
Reunion Stories

Kuro and his family walk into the dorms while Lemillion was holding Aizawa and Present Mic. When they did all of the students were shocked to see Aizawa and Present Mic, unconscious in these individual's arms. "What did you do to them?!" Kirishima yells which catch the attention of Meliodas and the others who are upstairs and hears the commotion. "What's going on downstairs?" Ban says. "Let's check on them." Kuro says before rushing out the door and towards the stairs. Ban and the others just pause for a moment. "His confidence grew after the fight with the weird masked bar owner." Meliodas says. "Looks like it." Ban says before following behind Kuro. They rush down and they see the students surrounding someone at the door. "What's going on?!" Kuro yells. Everyone turns in their direction and the light in Haruki, Kuroshi, and the eyes of the others lit up as they see for the first time in 3 years Kuro standing by the staircase. "Kurosu!" Kuroshi yells with tears in his eyes. "Dad?!" Kuro says, shocked to see his family again. Kuroshi and Haruki rush over to him and they all hug with tears falling down their faces. "We finally found you! After all these years!" Haruki says. Kuro with tears falling down his face embraced their joy and hugged them.

Horiko just stares in disbelief that he finally sees the older brother he lost 3 years ago. Eri nudges Horiko forward. "He's right there. Go on." Eri says. Horiko stares at her for a moment before nodding and walking forward to them. Kuro opens his eyes and sees Horiko walking to them and he lets go of his parents before walking over to his brother. "It's good to see you again brother." Horiko says while trying to hold back tears. Kuro opens his arms and tears slowly fall from Horiko's face before coming in to hug him. "It's good to see you too." Kuro says while crying. They both let go when suddenly they both felt something strange inside them. A strange connection, they both paused and looked at each other for a moment. "Did you feel that?" Kuro said with a confused look. "What was that?" Horiko asks. "That must've been All For One and One For All reacting to one another." Lemillion says. They both turn to Lemillion when Kuro's eyes lit up. "I'm surprised that you're still alive." Lemillion says with a smile. "Lemillion!" Kuro yells while trying to hug him but Lemillion pushed him away. "Not interested." Lemillion says. "Rude." Kuro replies. They both look at each other for a moment before laughing and Lemillion helped him up. "It's good to see you again." Lemillion says. "You too." Kuro replies. Then Kuro realized what Lemillion just said. "Wait...One For All?!" Kuro says before turning to his brother. "Horiko...You have One For All?!" Kuro yells which surprised Midoriya. "Yea, it's a long story." Horiko says.

"You've grown so much since we last saw you." Seo says while he and Ray walk up to Kuro. "Uncle Seo! Uncle Ray! I can't believe your all here!" Kuro yells out. Kuro hugs them both and they all smile when Lemillion turns to the students who are just staring at the events occurring. "All of you, leave." Lemillion says. "Uhh.. but this is our dorms." Kaminari says. "Then all of you to your rooms, now!" Lemillion says with a threatening gaze which causes all the students to follow his orders except Bakugou. "Do you think you can boss me around you damn extra?!" Bakugou says but Midoriya tries to convince him. "Come on Kacchan, this is a family reunion. We shouldn't bother them." Midoriya says. Lemillion walks up to Bakugou and looks him dead in the eye with a menacing gaze. "I will rip you apart and wipe your entire existence off the face of the planet in just a few minutes if you don't head to your room." Lemillion says. "You think you can threaten me, you damn wannabe?!" Bakugou yells before suddenly going quiet which surprised Midoriya. "K-Kacchan?" Midoriya says when Ray walks towards them. "There's no need to kill him Mirio. I took control of him so I'll send him to his room." Ray says. Lemillion turns back to Bakugou with a smile. "I like this brat. If he were in our world I'm sure I would've given All For One to him." Lemillion says before flicking his finger on his forehead before walking back and Bakugou started walking up the stairs. They all walked back but stopped when they heard someone talk. "Um, excuse me." Midoriya says which gets the attention of all of them. "What are you still doing here? Everyone else left so you should follow them too." Lemillion says. "No, i-its just that you said something about One For All and All For One so I just wanted to know if I could join the discussion." Midoriya says. Lemillion stares at him for a moment before smiling. "I see, how did I not realize this earlier." Lemillion says before walking towards Midoriya. "Your this world's successor of One For All aren't you?" Lemillion says. Midoriya went silent for a moment but spoke at the realization of his words. "This worlds?" Midoriya unconsciously says. "Ah, so he's not aware now is he?" Lemillion asks Kuro to which he shakes his head. Lemillion places his hand around Midoriya's shoulder. "Well then feel free to join in." Lemillion says.

