
Before The Reunion

Everyone just stares at Meliodas, Ban, Kuro, and Christopher with just a speechless look. They all can't believe the story they had just heard. "I would say these individuals are an international threat however it appears no one has been able to defeat them. If things get worse we may be on the brink of losing society to these individuals." Hawks thinks to himself while writing in a notebook. "However, never in a million years would I have expected such monsters to have arrived in our world." Hawks adds in his mind with a smile before closing his notebook. "I suppose that most of our questions have been answered." Nezu says before Endeavor raises his hand. "I have 1 more question I believe is relevant to this discussion." Endeavor says. "Ask away." Nezu says. "During our fight, you had morphed into a different version of your demon mark along with a symbol appearing on your chest and a change of outfit. When that occurred the weather had shifted violently and was destroying homes, vehicles, and forced many people to flee. My question is 'was that another one of your quirks or is there something else we are unaware of?'" Endeavor asks. Everyone was silent and shifted their gaze over to Meliodas but before Meliodas replied Ban interjects. "Ah, that? That was the Captain's Demon King form." Ban says. They all looked at him stunned by his answer. "Whenever I use that form I become too powerful that the world itself rejects my existence. So if I stayed I could accidentally destroy the world." Meliodas explains which shocks the other heroes even more. "Why am I not surprised." Endeavor says before the other heroes nod in agreement.

All the heroes begin to stand up. "I suppose the interrogation is over. You may all leave now." Nezu says. Meliodas and the other were about to leave when they were stopped by Nezu. "I forgot to mention that your living area has been moved to a dorm we have set up for you." Nezu says. Nezu turns to Aizawa and asks him to guide them to the dorms and Aizawa agrees and takes them out to the dorms. "We have a serious problem on our hands." Nezu says. "I think we're all in agreement on that." Endeavor says before Hawks interjects."However, if we play our cards right they could be of use to us heroes. We just need to get them to join us heroes." Hawks says which leaves the room silent. "With such power on our side, the villains won't stand a chance no matter how powerful they may be." Hawks add before turning to the heroes. "The world has just lost its symbol of peace but this our chance to get a new symbol of peace. One that seems to be even stronger than the previous one." Hawks says. "Hawks, you sho-" Nezu says before he was stopped by All Might. "It's alright Nezu." All Might says before standing up. "The world needs a new symbol of peace. One that can allow the public to feel safe and smile in any situation regardless of danger." All Might says. He then remembers Meliodas and the others smile during each fight they've been in. "It may be a long shot but perhaps the most dangerous people could be our greatest asset. They have a good potential to become the next symbol of peace." All Might adds. He then remembers Midoriya smiling and his fights and training followed by his overall growth. "I'm sorry young Midoriya. I hope my words are false as I want you to be the next symbol of peace but the world needs one now, more than ever. I hope you can forgive me." All Might thinks to himself.

Horiko and the others reach the entrance of UA. "I suppose this is where they are." Ray says while looking at the entrance. "Let's go!" Kuroshi yells before walking to the entrance but immediately a wall appeared and blocked off the entrance. "Guess this entrance isn't an option." Seo says. Suddenly Lemillion appeared behind them. "Took you all long enough." Lemillion says. They all turned around with surprise. "Where did you go?" Seo asks. "I've been here the whole time." Lemillion replies. "Have you seen my son Mirio?" Kuroshi asks but Lemillion just silently shakes his head. "I've been found out by the teachers in the school so I'm sure they'll be on the lookout for me." Lemillion replies. "I don't understand. The old man said my brother would be here." Horiko says. "Either the old man was lying or Kurosu has left the school." Eri says. "I think we should at least investigate the school. We should see if we can find a way in and try finding Kurosu" Haruki says. Suddenly they see a hero walk up to them. "Uh, what are you doing standing at the school entrance?" the hero says showing themself to be Present Mic. They all just stare at him before Lemillion nudge Ray making him realize what he wanted him to do. Ray immediately walked up to Present Mic and stuck out his hand. "Sorry, we wanted to get in but the entrance blocked itself." Ray says. Present Mic confusingly shakes Ray's hand. "Why were you trying to get into the school?" Present Mic asks with a suspicious look. "We have someone we are looking for and we were hoping the teachers could assist us." Ray says. "Speaking of, are you a teacher here?" Ray asks. "Yea, I am." Present Mic says. "Perfect." Ray says before activating his quirk and controlled Present Mic. "Let us into the school." Ray says and Present Mic followed his instructions.

