unsatisfied for the past few months and with her raging libido there wasn't a chance she wasn't going to respond to your advances. Her arms were folded across her chest, the shyness of being naked in front of someone other than her boyfriend creeping in. Her face was red but her aqua blue eyes were eager and ready.

You bit the bottom of your lip, smiling. Fuck, she was sexy. She didn't have wobbly tits like certain women but her figure was still phenomenal. A remarkably toned, heart-shaped ass, a spectacular set of hips, and a pale complexion devoid of defects. Her thighs were soft, milky, and long, features that were further emphazised by her stockings. 

In a single broad stride, you captured her lips. That soft strawberry taste filled you as you put a hand on her cheek and deepened the kiss. Rin seemed to want you just as much, her tongue gliding across the sides of your cheek and her hands on your cock, slowly jerking it off.

You must have stood there – leaning down, kissing her, getting your shaft stroked and pumped by her small, soft hands – for at least five minutes. Whenever the two of you broke apart, it wasn't for long, taking the necessary gulps of air before going right back into each other. Her hands went faster and faster, the sound of wet flesh permeating through the room. You throbbed and pulsated, releasing pre-cum that stuck her fingers and smeared your phallus. 

"Mmm…" Rin pulled back from the kiss, panting, before glancing down. Her hands looked and felt small holding your hot, veiny cock. "You look ready…" she whispered, her breath tickling your lips.

Rather than reply, you gently pushed her down on the bed, kissing her, and then straightened up. Looking down at her, her smooth red lips, her glistening horny face, her small, well-shaped tits, and the dips in her curves, you only had one thought: fucking the absolute living shit out of her. But you knew you had to take it slow. Slivers of your cum were still inside her, leaking in small amounts, the slithery sensation sending shivers up her spine.

You exhaled as you lined yourself. Her pink pussy was pristine as always, as if you hadn't destroyed it ten minutes back. Rin nodded, eyes lusciously peering down, and you let yourself in, the palms of your hands pressing the bed near her shoulders.

Rin's exhale was like relief, like she was waiting for your cock. The deeper you went, the more of yourself that joined her, the hotter she got.

"So deep…so good…that's it. That's it…!"

Rin was brimming with excitement, squirming with it. That was when you realized it. She wasn't waiting for you. No, you owned her pussy. Your cock belonged in her, fucking her, showing her the time of life. That was its purpose. Her purpose. Your purpose.

You reached her G-spot and an undignified sound came out of her. Her cheeks were a scarlet red and her eyes were closed, not wanting to meet yours.

You could go a little further but you decided against it. Instead, you started thrusting, hitting that precious spot over and over again. It was slow, switching your usual passion for technical skill. Rin was panting at first, feeling each strike but refusing to give in to her desires, to the moans trapped in her lungs. You picked up the pace, tapping her sensitive zones once, twice, three times–


Rin's breath hitched, a sign of having achieved an orgasm, and you stopped a groan from leaving your mouth. Her walls were really fucking reactive. Not only was she wetter than before but she was clenching on you madly, like she wanted another loaded creampie. 

You hovered over her, your fingers grabbing a fistful of the mattress. You wanted to stay in missionary but holy fuck was it difficult not to just rail her in a better position.

It took a while for her to settle. Her orgasm was drawn out and intense, wiping her mind clean of thought. The way you had fucked her into her orgasm was different than before and therefore yielded a different kind of climax. When the light finally returned to her eyes, you had long since stopped moving. Rin gulped, anticipating your next move. You straightened up and placed your hand on her lower abdomen. You could feel the slight bulge–your cock throbbing through. Your hand went down to her clitoris, red and aching, and played with it.

"D-don't stop," she begged. Your thumb flicked her clit and she nearly lost it. "Please!"

Smiling, you slid your hands to her sides, holding them in place, and started fucking her again. This time, it was faster, stronger, harder, deeper. You barely needed to move your hips as you essentially moved her. She was quite literally cock sleeve and she loved it.

"Oh god, oh god…! F-fuck!" You were taken aback from her explicit language, though you didn't mind in the slightest. You rammed her harder and harder and harder. "Oh! Oh! Oh, fuck!"

She came and you could feel her insides coiling up. This was it, this was what you were used to. Rin's rapid, toe-curling orgasms that snowballed until she was done.

How about this? 