They all walk back and started talking to try and catch up on lost time. They talk for a bit when Kuro finally notices Eri. "Who's this?" Kuro asks. "This is Eri. She was the former successor to One For All but ended up in our care and One For All ended up in Horiko." Ray says. "I still can't believe you have One For All. So does that mean Toshinori lost his quirk?" Kuro asks which made the whole room go silent but Eri breaks the ice. "No, he still has it, just not complete." Eri says which confused everyone. "Not complete? What do you mean?" Kuro asks. "The truth was that after Horiko took One For All from me I was instructed by the previous users to rewind my body to regain One For All. After when I did I realized that the One For All I had was weaker than the original. I don't know why this was the case but I have a leading theory, which is that in rewinding myself I ultimately made 2 One For All's and in perhaps some way the world regulates power, it instead split One For All into two and each of us only bearing half it's original strength." Eri says. "So, this means that Toshinori is weaker." Kuroshi says to which Eri nods her head. "I can't say for certain but I think that may be the case." Eri says. "Wow, for a midget like yourself, your pretty smart aren't ya?" Ban says which catches everyone's attention. Meliodas and Christopher both walk to them aswell. "Interesting to see such a smart girl." Christopher says. "Who are you three?" Lemillion asks. "Oh, sorry I forgot to introduce you all to my friends. This is Ban, Meliodas, and Christopher." Kuro says. "Nice to meetcha." Ban says. "Yo." Melidoas says. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Christopher says before bowing.

Horiko remembers Ban's face from the wanted poster he saw and stood up immediately. "I remember you! Your the rapist on the wanted poster!" Horiko yells which shocks everyone. "Huh?" Ban says before Haruki pulls out a light spear. "Oh, really?" Haruki says. "It's a misunderstanding-" Ban says before he suddenly couldn't move and a serpent appeared and surrounded his neck before choking him. "Do you know what we do to rapists in our world?" Haruki asks with a menacing smile. "Free beer?" Ban comedically asks. "No, we do a Non-Anesthetic Castration following Decapitation." Haruki replies with a menacing smile. "I can't believe my brother is affiliated with a wanted rapist. I'm so disappointed in you." Horiko says which his words of disappointment stabs Kuro in the heart. "It's not what you think! He protected me and some woman accused him of rape! He did nothing wrong." Kuro yells which makes Haruki, Seo, and Ray stand down. "Oh, sorry for the confusion." Haruki says before suddenly shifting to a kinder smile. They all awkwardly laugh before Ban grabs Kuro by the shoulder. "You gonna tell 'em about before?" Ban says which catches the attention of the others. "Oh right! Your all never going to believe this!" Kuro says excitedly. "What is it?" Kuroshi asks. "I can use both my light and dark at the same time now!" Kuro says. "Seriously?! That's amazing!" Ray and Kuroshi say at the same time. "You've been struggling with that for years so it must feel great to finally be able to control it. " Haruki says. "But that's not all!" Kuro adds while Lemillion takes a sip of tea that mysteriously appears. "I managed to use Lemillions quirk!" Kuro finishes which causes Lemillion to spit out the mysterious tea he drank and the others just look at him in shocked. "You're serious?" Lemillion asks to which Kuro nods his head.

"I don't understand how you can use multiple quirks, also where are you all from?" Midoriya asks. Lemillion looks at Midoriya before turning to Kuro. "He's your friend. Tell him." Lemillion says. Kuro then explains about All For One and One For All and where they are from. "That's incredible! I can't believe you're all from a different version of our world mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter." Midoriya says. "Silent!" Lemillion yells which makes Midoriya covers his mouth and apologizes in embarrassment. "Your name is Midoriya am I right?" Seo asks. "Yes." Midoriya replies. "Since you are another user of One For All it will be helpful to us if you could train Horiko in using the quirk." Seo says which surprised Midoriya. "That's a good idea Seo! This will allow him to understand and get used to the power." Kuroshi says before turning to Midoriya. "Would you please help my son to get stronger with his power?" Kuroshi asks. "Um, t-this is too sudden besides I don't know if our One For All's are similar or not so my help could be useless." Midoriya says. "If you both bear the power then its safe to assume that your powers are similar aside from maybe one or two different successors." Lemillion says. Midoriya thinks for a moment. "I'll have to see with All Might if he will agree to this or not." Midoriya says.

"Very well, I-" Kuroshi says when they hear the door open and turn to see All Might walking in. "All Might?!" Midoriya shouts which makes the others realize that the skinny old man was actually this worlds All Might. "Sorry to disturb you. I wanted to talk to you Mi-" All Might said before Lemillion burst out laughing. "What are you laughing at?" Ray asks and Haruki nudges him and tells him to shut up. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help it when this worlds version of Toshinori is as pale and weak as him. I couldn't believe that could've been our Toshinori." Lemillion says and Midoriya tried to defend him but All Might stopped him. "It's alright." All Might says before turning to them. "Sorry if I disturbed your conversation but I need to talk to young Midoriya." All Might says. "Is it about One For All?" Lemillion asks which makes All Might surprised. "How do you-?!" All Might says before Lemillion interrupted. "We were just discussion about One For All and All For One so you came just in time." Lemillion says. All Might turns to Midoriya with a nervous look on his face. "Who are these people Young Midoriya?" All Might asks. Lemillion grabbed All Might and sat him down on the chair before Midoriya explains what happened and what he learned.

