
Seven Deadly Sins transported to MHA

With The threat of the Demon King gone and chaos Caith being defeated the 7 deadly sins separate from each other. After a reunion party was stopped when strange men infiltrated the castle and attacked the sins but thanks to Meliodas's incredible strength they were taken down easily when one of them pulls out a purple orb which teleports Meliodas and Ban to a foreign place. Can they make it back home in this strange new world?

TrueCulture_io123 · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs

Trip Down Memory Lane

Naruto and Sasuke were surprised they couldn't detect Christopher. Sasuke unsheathes his blade again and Naruto prepares for another fight but Merlin walked forward to Christopher. "Do you know where the Captain and Ban are?" Merlin asks. "Yes, however, this isn't a good place to discuss this topic. Would you mind if we go elsewhere?" Christopher says while pointing to the unconscious Shi-no and Edo. Merlin stares at them for a moment before turning to Christopher and agrees to his conditions but Sasuke refuses. "It's too dangerous to allow someone like him into the village, We don't know who he is or what his motives are." Sasuke argues and Mitsuki, Naruto, and Boruto all agree. Christopher starts to stroke his beard and thinks for a moment before sighing. "Very well, if it makes you all feel safe I will allow Merlin to trap me in her Perfect Cube as we enter the village." Christopher says which intrigues Merlin. "You've piqued my interest at least. I will gladly accept your offer but do the rest of you agree?" Merlin asks. Sasuke and Naruto both look at each other before Naruto nods and Sasuke sheathes back his blade and Naruto agrees to trap him in Perfect Cube.

Merlin places him inside Perfect Cube and suddenly Shikamaru and the other shinobi arrived on the scene. "What happened here?" Shikamaru asks while pointing to all the damage to the mountain and the area. "We found the infiltrators." Naruto says while pointing to Shi-no and Edo but Shikamaru sighs. "This was done by Merlin wasn't it?" Shikamaru asks and Sasuke nods. "Why am I not surprised." Shikamaru says before noticing the old man in Perfect Cube. "Nice to meet you Shikamaru." Christopher says while waving. "Who the hell is this?" Shikamaru asks. "We're not sure. He appeared after we finished our fight but he wants to talk, he even offered to stay in my Perfect Cube as we enter the village." Merlin explains. Shikamaru stares at the old man in the cube. "How do you know my name, have we met before?" Shikamaru asks. "Oh, no, no, no. We've never met before, It's thanks to my ability that I know about you." Christopher explains. "Your ability?" Shikamaru says. Merlin walks closer to Christopher to learn more. "What is this 'ability' of yours?" Merlin asks. "It's one in an army of abilities but it's part of my main arsenal. It's very handy when you want to learn about your enemy." Christopher replies which intrigues Merlin further. She turns to Shikamaru and asks him to take Shi-no and Edo away before bringing Christopher with her back to the village and Sasuke and the others following behind her.

They reach the Hokage's office and Naruto sits down on the chair and Merlin turns to Christopher. "We're here, now where are the Captain and Ban?" Merlin asks. "Well, since we're getting to the point I'll do the same as well. They are both in another world, completely different from this one." Christopher explains. "How are they doing right now?" Merlin asks another question. "As for right now, they are doing splendidly. They are the strongest in the world they are in and have met many wonderful friends and are being observed by my original body." Christopher explains. "So you're a clone?" Naruto asks. "Something similar but not quite the clones you have in this world. I am an exact copy of my original body, I don't disappear unless this body is either killed or my original body absorbs me back, and we both share our memories, and powers we obtain from others." Christopher replies. "So you can take powers?" Boruto asks. "Yes, but I am unsure if I can steal powers from other worlds that aren't associated with my own as the powers I can steal are ones from my world but of different times and different versions of my world." Christopher replies. "Why have you come here?" Sasuke asks. "I am here to keep the story from reaching the worst ending. I have met some amazing people that I feel don't deserve such a fate. Meliodas and Ban are walls that prevent the enemy from getting in while also helping those inside the walls improve by giving them experiences they otherwise wouldn't have achieved. In order for them to achieve such experiences, I must have those two there to support them. To summarize I'm here to ask Merlin to not go hunt her friends. They will be fine and will arrive back soon but I can't have you go after them. When their mission is complete I can assure you that they will be sent back to their world rather they like it or not." Christopher explains.

