
Sex Stories: Mr. LarsBar's Nut Factory

A collection of smut created by yours truly, MrLarsBar (formerly MrMarsBar). Consider this a fic to rebrand my name! A factory of stories where you can nut however you want. There is a wide variety of stuff here that I'm sure you will enjoy. Fuck Azula from Avatar as her soulmate, watch Mikasa from Attack on Titan get fucked by her big dick husband, or have a wonderful, loving morning with Rindo Kobayashi from Shokugeki no Souma! The possibilities are endless! Updates on Tuesdays (occasional) & Thursdays! If you want to see more, go to my Patreon: p@treon.com/MrLarsBar [replace the '@' with an 'a']

MrLarsBar · Anime & Comics
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Fate Stay/Night - Rin Tohsaka x Big Dick Reader (Part 1)

Summary: It wasn't supposed to be personal. Rin needed to do a mana transfer with you simply because she was desperate for magical energy. Plus, she and Shirou were on break so it wasn't technically cheating, right?

Well, you managed to fuck the Tohsaka prodigy better than her ex-boyfriend ever could. It ended becoming more than personal.

Themes: NTR, Pseudo-cheating, Cuckold, Size Comparisons, SPH.


You and Rin Tohsaka made a quaint agreement. Have sex, achieve the level of mana needed for her ritual, and you get paid. Easy. You weren't told what her magical ritual was or how it would be done but you didn't particularly care. It was business, after all. Nothing more, nothing less.

Renting a room at a hotel near the Clock Tower, the two of you met up when the moon was bright and the city was quiet. 

Her hair flowed behind her and her posture was prim and uppity. An uncanny resemblance to the young head of the Edelfelt family. You weren't friendly with either of the girl geniuses but your intuition told you Rin was the easier-going of the two, however marginal it was.

"Alright," she said, taking off her coat and plopping onto the bed. Your eyes immediately went up and down her body. If your experience served you right, she was about a C-cup. "It's time."

Rin wore a white polo neck jumper and a black mini skirt. A little stiff, if you were honest with yourself.

You had purposefully picked out something both comfortable and presentable. Slacks and a button-up shirt, each as dark as the night and as easy to slip off as activating one's magic circuits.


Her face was hardened, yet her eyebrows quivered slightly. Nerves. It was interesting watching the usually reserved girl pretending not to be anxious. Most mages at the Clock Tower would rather die than show such weakness. Rin Tohsaka, however, seemed to be an exception to that rule. Genius or not, she was a maiden at heart.

Sorry, Miss Tsundere, but it's time to get to work.

You approached her, unbuckling your belt. Your pants dropped as she let out a "Meep!"

Your boxers were a plain black. Nothing special.

But Rin, upon seeing your tight bulge up close, became flustered. Face red and turning her head to the side, she said hastily, "Wait, wait, wait. Are we starting now?"

"Look, this is mana transfer, not just plain sex. I expect you to suck me off and then swallow."

"Well, that's–"

"What my job is," you cut in. Rin had no words. "You have your gems ready, right? You'll need to put any extra magical energy in them."

"F-fine. Let's do it!"

Recovering a sliver of her dignity, her fingers slipped into the waistband of your boxers. With a shaky breath, she pulled it down. Your flaccid member popped out, unexcited and at its weakest form.


"W-why is it so big?' Rin asked, eyes glued. You blinked. Reactions like this were common, despite the fact you weren't especially well-endowed. At least you didn't think so…

Oh right. Shirou Emiya.

Shirou Emiya, Rin Tohsaka's apprentice. He was a good man, you thought, and something of a ladies man. But what lay between his legs wasn't exactly…impressive. Actually, it was the complete opposite of that. You saw him in the bathroom stall once and accidentally got a peak. Since it wasn't on purpose, it wasn't like you got an eyeful but it was enough.

From one man to another, you hoped he was a grower rather than a shower.

"I'm a little different from your old boyfriend."