You grabbed her feet, which had been bouncing needlessly at your sides, and pushed them over. You were still fucking her, not wanting to waste a second, and Rin was flexible enough for the transition to happen without issue. Once you held her ankles firmly in place, pointing her feet backwards but not overtly so, you slammed into her. Again and again and again.

"So good!" Rin cried out, raising her voice. "It's so deep! P-please! Right there! Yes! Right there!"

You needed to go harder, you realized. Your hands went to the back of her thighs where her black stockings ended and you pushed her legs down on her shoulders, placing Rin in a provocatively exposed position. She was totally, completely, utterly vulnerable. She could do nothing except take your cock.

So that was what you did.

Her arms and legs pinned down, Rin wailed as you fucked her effortlessly. In this position, with this angle, you could go so fucking deep. You felt her insides desperately try to squeeze you, begging for a load.

Not yet, you thought. Her cunt was relentless but you couldn't give in. Not yet.

You pounded away, focusing your efforts on touching her sensitive spots. Those places she rarely, if ever, had anyone to properly fuck. As expected, with every thrust, you caused a deep moan. After ten, twenty, thirty of those thrusts, Rin had lost herself in a mess of moans. "So good! So good! You're so…ah~! So deep! You're fucking me so hard! Your cock is just–ah! Too–ah! Fucking–aaaah~! Goooood!"

Tears of pleasure went down her cheeks, her head moving left and right, trying to do everything in its power to resist the absurd pleasure. It really was too good for her.

"You're amaaazing! I've never felt like this in my life! My liiiife~!" She let out a moan. Her toes curled and her legs shook as another earth-shattered climax overtook her systems. "It's too…too much! Aaah~!"

You pounded and pounded and pounded. You just didn't stop. You wanted to see Rin, the once prideful tsundere mage, break under your cock. Heartily, unconditionally, wholly submissive to you. Her mask had already broken. All that was left was the programming.

You removed your hands from her thighs and promptly slipped it under her back. Rin was able to catch her breath as you took the time to pause and heave her towards yourself. Your cock was still inside her as you rose to your full height. When she realized what was happening, she instinctively wrapped her arms and legs around you. You supported her body weight by putting your hands under her rear. 

You totally weren't holding that ass like it depended on you.

The closeness of your new position immediately initiated another make-out session. You gripped her ass cheeks nice and hard, practically kneading the toned flesh with your fingers. Rin, meanwhile, made sure to tightly keep her arms around your neck.

Once you broke off, staring into her majestically blue eyes, you thrusted. She closed her eyes, attempting to keep the noises to herself. She failed as you went faster and harder–as you made her entire body bounce on your cock.

Up, down, up, down.

It was a new angle, a new ecstasy. Rin found herself breathing heavily on your neck, struggling to do anything except receive. She was sweating and the only you could smell was the distinct scent of sex. It was overbearing but it was the product of you and Rin.

"I'm close," you announced after so long. Rin's lashes fluttered as she looked at you longingly.


You didn't wait. You immediately let the pressure run up your shaft and release into her. The powerful, bolstered cum shots made Rin experience a chain of orgasms. Back-to-back, unfiltered, and refusing to lose its effect, Rin blanked out. She threw her head back, her tongue sticking out shamelessly and her speech completely slobbered.

"Thso gthooth!" 

You didn't understand her words but you understood her wanting. You thrusted upwards, trying to creampie her as deeply as you could.

Your balls clamped down and you fired several additional shots. You could feel Rin shiver against you. She felt and enjoyed every slimy millilitre of your seed, whether it reached her womb or simply fell down to the rest of her pussy. Regardless, by the end of your climatic ejaculation, her cunt was dripping fluids, a mix of yours and hers. 

"Gaaah…mmmmh~!" Rin sounded delirious, like she wasn't quite in the right mindset. Her head rested on your shoulder because you were sure she would otherwise fall on the bed and twitch like a thoroughly fucked and creampied whore–like last time. 



Her walls clenched on your prick, as if it hadn't just filled her up and then some. 

"Give me…more…more…please…"

Okay, maybe you actually broke her. You glanced out the window. The sun was still out. Meaning, plenty of time for you to fuck.

Btw hit me up on Discord if you want a commission! I do a flat rate of 1 cent per word. So 1k words will be about $10 USD, 2k words will b $20 USD, etc. I am mrlarsbar on Discord ^^

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