Merlin releases him from Perfect Cube and he thanks her before bowing. "So, what are you going to do Merlin?" Mitsuki asks. Merlin thinks for a moment but Christopher decides to give a suggestion. "You could stay here for a while longer if you want, There's no rush and your friends are well so I believe you can take your time." Christopher says. "Is there a way you could show me how they both are doing. I can't find any reason to doubt your words as they sound genuine but even if I agree to your request, the other sins may not agree." Merlin replies. Christopher strokes his beard again and thinks for a moment before his eyes lit up as he remembers something. "Ah yes, I almost forgot. I can show you my memories and theirs if you'd like." Christopher suggests which surprised Merlin. "You have access to their memories?" Merlins ask to which Christopher nods in agreement. "It's one of my many abilities. I can see into the memories of others along with mine and show it to you all be it through an illusion or hologram." Christopher explains. "Are these all the powers you've taken?" Boruto asks. "Yes, most of my abilities are taken from others. My original power is the power to steal other's quirks." Christopher explains. "Regardless of what your original ability is, I want to see how they're doing. Could you show me?" Merlin asks. "Sure thing. I'll make it an illusion to make it better to see." Christopher says before snapping his fingers. Suddenly the entire room went black and the chair Naruto was sitting on disappeared. He fell down and got back up. The area suddenly changed and they appeared in a large building.

Suddenly a portal opened next to them and Meliodas came out. Meliodas looks around and an officer walks over to him. "Hey kid, what's your name?" the officer asks but Meliodas was confused as to who the officer was and where he was. "And who are you?" Meliodas asks. "I'm a police officer. Listen, kid, I need to know who you are exactly." the officer replies trying to get an answer from the boy. "Okay, Mr."A Police Officer", where am I exactly?" Meliodas asks. After a short back and forth, the officer grabs Meliodas's shirt and Meliodas throws him across the room which makes the other officers pull out their guns and point them at him. They then came up with a solution by trading food for Meliodas's cooperation and he was taken into police custody. "I'm not even surprised by how he acted. He values fun over most things." Merlin says with a slightly disappointed tone. "That little kid is your friend?" Boruto asks and Merlin nods. "Despite his appearance, he is far older than everyone in this room." Merlin says which surprises everyone. Meliodas then talks with Seargent Bolwoof who brings him more food and tries to interrogate him but every time before he could finish a sentence, Meliodas would ask for more food. "His appetite reminds me of Naruto." Sasuke says.

"Hey, what are you trying to say?!" Naruto yells and the illusion shifts to a back alley and a mist clears as a half-naked Ban begins to take shape. Ban starts looking around for Meliodas when he sees a bunch of kids picking on a kid in rags. One of the kids was about to punch the kid when Ban steps in and stops them. After a short back and forth one of the kids set Ban on fire and burnt off his clothes but to the kids and Naruto and the other's surprise he came out unharmed but completely naked so Naruto quickly covers Boruto and Mitsuki's eyes. Ban, then proceeds to knock out all of the kids that attacked him and saved the kid in rags but his heroism was short-lived as two women saw him and screamed which catches his attention. "Oh my god you pervert, how could you do that to these poor boys?!" the first woman yells. "Huh? What do you mean I just had to teach these bastards a lesson." Ban tries to explain himself but the second woman yells after. "You disgusting pervert, Doing such horrific things to these young boys is unforgivable!" this confuses Ban and the first woman pulls out her phone and calls the police. "Hello, police? I have found a pervert that raped three boys in an alleyway. Yes, please hurry." the woman says to the police which confuses him further and the boy in rags pulls Ban away and he steals the other boy's stuff before leaving with the ragged kid. After seeing everything that transpired, Merlin starts laughing but tries holding it back. "Ban is as comedic as always I see." Merlin says.