"Y-yes," she admitted. "It's certainly…bigger…"

Pride surged within you, as well as curiosity. "Why did you two break up?"

Your dick must have had hypnotic properties because she answered without blinking. "We had a conflict of opinion. It would be more accurate to say we're on break."

"On break, huh?" Your lips curled into a confident smile. A sign of victory. "From his small dick."

"W-what!? Shirou isn't…he's not…"

Her eyes shone with images of her time with Shirou. When she was in her yellow pajamas and she wanted his dick so badly. Her reaction at the time was one of confusion and awe.


His balls were…a little small but she thought he made up for it in length. 

But now–


Faced with the overwhelming truth, the truth of your softie, she gulped and trailed off. Gently, she scooped up your cock. Her hands were warm and your heart started to beat fast. Before you knew it, you reached full mast.

Rin whimpered. "T-that's…incredible." Another feeble sound and expression.

Again, you weren't crazy well-hung. It was simply a testament to Shirou Emiya's lack of manhood. 


Perhaps you could give Shirou some credit though. Maybe you were just that well-hung. Women did regularly seem flabbergasted at the mere sight of your cock.

Nevertheless, between you and Shirou Emiya, you were the superior male.

Your tip nubbed at her lips. Soft, you thought, as she took it in.

Shirou must have taught her well because she took in half your length without issue. Her blowjob was immaculate. Her tongue was active and touched every part of your glans. Her eyes were kept up to your face as she read every little reaction and adapted.

You exhaled sharply and your hands ended up on the sides of her head. Holding back a moan, you said, "You're…amazing…at this."

That seemed to spur her on. She took a deep breath from her nose and proceeded to suck on your cock as if she was trying to melt it. You drove your fingers through her hair. It was nice and long and it smelled like strawberries but you couldn't focus whatsoever. Your breath trembled, hoarse and needy.

She decided to spare you a second to catch your breath. At least that was what you thought when her mouth left your cock.

Wow, she is…beyond thorough, you thought to yourself as she teased your ballsack. First licking it, but then nibbling on each sensitive orb. Taking in as much as she could into her mouth, painting it with her saliva.

Shirou Emiya, I can't believe you had this all to yourself.

Rin wiped off the lingering drool with her sleeve and returned to your cock, which was red and about to burst. Long trails of pre-cum fell to the floor wastefully. She licked it up as fast as she could but paused from how delicious it was. This was one of the many reasons why you were the most favoured when it came to mana transfers. Your cum tasted astonishingly good. It wasn't metallic or salty. Rather, it was sweet with a pinch of sourness. Many compared it to blueberries.

"I'm almost there."

As soon as you uttered those words, she took you in, going all the way to the hilt. You couldn't hide your surprise and you let out a deep moan.

Her gag reflex kicked in, however, and Rin was forced back to the halfway point. You put your hand back on her head, genuinely needing the support. 

Despite the setback, her tongue was working its magic, almost like it was instinctual. You started to lose control, your fingers digging into her scalp. Rin undoubtedly noticed. Your balls clenched as you reached euphoria. She controlled her breathing, wrapped her arms around your waist, and went in again just as you came.

Your load must have been significantly more than Rin expected because after cumming directly inside her for a few seconds she coughed and backed out. Your cock sprang out like a water hose and you sprayed your cum on her face and clothes. 

"H-hey, wait–" 

Rin's words were cut off by a strong string of cum splattering on her mouth. You didn't do it on purpose.

"W-wait," she muttered, despite her tongue lapping it up. "I said wait!" 

There was no waiting. You grabbed your cock and started jerking off, releasing whatever else was left, which for Rin was a lot. She was continuously interrupted by the unending strings of pearly white smearing her face. A couple even landed on her hair.


She resigned herself to her fate and simply stuck her tongue. You aimed and shot your cum with pinpoint accuracy. This was your job, after all.

Once you were done, Rin opened her eyes irritably.

