
Sex & Drugs

Oozing with charisma, Atlas is the epitome of allure, a man who possesses it all—looks that could seduce angels, wealth that commands respect, and power that strikes fear into the hearts of his enemies. Yet, peel away the layers of his facade, and a broken soul emerges, entangled in the clutches of addiction—pleasure becoming his only refuge. To escape the demons within, Atlas succumbs to a treacherous dance of vices—alcohol, sex, drugs—an intoxicating cocktail that engulfs his every waking moment. Amidst the treacherous power struggles and savage feuds between rival districts, chaos reigns as a new deity emerges, casting a sinister shadow over their twisted world. Will Atlas manage to navigate the tumultuous waters of his responsibilities as the right hand, or will he sink deeper into the abyss that consumes him? And that enigmatic stranger who entered his life with reckless abandon? A shattered soul, even more tormented than Atlas himself, awaiting their fates to intertwine amidst the maelstrom of their shared darkness. Jax, the formidable leader of a rival organization, stands only one rung below Atlas in the intricate hierarchy of power. With vengeance coursing through his veins, Jax has found solace in the pursuit of retribution, fueling his very existence. Yet, amidst the chaos of their shared world, a new sensation takes root within Jax—a profound confusion of emotions that defies his hardened nature. Is it a mere attraction, a fleeting infatuation? Or does it possess the potential to ignite an all-consuming fire—a passionate conflagration that could consume them both? In this twisted world of power, addiction, and simmering emotions, their fates become intertwined, threatening to unravel the very fabric of their existence. Brace yourself for a journey that delves into the depths of their desires, the allure of the forbidden, and the undeniable magnetism that draws them inexorably together. [Cover by AI]

SagharShirazi · LGBT+
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27 Chs

Chapter 1.2 — Atlas

Once again, I found myself seated upon the bed's edge, unable to resist the allure of his presence. He exuded an irresistible magnetism, a taste I couldn't quite recall but yearned to rediscover. Despite the pressing weight of my impending meeting, this encounter held a far more appetizing appeal.

A devious smirk played upon his lips as he noticed my approach. "Ah, I recognize that look," he laughed, his delight evident. "If I were to offer you a taste, would it assist in conjuring the memories of our shared night?"

I found myself drawn to him, appreciating the swiftness with which he comprehended my desires.

"Provide me with a sample, and I shall repay you in kind," I murmured, closing the distance between us. Whether it was I who had invested heavily in securing this lavish bed or he who had, the details mattered little to me. At this moment, such trivialities held no significance.

He reached for the drawer nestled beside his side of the bed, retrieving a mysterious dark bottle. "It takes liquid form," he declared, a flicker of heat illuminating his gaze. "I find it possesses a certain sensuality. Are you open to its fiery essence?"

So, this was the clandestine haven of his hotel room.

I accepted the bottle he extended, its aroma redolent of Darling's Fine—an exquisite elixir favored by those immersed in the darker realms. A chuckle escaped my lips. "Ah, a man of refined tastes," I remarked, recognizing the rarity and exorbitant cost of this coveted substance in the clandestine market.

While obtaining Darling's Fine posed no challenge for me, witnessing someone so willingly part with their coveted supply was a rare occurrence indeed. It hinted at both his wealth and a recklessness borne of abundance.

With a single sip, I allowed the golden liquid to caress my tongue, savoring its complex flavors. The man, whose name continued to elude me, understood the unspoken yearnings that pervaded the air.

"Jax," he whispered, their syllables lingering like an enchanting spell just before he crushed our lips together. "Just in case you wondered."

I poured the potent Darling's Fine into his eager mouth, our tongues intertwining in a provocative dance as we imbibed the elixir, its essence merging with the trace of our mingled saliva.

"Your true name?" I chuckled between kisses, momentarily drawing back to catch my breath. His eyes, glazed over with a lustful haze, exuded an irresistible magnetism.

"Mhm," he hummed in response, pulling me closer. The heat of his tongue mingled with the intoxicating effects of the drug, causing our temperature to surge, and intensifying the flame of desire within me.

My hands found solace in his luxurious tresses, gently tugging him backward while I leaned forward, caught in the embrace of our shared longing. Taking hold of the bottle once more, I shifted our positions, finding my place astride him, atop a throne built upon dark desires.

With only one movement on top of him and I could feel his dick getting hard and poking my ass.

"Just moan Moon when you're fucking me," I whispered on his dark lips.

He sensually guided me back, his lips traversing from my mouth to the enticing curve of my neck. A soft moan escaped my lips, but I elongated it into a deep, needy sigh, relishing in the provocative games I played.

"Real name?" he echoed, his voice laced with desire.

"I don't do real," I gasped, feeling his hands eagerly explore my body. "Just go with the flow, babe."

His skilled hands roamed every inch of my being, leaving trails of fiery anticipation in their wake, until finally reaching the exact spot I craved his touch the most.

I hissed the moment he touched my rock-hard dick. I could feel the pleasure of the over-sensitiveness that DF brought me and I knew he felt it too by the way that his breath was shorter and irregular and the way he would moan and gasp for breath every time I moved my ass around his dick.

"You're so hot." He whispered as his hands went around my bottom and he started to move my ass back and forth on his dick.

It wasn't even in yet and we were both gasping like we had gone ten rounds.

I reclaimed the bottle, my fingers tightening around its smooth surface, as I gently pulled his face away from the enticing confines of my chest. Our eyes locked, intense desire burning between us. His lips, so plump and tempting, beckoned me with a magnetic force. I yearned to lose myself in a kiss that would consume us both.

"Does my darling crave a taste of the fine?" I smirked, relishing in the breathless anticipation that washed over him. Without hesitation, I poured the intoxicating DF into his open, eager mouth.

Before he could even swallow, I descended upon him, our lips colliding in a passionate clash. Our tongues entwined, engaged in a fierce battle for dominance as the drug coursed through our veins, heightening every sensation.

"I'll take everything you offer," he confessed, a smile gracing his face. The effects of the DF surged within us, intoxicating our minds and bodies, spiraling us into a state of euphoria and blissful oblivion. In this moment, I knew we were both high out of our minds.

"Come on," I moaned as I took his hand off my ass and put it right near my hole. "Don't you want to fuck me?"

"How about…" He paused, inserting one finger inside. I was probably still loose from last night considering how the second finger came right away and I still felt pleasure and no pain. "Making love?"

Diving right into it~

The *ahem* real plot *ahem* will come in chapter 2...

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