They all walk into the school and began following the now-controlled Present Mic. Aizawa brings Meliodas, Ban, Kuro, and Christopher into the dorms where they meet up with the students of 1A. "Guys! Meliodas and the others are back!" Kirishima yells out. "What are you doing in our dorms? Ribbit." Asui asks. "This is where we're staying." Meliodas says which surprised the other students. "Are you guys seriously living with us?" Kaminari asks. "Apparently so." Meliodas replies. "Quiet." Aizawa says causing the room to go silent. "Your only living together because it makes things easier for us to keep an eye on these idiots." Aizawa says. "Don't make such a ruckus and don't make things any more difficult for me than it already is." Aizawa finishes before leaving the dorms. When he walked out he sees Present Mic with a few other individuals he's never seen before walking around. He walks up to them asking what they were doing. "I'm just helping some friends of mine look for someone." Present Mic says with a shockingly calm attitude. "Who are these people?" Aizawa asks looking at the two kids, the woman, and two men. "These are some friends of mine from back in the day. They said they needed some help so I'm helping them out." Present Mic says which causes Aizawa to get a little suspicious. "Who are they looking for?" Aizawa asks with a much more serious tone. "They're looking for their son. They got a tip from someone that he's here." Present Mic says. "What's the son's name?" Aizawa asks not noticing the darkness behind him that grew into a man. "My son." Kuroshi says before knocking Aizawa out and Lemillion raising from behind. "That's one problem down." Lemillion says before Present Mic also falls to the ground.

Lemillion picked them both up and carried them on his shoulders. "Let's move." Lemillion says. They started heading towards the school when Horiko suddenly stopped abruptly. They all turned to look at Horiko. "Are you alright kiddo?" Ray asks. Horiko felt a strange feeling in his chest. He felt a strange connection with something coming from the dorms behind them. He turns around to look at the dorms and this confused the others. Then they all heard laughing from behind them. They all turn around and saw the same old man that told them where Kurosu was. "It seems you're all getting closer to finding those who you seek and it appears you have already found one of them." the old man says while looking at Lemillion. "Who is this?" Lemillion asks. "It's the same old man that told us where to find you and Kurosu." Kuroshi says. Lemillion turns to the old man. "What do you want from us?" Lemillion asks. "I'm just trying to point you in the right direction." the old man says while pointing at the dorms. "Why don't you want us into the school?" Lemillion pushed further. "Your son isn't in there so you would be wasting your time besides, I wouldn't want you foolishly killing the teachers and students." the old man says with his left eye glowing with a strange purple symbol. The sun began to set in the distance and there was just complete silence. Once the sun had set Lemillion rushed the old man and attacked him but when he tried to punch him his fist couldn't reach the old man's face. "I'm an old man that doesn't like to see children dying for no reason. They deserve a life and if you set foot in that school I won't hesitate to kill all of you." the old man says which surprises all of them but Lemillion began to laugh.

"You have a big mouth for an old man. If you think you can kill me then go ahead." Lemillion confidently challenges the old man when he suddenly began to float. This surprised him and the others but this surprise soon shifted to agony as he felt a sharp pain coming from the inside of his chest. The pain became unbearable and he screams before his ribs rip through his chest exposing his organs and heart. He begins bleeding out and dies on the spot with the others trying to save his dying body when he suddenly awoke again and the old man threatened to kill them if they entered the school again. This confused him and he just stares into the eyes of the old man with shock and confusion. He didn't understand what had happened. Suddenly vines rose from the ground and captured all of them and for some strange reason, Lemillion can't activate his quirk. He then hears Haruki scream as they turn to see her get ripped apart by the vines and dies which causes Kuroshi to break down and scream. Ray starts screaming next as strong electricity flows through his body causing his heart to fail and he dies next. A large ball of water covered Seo's head. The water began forcing its way into Seo's body and flowed into all of his internal organs. The water immediately turned into sharp ice that stabbed all of his internal organs, causing him to die. Horiko and Eri both had their necks slit by the air and they died, leaving just Kuroshi and Lemillion as the remaining survivors. The vines released both of them and Kuroshi rushes to his wife and son, hugging them before his head was ripped off. Lemillion wanted to run, but his body refused to follow what his mind was telling it to do for some strange reason. The old man walks to Lemillion and grabs his face before transforming into the devil itself. "This is my warning to all of you." the old man says before making Lemillion suffer in never-ending flames that would burn him again and again melting his flesh and regenerating it once more.

After what felt like years Lemillion and everyone else wakes up breathing heavily before turning to the old man to see he had changed showing himself to be Christopher. "The one you seek is in the dorms behind you." Christopher says before raising his hand in the air which causes them all to stand up. "I can't have you all remember what I did otherwise you will put me in a serious pickle." Christopher says before erasing all of their memories of what they experienced and made them all walk to the dorms.