"Are you finished?" she asked flatly.

You chuckled and shifted back. "Yes. All that was valuable mana, by the way, so don't forget to chew and swallow. Mana transfers through the mouth take time so you don't need your gems right now."

Although exasperation was written all over her, Rin did as she was told. Your cum was thick, virile, and tasted amazing. It was no wonder Rin took her time chewing through it. Scooping up your cum with a finger, plopping it into her mouth…

It was kind-of hot.

Maybe that was why despite the long and hard climax you were harder than ever before.

"Jeez." Rin casted your cock a look. Like a cat, she continued cleaning yourself. "Doesn't that big thing ever go down?"

"It takes a while."

"And how come you let out so much?" Her voice took a low turn, so that you wouldn't hear. "I thought Shirou came a lot but he wouldn't be able to cum this much on his best day. Is it a size thing…?"

Her whispers became unintelligible to you but you heard what you needed to hear. You were bigger. You were better. You were on a level beyond that of Shirou Emiya. The comparison made you feel like a king. A man that was akin to a conqueror.

"Let us move on to the next step, shall we?" Rin said. You watched as she undressed herself, exposing her half-naked body. And what a body it was. It was slightly toned, likely from the wrestling and training she did. Her breasts weren't massive but they were pretty big. Her black bra seemed to be propping them up a little. 

You stared at her black panties and what lay underneath. What an opportunity this was. You unbuttoned your shirt, leaving yourself fully exposed to her. Rin gulped.

"Are you ready?"

"Y-yes," she replied, arms under her boobs, gaze to the left. You smiled, leaned forward and gently pushed yourself onto her. Not just your body but your lips too. The two of you didn't waste any time and delved right into a spicy French kiss. Your lips met in equal desire with hers, tongue slipping in and out of each other. A picture-perfect image of a couple in bed.

Your cock rubbed against her panties. She wrapped her arms around your neck, deepening the kiss, bringing you closer to her. You could feel her getting wet through the fabric.

You decided to play with her. Your fingers went down and pressed on her clitoris.


You muffled her reaction with your tongue. And repeatedly kept doing it. Teasing her pussy, getting her to react strongly, yet never allowing her to moan. When the two of you separated to catch your breaths, Rin looked like she had gotten her ass fucked.


Maybe later. For now, you went for another kiss.

You opened your eyes slightly. Rin was totally enamoured with you. Eyes shut as euphoria overcame her mind, cheeks red from embarrassment, body twitching as your hands wandered and jolted her with pleasure.

Right now, Rin Tohsaka wanted you more than anything.

You pulled away, huffing and puffing. "Next step?"

"N-next step," she agreed, the saliva connecting you popping.

Rin must have wanted you badly because she immediately turned around and stuck her ass out. A doggy-style position was something you were desperately hoping for with Rin. And now you got it.

Her legs and hips were her strongest features. As you shifted forward on the bed with your knees, you recognized that fact.

You pulled down her panties, exposing her dripping wet cunt. Rin shuddered as she felt the cool air. But once the warmth of your cock came, she peered over her shoulder and smiled.

"I'm going in."

"You better not hold back." Her confidence was returning. That was a surprise. You smiled.


But contrary to your words, you took it slow. You didn't ram your cock like a madman, no matter how tempting it was. You see, you wanted to check something.

Rin was warm and insanely tight. Her walls were pulling you in, inviting you to go deeper and deeper. Rin, whose expression seemed to twist with every passing second, had been holding herself up with her hands. And the deeper you got, the less her hold was. 

Rin's breathing was forced. She was desperate to look composed. You found it cute, to be honest. The girl had her pride.

You jerked your hips forward. A singular inch that broke the Tohsaka head's self-control like it was nothing. You pulled back, making her shiver in anticipation, but you decided to take it slow again. Half an inch every five or so seconds. You wanted her to beg for it.

"You…you little–ngh…!"