"Another One For All?!" All Might shouts while coughing blood. "Don't stain my suit!" Lemillion shouts. "I understand where your coming from but I can't believe this day would ever come when there would be two successors of One For All and All For One." All Might says while wiping the blood off his mouth. "It was a surprise to us aswell but at this point when we talk about the multiverse, anything is possible." Seo replies. "A power like this is incredibly dangerous in the wrong hands as we've already experienced with our worlds Toshinori." Ray says. "We were lucky enough All For One didn't fall into his hands. If it did our world would've been finished." Ray adds. "This universe is foolish." Lemillion says which makes them all turn to him. "Giving mere men the power that rivals gods is so foolish. The world is a greedy place which everyone wants power. Those deserving of power have none while those undeserving have too much. Giving such blessings to underserving people disgusts me to my core." Lemillion finishes. "In what way are these powers a blessing?" Christopher asks. "Are you blind? The power to bring civilizations to it's knees isn't a blessing to you?" Lemillion says. "It's the greatest curse bestowed upon humanity." Christopher replies with a slight anger in his tone. "Why do you say that?" Seo asks.

"I have lived through both times when such power was seen as a blessing and a curse. In my home when I was young it was a wonderful time at that age. The heroes would stop the villains and we kids would look up to such people however there was an inherent secret the government wasn't telling people. The secret was that the majority of "villain cases" weren't villains at all. They were just normal people who lost control of their quirks and couldn't stop it." Christopher explains. "The quirk singularity theory" both All Might and Lemillion thinks to themselves. "The general public didn't learn about it until 5 years later during my adolescents. One of the heroes had lost control of his quirk and began attacking both civilians and villains and he was my personal favorite hero. He tried his best to restrain himself and ordered everyone around him to evacuate but I couldn't stand to see him suffer like this. Afterward, some military soldiers appeared and prepared to kill him because this was secretly the procedure done to those who couldn't control their quirks as there was no cure. Before they killed him my body just moved on its own and I ran towards the hero to save him. The soldiers held their fire and I got to him and tried to calm him down but he was screaming in pain and kept telling me to run. That was the time my quirk activated for the first time and I stole the heroes quirk which caused his rampage to finally stop. At that moment everyone froze because it was the first time someone on a rampage was successfully saved. I was brought in for experimentation by the government and at that point it was the final nail in the coffin. After a large protest the government came clean about the truth and the public did not react well. Everyone began to outcast those with quirks as dangerous especially children as they were at higher risk of going on a rampage. They were thrown into another side of the city named "The city of monsters." and it stayed true to its name as after a year the rampages more then doubled, children were getting their quirks at ages two and sometimes even younger and the city was in chaos. After a year the experiments were complete and they learned of the extents of my powers. I could take and give the quirks of others and I had an abnormal capacity of storing and controlling said quirks." Christopher adds. "So that means that-" Lemillion says but was cut off by Christopher. "Correct. I am my worlds first user of All For One." Christopher says which shocks everyone but they all stayed silent.

"I was then tasked with collecting the quirks of the entire world as an international collaboration to save the human race. I started with the quirkless as there were an abundance of "Ghost quirks". Quirks that unless a specific condition is met won't activate and any risk of a quirk left is too large so I started with the quirkless. It took me a whole 6 months to deal with all the quirkless seeing as there weren't that many in my country. Afterward I went into the "City of Monsters" and began my mission. It was more difficult there as many times I had to defeat them, steal their quirks and evacuate them safely out of the city of monsters. That mission took a whole 3 years to complete but I succeeded and there was no harmful effects on my body with the quirks I stole. Afterward I was hailed as a national hero and I was hired by the other countries to solve their rampages aswell. That was the start of my international mission to steal every quirk in the world. I kept it up for over 64 years and at that point the amount of quirk users in the world had dwindled down to those who had control over their quirks but refuse to hand it over but my body was beginning to feel the toll of all the quirks I had stolen. Fighting became more tiring due to my age and using quirks without losing control became more and more difficult. Inevitably I ended up dying by unnatural means and it was confirmed that I died from the overabundance of quirks, not my old age. Thanks to my work the percentage of quirk users in the world had dropped to 20% globally but because my work wasnt finished they had to take matters into their hands and killed the remaining quirk users. Men, Women, Parents, and children were all killed with no mercy." Christopher finishes.

"How are you here then if you died?" Kuroshi asks. "I don't know but I suppose it must've been from one of those ghost quirks I mentioned. Perhaps one of them does not activate till death. Either way perhaps because of those quirks I was thrown out of my world, unable to age and unable to go back." Christopher replies. "How do you know what happened after you died?" Lemillion asks. "It could be from those ghost quirks again. When I died I was still alive but unable to interact with anything or anyone. I was a kind of ghost. I saw everything that happened with my own eyes but couldn't do anything. Every parent, child, and person were killed in front of my own eyes. Only when I left my world did my physical body return." Christopher replies. "What kind of hell did he go through?" Lemillion says to himself.