
Sex and Lifestyle

ah! ah!.... the sound of a beautiful lady mourning could be heard in this big luxurious room oh! you are so good... he whispered softly into her ears Darian Quinn is the mighty CEO of KING'S, a multi billion dollars enterprise, he was know for his well defined looks and well built figure, yes he is the most sought-after bachelor in county A. with the slogan "what ever I want I can have" he lives a mysterious but yet lavish lifestyle. what do you think Darian is to face in the nearest future, what encounter will change his life forever.... let's find out my lovies join in on this crazy ride

Ekine_Ayebabomo · Realistic
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: KING'S


it's 9:46 AM in the city of Stirling, the bustling atmosphere outside was a huge contrast to the quietness inside the board room at KING'S enterprise

the morning meetings was being held and from the looks of things it's not going very well

Darian Quinn the CEO of KING'S enterprise was seated at the head of the long table twirling the pen in his left hand while skimming through the documents in front of him

the rest of the departmental heads occupying the remaining seats where praying in silence as time went by, they where happy about the amount they receive as pay check at the end of the month but the amount of pressure they have to face working with such a strict boss was nothing to be happy about

it was a Monday morning and all the departments had to present a report on their achievements from last week and subsequent objectives for the new week

it was already 45 minutes since the meeting commenced and all departments had made their report, but it turns out that there is a huge error from the financial department as their report didn't correspond with the data collected by Mr Quinn himself

{Mr Fisher how long have you been working with us} asked Darian with a deep yet clear voice it was obvious he was irritated by the man being questioned

Mark Fisher who was the head of the financial department was standing at the other end of the table with a red face, he knew that he was done for, Mr Quinn had discovered the errors in his financial report, what exactly was he thinking when he tampered with the reports, did he think the CEO was a fool and that he will not be able to notice this small scheme of his {five...fiv...five years} he answered with a shaky voice

{Mr Fisher the lack of transparency in your report is something I will not take lightly, you tampered with company funds and tried to cover up with this nonsense you call report} the fire in Darian's beautiful eyes was very intimidating at this moment, his exquisite brows where frowned

{Sir!... Sir..... ple..plee..ase please I apologise for my misconduct I promise it won't happen again please} Fisher knew he was doomed and could only beg for forgiveness his family, no he could not go to jail

{there is nothing like second chance in KING'S, if i this matter is not properly handled others will follow in your footsteps} Darian spoke with outmost authority, he wouldn't allow his subordinates to think he was a kind hearted person, if he was will this company grow to the heights of which it has attained over the years

{please Mr Quinn please I have a family to provide for, please tamper justice with mercy please} Fisher was on his knees at this point in time

the once prideful Mark Fisher was begging on his knees, this thought ran through the minds of the other department heads in the office

{Mr Smith!} Darian called out to his secretary who was seated beside him this whole time

{Yes Mr Quinn} Andy Smith immediately stood up on hearing the president call for him

{call security to excourt Mr Fisher to the finance department and make sure to inform the police as well this matter has to be looked at thoroughly} said Darian as he prepared to live

{yes sir} Smith replied and immediately called the front desk to inform the security for their immediate presence in the meeting room

{the rest of you should take this as a warning kING'S enterprise will not allow any person with twisted ideas and misconduct to remain, we strive to achieve excellence and our reputation is of great essence, I will be investigating other departments as well and any person that is found guilty of misconduct in any way or form I promise you he or she will face worst punishment than what Mr Fisher is to experience, this meeting is adjurned till further notice} Darian stood up and exited the meeting room on ending his speech he was not in a good mood
