
Seven Deadly Sins transported to MHA

With The threat of the Demon King gone and chaos Caith being defeated the 7 deadly sins separate from each other. After a reunion party was stopped when strange men infiltrated the castle and attacked the sins but thanks to Meliodas's incredible strength they were taken down easily when one of them pulls out a purple orb which teleports Meliodas and Ban to a foreign place. Can they make it back home in this strange new world?

TrueCulture_io123 · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs


Shi-no stands on a cliff while staring at the view of the forest. She wonders deep in thought while being mesmerized by the beauty of nature. "What a beautiful view." she says when suddenly she feels a sharp pain in her left eye. "That damn Edo, making me share his vision! What does he want now?!" Shi-no says to herself before seeing Merlin, Boruto, and Mitsuki in Edo's vision. "They found him?!" Shi-no says before quickly rushing back to the cave. Edo tries to break out of the Perfect Cube but no matter what he did it wouldn't budge. Merlin shifts the position of her hand when suddenly both Naruto and Sasuke appeared in front of her both looking surprised and confused. "Most of us are here. All that's left is 1 missing person." Merlin says before closing her eyes and located Shi-no before disappearing. Shi-no is rushing back to the cave when Merlin suddenly appears behind her. In almost an instant she notices Merlin but Merlin grabs her shoulder before teleporting back to the cave and Shi-no fell to the ground before quickly getting back up.

"How did you-?!" Shi-no says from the shock of suddenly being teleported which makes Merlin smile. "We can't escape this place, The walls are indestructible. We have no choice but to fight." Edo says to Shi-no which makes her excited. "I was waiting to let loose for so long. Looks like my time has come." Shi-no says with a maniacal grin. Sasuke pulls out his katana and Naruto activates his Nine-Tails chakra. "I don't know what you did but we can discuss this later, Merlin." Naruto says. "Get ready!" Sasuke says before Shi-no rushes at Naruto before kicking him back. Sasuke attacks Shi-no, bringing down his katana on her but to his surprise, her hand turns silver and she grabs his katana with her bare hands before throwing it away and kicking him back. "This is getting interesting." Merlin says. Shi-no rushes again towards Naruto and Sasuke but suddenly she fell to the ground and looks down to see that a pair of white snakes had tied her legs down. Boruto then rushes at him with his small Rasengan and threw it at her but it disappears which makes Shi-no grin slightly. "Is that what you call a jutsu?" Shi-no mockingly says before suddenly feeling a shockwave on her stomach that blew her away and she slams her head into the walls of Perfect Cube. Boruto then looks at her with a smile. "Yup." he says which infuriates her. She pulls off the snakes when suddenly it switched places with Sasuke and he points his katana at her. "Don't move." he says.

Shi-no grins before his blade suddenly began to melt and disappeared. Shi-no then punches Sasuke before the blade suddenly reappears again and she grabs it. "Are you going to help me you useless old man or do I have to do everything myself?" Shi-no asks. "I was trying to study their abilities to figure out the best course of action. Someone as impatient as you will never understand." Edo says. "Who cares. Let's just finish them!" Shi-no screams before rushing towards them. She targets Boruto but Naruto manages to knock her back with tails using Kurama's chakra. She quickly pulls out what appears to be some kind of explosive but Sasuke quickly switch places with it and slices her arm off. She screams in pain before elbowing Sasuke back. Suddenly her arm begins to dissolve and Edo walks behind her and suddenly her arm reappears again. "It's the same thing that happened with my sword." Sasuke says which Naruto nods in agreement. "I don't think this is that woman's doing so it must be the old man's." Naruto says to which Sasuke agrees. We'll have to keep them apart from one another to make sure he can't keep healing her." Sasuke says before rushing towards her and Naruto following behind. Sasuke dashes and attacks Shi-no and managed to grab back his katana before continuing his attacks. Edo tries to assist Shi-no but Naruto stops him and attacks Edo, keeping him away from Shi-no. Merlin then sits down on the ground, watching the battle going on. Boruto and Mitsuki watch with her the fight at hand.

Shi-no gets angry and her arms turn silver again and she tries punching Sasuke but he dodges. Edo barely dodges Naruto's attack but he comes in with a sudden Rasengan which he couldn't dodge. Edo was blown back by the attack. Edo gets back up and Naruto comes in with another Rasengan but Edo uses his mysterious jutsu and his Rasengan suddenly dissolves. Naruto instead kicks him back but that's when suddenly his Rasengan appears and hits Naruto in the stomach. "Dad!" Boruto screams before trying to go help his father but Naruto quickly assures him he's fine and Boruto stops. Naruto then gets up and wipes the dirt off his clothes. Sasuke brings his blade down but misses and Shi-no uses the opportunity to come at him but Sasuke switched places with a rock before appearing behind her and prepared to stab her but she moved away just in time and at that moment her hands turned silver again and she grabs his katana before breaking it in half. Sasuke quickly maneuvers his sword and cuts the side of her cheek before she jumps back. Sasuke suddenly sees his broken sword dissolve again. This time not appearing at all.