Eventually, the sensation of your cock became too much and she dropped onto the mattress. Suddenly, her walls closed around you. The portion of your member inside her feeling like it was getting rewarded for its award. Becoming wet and tight. Ahead, you could see Rin grabbing the pillow in front of her and hugging it to her face.

"Wow. You came already," you said.

"S-shut up." She gulped for air, chin using the pillow for support. "You…you dummy!"

You laughed. Your teasing was more effective than you expected.

"I'm still not fully in so get ready."

"W-what? That's not…what're you talking about? You can't…you can't go any deeper. It's not…possible."

You blinked. "No, it definitely is possible." 

"N-no way…" Rin was panicking, for whatever reason. Did she really not think you were capable of more?



So this was it.

This was where Shirou Emiya laid his claim. This was his absolute limit. Where he went balls-deep and fucked her as best he could.

Key word: as best he could. Shirou Emiya's limits were not your limits.

"So this is how big your boyfriend is. Gotta say, I'm not impressed."

Rin let out a small wail. She couldn't defend her old boyfriend because it was true. 

You weren't trying to be cruel either. It was just that…Shirou was really small. There was a decent portion of your length left. The fact that there was such a difference between the two of you was mind-boggling.

"Here goes."

As soon as you entered the uncharted territory, Rin squealed. She wasn't able to muffle herself in time either, so you were able to hear Rin Tohsaka squealing in pleasure at full volume. It was high-pitched and adorable, like a kitty meowing.

Shirou certainly must have never reached this place either because it was insanely tight. Like a virgin who had never masturbated and was learning for the first time.

You could hear her mutter into her pillow. Every inch seemed to tighten her up a notch. 

You exhaled as you finally, finally bottomed out. Your pelvis pressed against her ass, the thick inches of your cock sheathed inside. However, it wasn't simply you resting. It was your tip prodding her cervix.

"So Shirou never came this far, huh?"

"N-never," Rin replied unwittingly. You grabbed her sides, smiling.

"It's alright. Let me show you a whole new world then."

You started thrusting. Fast and without hesitation, you fucked her. The sounds of you clapping her ass echoed through the air. The sounds of Rin moaning and whining accompanying it. It was heaven.

Rin came again, latching onto your cock. You grit your teeth, going in balls-deep as she cried out from her intense orgasm. It lasted for a good ten seconds and lewd juices fell from her stuffed cunt. You pulled out and for a moment you stared at her heart-shaped booty.

The men in the Clock Tower were crude but they were very much correct that she had an amazing ass.

Rin's eyes were swirling, her mouth hung open as drool escaped her. Any semblance of her old dignified self was gone, replaced by a well-fucked whore.

The room was filled by her broken, strangled panting. You waited until she gathered her bearings. One minute, two minutes, five whole minutes passed before she was able to speak. You had only been fucking her for three.

"D-did…did you cum?" Rin croaked out. You pulled your hips back and–


–slammed back in. The gasp that left Rin nearly left her breathless. This time, you went even faster. Balls smacking against her, you created a steady, reverberating rhythm.

Another orgasm from Rin and another difficult time for your cock. Nineteen years old and yet Rin Tohsaka's pussy was like a virgin's. The sensation quickly got to you and at the ten minute mark you were on the verge of climax.

"I'm close," you said. Rin had already experienced three intense orgasms and was in no condition to speak. She could only move her head, which was all you needed.

You grabbed a handful of Rin's ass cheeks and threw your entire body weight as you plunged forward. Your balls tugged at you, emptying themselves and flooding Rin's insides. It was a pretty spectacular climax but also a hard one. You winced as your waist buckled under the long and fierce sensations. You were close to falling over but you mustered up your strength and maintained a straight posture. A perfect, upfront direction for you to cream her.

Once you were done, you jerked yourself out. During your ejaculation, Rin experienced an orgasm of her own. The after effect was like a servant desperately begging its master to keep them. Your cock being the master and her cunt as the servant. 

