

One For All:"Tsk.Those pesky ants!"

Doctor:"Hold still.I need to finish heal you."

One For All:"Professor!"

Mab:"Im right here,You dont have to yell."

One For All:"They made off with Eri.What am I gonna do without my successor?!"

Mab:"We have another one ready whom seems to have passed all the same tests as the girl.You can give One For All to him and take One For All from her."

One For All:"tsk.I cant."


One For All:"It appears my connection is completely severed from her.It must be that damn woman.Nana still haunts me even from the grave."

(Suddenly One For All grabs his chest in pain)

Mab:"Whats wrong?!"

Doctor:"I dont know!"

One For All:"Its fine.Its One For All.The embers are trying to leave my body."

Mab:"Why is it effecting now?"

One For All:"Usually I can hold the embers but for whatever reason its almost like One For All got stronger.Im losing my grip on One For All.We need to find the child soon or my final embers will burn out."

(Mab walks out of the healing room.He leans against the wall and starts biting his finger.)

Mab:(Im not losing my chance to get my revenge all because someone kidnapped a child.)

(He pulls out a picture of a woman and a little girl from his pocket)

Mab:"She took everything from me! Im not gonna let this stop me from killing you.Merlin."

:wake up.Merlin wake up!"

(Merlin finally wakes up and gets up immediately)

Elaine:"Oh thank god! Your awake."

Merlin:"How long have I been out for?"

Elaine:"About 3 days."

Merlin:"3 days?!"

Elaine:"Where are the others?!"

(She turns to find them all still unconcious)

Elaine:"Unfortunately,your the first one to wake up."

Merlin:"Where's Elizabeth?"

Elaine:"I tucked her into bed.She hasnt slept well these past 3 days.Everyday she kept healing all of you for hours and hours."

Merlin:"I see.What about Sir Rimuru?"

Elaine:"He's outside keeping guard to make sure no one's around."

(Suddenly the door opened)

Rimuru:"Oh Merlin.Your awake!"

Merlin:"Nice to see you too."

Rimuru:"I know you may have just woken up and all but could you help us figure out whats wrong with the others?"

Merlin:"What is it?"

Elaine:"Elizabeth's healing magic doesnt seem to work on you guys at all."

Merlin:"Hmm.Let me take a look."

(She goes toward King's body)

Merlin:"I sense something inside King's body."

(Suddenly the door burst open)

Gowther:"Hello.Oh? What happened here?"

Merlin:"Gowther? Where were you?"

Gowther:"Elizabeth asked me to get some berries and mushrooms from the forest to make some food with for everyone."

Merlin:"It doesnt matter.You made it just in time.Come here."

(Gowther walks toward Merlin and sat down next to her)

Merlin:"Do you feel that?"

Gowther:"Yes.It feels like something is inside King's body.I sense it's made of magic.Maybe you can remove it."


(She gets up)

Merlin:"Absolute Cancel"

(Suddenly King started waking up)

Merlin:"It worked."

King:"Huh? Ah! Where is he?!"

Merlin:"He's gone."

King:"Dammit! Where's Diane?!"

Gowther:"She's unconcious outside."

(King runs out the tavern to see Diane still unconcious)

King:"Can't we do something to wake her up?!"

Merlin:"One Moment."

(Merlin turns back into her adult self and flies down to Diane)

Merlin:"Perfect Cube"

(Merlin grabs some of the magic inside Diane)

Merlin:"Absolute Cancel"

(Diane starts waking up)

King:"Oh thank god."

Diane:"What happened?"

Merlin:"King will explain to you until then I need to study what this did to us."

(Merlin left to her room and shut the door)

Rimuru:"That woman is always in that room at this point."

Diane:"Where's Elizabeth?"

Elaine:"I'll explain later until then just relax."

(Suddenly they hear someone yell at the door.They turn to see Elizabeth at the door crying)

Elizabeth:"Oh my god! Your Ok!"

(She tries to run to them but fall to her knees from exhaustion)

(Elaine flies toward her and helps her up)

Elaine:"Your not suppose to be up yet.You have to rest.You pushed yourself too much."

Elizabeth:"Im not important right now."

Gowther:"Elizabeth.I have all the food you asked for."

Elizabeth:"Thank you Gowther.How about I make everyone some food."

Elaine:"You dont have too."

Elizabeth:"Its the least I can do."

(Elaine helps her to the kitchen)

Gowther:"I'll bring her the ingredients."

Diane:"Elizabeth is always trying to help everyone."


Diane:"Not like me.I wasnt helpful at all during the fight."

King:"No,Thats not true.You saved me.Im the one who was useless.I never even got a hit on any of them."

Diane:"You were very helpful King."

King:"Thats not true."

Rimuru:"Sorry to ruin your lovers chat but we have bigger fish to fry."

(Suddenly Merlin opens her door)

Merlin:"Everyone come here!"

(Everyone came to Merlin)

Kings:"Whats wrong?"

Merlin:"I've figured out how this magic works and why we couldnt use our magic.This is some kind of magic dust with sealing properties.When it enters the body it seals off our magic powers and thats why we couldnt use them because we inhaled so much of it."

King:"Oh.So that thing cancels out our magic when it enters our body? Thats annoying."

Rimuru:"Have you figured out why it didnt work on me?"

Merlin:"I still havent figured that out but that shouldnt be a problem as your immune to this magic.Luckily because its made of magic if im uneffected by the dust then I can cancel it out."

Rimuru:"Thats good."

Merlin:"Now that i've figured out about this magic I can now focus on finding the Captain and Ban once more."

(She walks back into her room and shut the door)

King:"Did she really call us out here just to say that?"

Rimuru:"Well that was anticlimactic."

Elizabeth:"I think the soup is ready."

Elaine:"I'll help out."

King:"At least everyone is ok.Im satisfied with that."

Rimuru:"Yeah.I didnt think i'll be leaving my world again to find out some crazy old man is after you guys.The world works in mysterious ways."

King:"Haha yeah."

Elizabeth:"Here guys."

(She handed them a bowl of soup)


Rimuru:"Cant wait to dig in."

(They both tried)

King and Rimuru:(Delicious)

Rimuru:"This is amazing!"

King:"Yeah.This is really good."

Elizabeth:"Im glad to hear it.Also King would you mind sending one to Merlin?"


Rimuru:"I'll follow you."

(They headed to Merlin's room and knocked on the door)

King:"Merlin! We got some food for you! Merlin?!"

Rimuru:"Merlin?! Hello?!"

(It was completely quiet)

Rimuru:"Does she usually ignores people?"


(King breaks the door down and finds an empty room.Merlin was gone.)


Shikamaru:"Naruto.Did you feel that?"

Naruto:"Yeah.Protect the village.Im going to investigate.Let Sasuke know about this aswell."

Next chapter