She comes in to attack again and he pulls out a kunai and her stance signaled to him that she was coming in for a punch but when she got close her stance shifted and suddenly his katana appears, fully intact and not damaged. She grabs the sword and swings it at him which surprised him. He managed to hold back her attack and Naruto throws a kunai at Shi-no which Sasuke notices and quickly switched places with it and kicks her down, making her drop the sword. Sasuke picks up his sword and inspects it, surprised that his sword was fully fixed, almost as if it wasn't broken at all. He turns to look at Edo, wondering what kind of jutsu he uses but he snapped out of it quick as Shi-no wouldn't stay down. She gets back up and this time her fighting style shifted. She was now trying to bite Sasuke. Sasuke notices the shift in her fighting style and decides to test something. Naruto prepares multiple clones and the clones prepare the Rasengan. Shi-no rushes to Sasuke and he waits till she gets close and Naruto's clones rush at Edo. Once her mouth was inches away from Sasuke's shoulder he switched places with one of the clones and Shi-no bites the hand of the clone and the clone's Rasengan hits Shi-no in the face, blowing her away into the walls of Perfect Cube. Sasuke then assists Naruto in knocking out Edo, leaving him unconscious on the ground.

Sasuke and Naruto both walk up to the clone and Shi-no. She gets back up with her eyes filled with rage and she sees the clone hadn't disappeared from her bite and out of rage she screams "Go to hell!!" and made the clone blow up letting Sasuke and Naruto realize how she caused the heads of those criminals to blow up. Shi-no breaths heavily as she is tired from the fight. Sasuke walks up to her and points his sword in her face again. "Give up, You've lost." he says which infuriates Shi-no further. "It's not over till I say it is!" Shi-no yells but she stops when she hears clapping from behind her. She turns in the direction of the noise and sees Merlin walking up to them. "Alright boys, I'll take it from here. Just wait with the kids." Merlin says. "What are you-?" Naruto says before seeing Sasuke walk away and he quickly follows. They all wait back and watch what Merlin is planning to do. "What do you want?!" Shi-no demands. Merlin just looks at her with a grin that infuriated Shi-no. "What do you want?!!" Shi-no yells louder. "Oh, nothing. I just didn't want the show to end so early." Merlin replies. "You crazy bitch!" Shi-no yells before turning her hands silver and punching Merlin but her hand pauses right in front of her. "I'm actually quite a fan of flashy ends to fights so I think I might introduce that to this as well. I'll use a skill you're familiar with, that I'm sure you've seen before." she says. "What the hell are you talking about?!" Shi-no says but she quickly realized the danger by Merlin's answer. "In the cave you lured us to the first time. I assume I don't need to explain further." Merlin says before sticking her hand out which caused fear to fill Shi-no's body. She tries to break out of Perfect Cube but it was no use. She turned back to see Merlin preparing the beam. "Wait, don't do this! Please!" Shi-no begs but Merlin ignored her. "Exterminate-" Merlin says but stopped when Naruto grabs her arm. "Merlin, don't do it. She can't do any more harm." Naruto says which causes her to smile. "You're a good man, Naruto." Merlin says and Naruto lets go of her arm and Merlin whispers something to him before releasing Perfect Cube and firing. "Exterminate Ray!" Merlin says before firing at her. She screams with fear but her shot misses and goes right by her and destroys the cave behind her leaving a large hole in the mountain the cave was hidden in and it made a large beam that caught the attention of the people in the village from how bright it was.

"Wow, look! that beam looks beautiful!" ChōChō says which makes Sarada turn around and she was amazed by the light. Shikamaru gathered shinobi to investigate the light and they all rush over to it and Shi-no passes out from the fear induced by Exterminate Ray. Boruto, Mitsuki, and Sasuke rushes to them. "Why did you fire at her?" Sasuke asks. "Now, now. Did you really think I was planning to kill her? I just wanted to scare her a bit. A woman can have her fun sometimes." Merlin says. "You worried us there. We thought you were actually about to kill her." Boruto says. "Well regardless, I suppose my work here is done. I should go back and try to find the Captain and Ban." Merlin thinks to herself before turning to Naruto and the others. "Let's take them to the village." she says but suddenly a voice speaks right behind her. "Unfortunately, I can't let you do that, Merlin." the voice says. She turns around to see an old man behind her. "Who are you?" Merlin asks. "I'm just a humble old man. You can call me Christopher."