
Sex and Lifestyle

ah! ah!.... the sound of a beautiful lady mourning could be heard in this big luxurious room oh! you are so good... he whispered softly into her ears Darian Quinn is the mighty CEO of KING'S, a multi billion dollars enterprise, he was know for his well defined looks and well built figure, yes he is the most sought-after bachelor in county A. with the slogan "what ever I want I can have" he lives a mysterious but yet lavish lifestyle. what do you think Darian is to face in the nearest future, what encounter will change his life forever.... let's find out my lovies join in on this crazy ride

Ekine_Ayebabomo · Realistic
Not enough ratings
3 Chs

Chapter 2: Make Fabulous


The police arrived soon and Fisher was arrested, the company filed for a law suit against him on the charges of embezzlement and fortifying company documents

for the rest of the day the company was in a turmoil as all the other departments where under investigation and so was the next two days

Darian had invited the Stirling Financial Bureau committee know as Stirling Economic and Financial Crime Division (SEFCD) to handle the investigation process


inside Darian's office which was simple yet luxuriously furnished sat Darian on his winny interior latest executive chair looking at the scenery from the French window in front of him with a cigar in his left hand

Andy Smith walked in after knocking twice on the door {president you have a meeting with Mr Albert from "Make fabulous" at 11o'clock and with Miss Jade from "J foundations" at 12 Pm} he reported

without turning back Darian waved his hand to indicate that he had heard him and he was dismissed

Darian sat like that till it was 10:50 before living the office for the venue the meeting was to be held


Make Fabulous was a fashion company that KING'S had invested in, they were to discuss on future developments for their brand but every decision must be talked over with Darian before any move could be made, this young master would not let his money be used in a non profitable way

{Good morning My dearest President Quinn} Jay Albert said in a sheepish manner as he hugged the beautiful man who hand a disgusted expression on his face

{don't gross me out, we are hear to talk business} said Darian as he pushed Jay away and walked to take his seat

{greetings Mr Jay} Andy Smith greeted him in a polite way before walking to Darian's side

{enh! Mr Smith is being polite to me, don't tell me you are not happy to see me} he replied Andy with a flirty smile on his face

{leave him alone he is still traumatized by what you did on your birthday} Darian warned, his innocent assistant has not recovered yet

Jay Albert is one of Darian's long time friends and the owner of "Make Fabulous", he never misses a chance to flirt no matter the occasion, last time he had invited Darian and Andy to his birthday party but it ended in Andy being pranked hard


Jay's 27th birthday party was held in a yatch, it was all boos and boobs and chest since Jay was a gay man,

it was a know fact that when ever Darian and his gang were together their will be no shortage of women and alcohol (and men specifically for Jay) the gang where notorious for womanising

in the midst of this bubbling event Andy who was brought by Darian had drank his soul out, he had just gone through a break up and wanted to free his mind and drown his sorrows in alcohol

Jay saw this as an opportunity to have fun, he asked someone to take the drunk Andy to a room on the yatch and undressed him and later came in to lay beside him to sleep

when Andy woke up the next morning to find himself and Jay naked on the bed he was frightened and confused and when Jay noticed his movement he also woke up and gave Andy a big smile his eyes shined brightly in the dimly lite room

{good morning beautiful I hope you enjoyed last night} Jay said as he moved closer and hugged Andy

Andy almost passed out from the shock, he refuse to believe that he had slept with Jay, no he was straight how could this happen, he jumped from the bed and ran out wearing only a pair of under pant of which Jay was respectful enough to leave on

when everybody hand come out on hearing the commotion and understanding the situation, they laughed out hard

they knew Jay was always playful and crazy but he had respect and knew to not over step his boundaries,

Andy was so scared of the fact that he was now gay or something like that since he had done the deed with Jay

Darian who felt sorry for the naive and innocent Andy asked Jay to quit the act and explain the happenings to Andy

{sorry dude I didn't mean to scare you this much, we didn't do anything, I just wanted to have some fun so I asked someone to help take off your clothes since you felt uncomfortable after drinking so much, I only joined you in bed this morning} Jay explained to Andy with an apologetic expression, he was really sorry, he had no idea Andy will be this frightened because of this prank the guy was to sensitive and naive

Andy understood that he had over reacted and apologized as well, but he still kept a safe distance from Jay, he was not homophobic but he didn't want to be one himself