"They both met up later on and have done many stupid stunts. Most iconically, they nearly went to war with all the heroes there when they pretended to be evil." Christopher says which intrigues Merlin. "Oh? show me." Merlin says with an intrigued look. The area then changes to a city. They then look and see a man covered in wood appearing to have made a giant wooden box and a man that's on fire and a rabbit woman surrounding the box. Suddenly the ground became black and the three of them fell to the ground. "Oh, Physical Hunt?" Merlin says to herself. "Physical Hunt, What is that?" Boruto asks. "It's an ability one of my friends can use, where he can snatch the physical strength of a person and use it to strengthen himself." Merlin explains. "That's quite the dangerous ability." Sasuke says and Merlin nods in agreement. "Let's just say that you wouldn't want him as an enemy but that aside, I'm unsure why the ground turned black." Merlin says.

Suddenly Black pillars started to rise from the ground and made a walkway to the wooden prison. On top of the Black pillars suddenly a black/purple flame appeared on top of all the pillars. "Whatever they are doing they are sure increasing the fear factor." Merlin says. "Do you not know what's happening?" Naruto asks. "No, I've never seen those pillars before but I'm well aware of the flames on top. I suppose we must keep watching." Merlin replies.

Suddenly the Prison was set ablaze by these black flames and when Meliodas, Ban, and Kuro walked, they appeared different. All of them had black Markings all over their body like a tattoo and all of their eyes were pitch black. Almost like a demon's markings. They all walked down the path that was made with the pillars and Meliodas suddenly had a dark cape. They walked down and suddenly a king's chair appeared in front of him. Meliodas sit down on the chair and leaned his head on his fist before saying:

"Is that really how you treat your new king? Kneel before me, Human's."

"My, my, Ban and the child having a demon mark? Now I think I'm beginning to understand what is happening." Merlin says. "Demon mark?" Sasuke says. "I won't explain everything about it now but I'll just say that only Meliodas should have that mark, meaning the ones on Ban and the child is fake." Merlin says before turning to Christopher and he nods in agreement. "The marks are indeed fake. They were made by the child. His name is Kuro and he can manipulate both light and darkness. He used his darkness to make the ground black, the black pillars, and the marks on their bodies, along with the cape on Meliodas's back and the king's chair." Christopher explains. "Now, this explains a lot." Merlin replies.

"Are you deaf? I said kneel before me." Meliodas says. Endeavor, Mirko, and Kamui struggled to even stand up. "You think I'm someone to easily kneel to anyone? You have me mistaken Meliodas!" Endeavor yells but Meliodas just sighs in disappointment. "What a waste. Kuro, deal with them for me would you?" Meliodas says and suddenly Mirko, Endeavor, and Kamui were encased in darkness and a statue of each of them appeared behind them. "Your grave shall be built right next to my throne. I'll take it as a trophy for my work." Meliodas says to which they could hear something from the box but couldn't fully understand what they were saying. Suddenly Meliodas started laughing a bit and Kuro did too before Ban smack both of them in the head. "Keep it down or they'll hear you." Ban says. They both then got back in character and Kuro started crushing them in the boxes. "I guess it was a good thing they were in there otherwise their joke would've been exposed." Merlin says. Suddenly a large beam of fire rips through the darkness they were trapped in and they fell to the ground.

"Oh, so you have more juice inside do you?" Meliodas says. "Mirko...grab Kamui and run.." Endeavor says while breathing heavily and laying on the ground. That's when the illusion cuts out and they were back in the Hokage's office. "I suppose we can finish it there." Christopher says. "I suppose so. I got what I wanted and am quite pleased with the results." Merlin replies. "Man, it was just getting good!" Boruto says. "Anyway, since your mission is complete, do you plan to go back home now?" Naruto asks. Merlin thinks for a bit. "I think I might consider staying for a little longer. I enjoy the food here and I would love to know the recipe for the lightning burger before leaving." Merlin says. "I will stay with you until Meliodas and Ban have returned." Christopher says. "Very well. While we wait let's go take a walk." Merlin says before walking out of the room and Christopher, Boruto, and Mitsuki follow her. "It was an interesting time with her. I hope we could say our goodbyes before she leaves and thank her for her help." Naruto says and Sasuke nods in agreement. We have time. We can wait until they enjoy their time together. After that, we can thank her before she leaves." Sasuke replies.