Strings of your cum stuck to your tip as your cock lay on her ass. You let out a victorious breath.

"Phew." You slapped her ass, because why not? You were feeling good about yourself. You pounded Rin Tohsaka better than Shirou Emiya ever could. 

Her ass was raised high and shook from the meaty smack. The curve of her back was sexy as fuck, but what spurred your arousal was the thick white cum gushing out. Long ropes that endlessly fell and fell.

Rin was famished and freshly creampied.



The black-girled girl shifted her head to the side. A motion she struggled to accomplish. "I…I need more…I need more of your cum. Please…"

So this is the resolve of a mage family's head. Your cock throbbed eagerly. Her ass responded and sandwiched it between her cheeks. Or maybe she's just lost herself. Oh well. Not my problem.

You proceeded to fuck Rin well into the night. And at some point, when the moon was shining, she got used to your cock and the euphoria that came with it. She could respond like an actual human being and not some fucked up whore.

"Unhhh! You're so much bigger than Shirou!"

"You cum so much more than Shirou!"

"Mmmph! Ah! Ah! Ah! Shirou could never go this deep! Aaah~!"

Shirou, Shirou, Shirou. She compared you to him every so often and you came out on top every single time. The differences between your skill and size was like night and day, and Rin enjoyed pointing it out, to the point of degradation.

"I can't believe I was ever satisfied by Shirou. His tiny cock could never–ughh! Be this deeep!"

She straight-up called his dick tiny. You had no idea what Shirou had done to warrant such aggression from her but you didn't mind. You were the one fucking her right now. You were the one giving her what she needed.

The night became spicier by the hour. As you exchanged sweat and fluids, you wondered if this had been Rin's goal the entire time. You could sense she had excellent magic circuits, perhaps efficient enough to summon something as ridiculous as a Reality Marble. So what was the need for you to supply her with magic?

"H-hey, idiot! Why did you stop?"

Her question snapped you out of your thoughts. Rin lay spread-eagled on the bed, pupils foggy and delirious. You shook your head and said, "Sorry," before shoving your cock inside her.

You pumped her with enough of your magical energy to last her a month. As expected of the Tohsaka genius, she managed to divert the excess mana to several high-quality gems right on time. If it was in her system for too long, well…the results wouldn't have been pretty. She could have lost her magic circuits in their entirety.

The morning light hit your hotel room. Rin was on the side of the bed, thoroughly fucked and creampied. You weren't particularly sleepy. The deed was done and your contract was carried out to the letter. Although fucking Rin Tohsaka was a reward on its own, you also needed your payment.

The nineteen year old slept like a baby, however. You took a shower, cleaned the room, and even left to grab some breakfast in the city. Yet when you returned, she was still asleep.

Did I fuck her too hard? 

It wasn't exactly new to you. You did occasionally get carried away. Not that anyone complained about it.

It wasn't until well into the afternoon that Rin woke up. She didn't recognize you at first. Only when you reminded her of your deal that it came back to her.

"Y-yeah, right, we, uh, did do that." Rin seemed embarrassed. You didn't blame her for it either, since the two of you had a very rowdy night. When you left your hotel room, many people stared after you. Wondering just what kind of person you were to get a woman moaning like that.

"Ahem! Well, as we agreed, you shall receive your reward." 

You blinked. Although prostrating as a dignified mage, it was impossible to take her seriously when her blanket was slipping down and her breasts were exposed. You pretended not to notice and proceeded with the transaction.

Mana transfers of this level also had a tendency to improve the recipient's magic circuits. Rin claimed she could feel her newfound power and paid you extra for it. Rather than argue about it, you took it in stride. It was pocket change anyway. 

"A-also, before you go," she said, gathering a fistful of her blanket. Again, it was hard not to get horny with her tits out. "Let's do this again."

You smiled. "Of course, Ms. Tohsaka."

Part 2 on Patreon! Complete with gifs and images!

MrLarsBarcreators' thoughts