
Servant Summoning System in One Piece

"Servant Assassin has been summoned. I ask of you. Are you my master?" "Yup. I'm Gol D. Sou, nice to meet you!" In which a teen assassin who isn't quite right in the head is reincarnated as the oldest child of Gol D. Roger and decides to live a free life along with his Servants from the Fate franchise.

ImProcrastinating · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Finally, my System is here!

In the depths of a forest, a young boy hummed a jaunty tune as he jumped from tree to tree. This boy was Gol D. Sou, now known as Silvers Sou. The golden hair he inherited from his mother fluttered in the wind, and his intense black eyes darted across the forest. His everpresent grin remaining on his face, he called out into the forest. "Come here little kitty. I promise I'll make your death as painless as possible."

The tiger, who Sou was hunting, heard this and felt a shiver go down his spine. However, he was saved by an unexpected occurrence. As Sou was chasing after the tiger, he heard a peculiar sound, like that of a notification bell. A blue box appeared in front of his eyes, with a string of words appearing on it.

[System Installation Complete!]

[Welcome to Servant Summoning System]

Following this, the blue box elongated, turning into a menu screen. It seemed to only two functions.





Curious about the functions of the system, Sou mentally selected [Help]. Once he was prompted again, he mentally selected [General Info].

[The System comes with three main functions: Mission, Summoning, and Servants. The main purpose of the system is to allow the Host to summon servants from the Fate Franchise, as well as learn their skills and abilities. The Host is also given Command Seals which allow the Host to give one absolute command to Servants when used. Due to the System restrictions, the Host can only have a maximum of three Command Seals per Servant. However, when all Command Seals are used, the Servants go back to the System. They are then able to come back when the Command Seals regenerate. The Host regenerates one used command seal every month.]

Moving on, he selected [Mission Info].

[The first function, Mission, is rather self-explanatory. The System issues the Host missions to obtain SP or summoning points. These are later used by the Host to summon Servants. All missions are optional, and have no penalty, except for ones imposed by the current situation. For example, a mission where you would have to gather something would have no penalty for failing. However, if you are issued a mission to survive, you would quite obviously die if you failed, as it is caused by the circumstances.]

Sou then selected [Summoning Info].

[Summoning is also a vital part of the System. Here, the Host uses SP gained from the Missions to summon a variety of Servants. Unlike in Gacha games such as Fate/Grand Order, there is no ranking system, and each servant has the same chance of being summoned. This means that a Servant such as Angra Mainyu has the exact same chance of being summoned as Gilgamesh.]

Next, Sou moved on to [Servants Info]

[The Servants tab allows the Host to check the information of Servants that he has gained, as well as his proficiency in any of the Servant's skills. Due to the special ability of the System, any Servant the Host summons is able to impart their skills upon the Host. However, it only gives the Host the ability to learn the skills. Training and fully mastering the skills are all on the Host. This also goes the other way, as Servants are able to learn new abilities from the Host or other people, such as Haki. Also, the Servants have the ability to refuse to impart their skills upon the Host, so the Host must either convince them or use a Command Seal.]

Immediately after he finished going through all the information, he got a notification from the System.

[Hidden Mission Completed: Learn about the System]

[Requirements: Read through all of the Help function]

[Reward: One-time Summoning Coupon]

After reading through all of this, Sou sat down on a nearby branch, thinking. 'Hmm. This is really useful. This system will allow me to gain powerful allies in a short time, as well as help me get stronger. And most of all, the element of uncertainty in the Summoning makes it that much more fun! I got a free coupon for Summoning right? Let's try it!"

Immediately following this thought, he selected the [Summoning] tab. Clicking on it, he was met with two options.

[Summon (Use Coupon)]


Quite obviously, he chose [Summon]. Then, a blinding light flashed. A figure, materializing from seemingly nothing, was found kneeling in front of him. The figure rose its head, revealing long indigo hair, and a typical samurai outfit. He opened his mouth, speaking.

"Servant Assassin has been summoned. I ask of you. Are you my master?"

"Yup. I'm Gol D. Sou, nice to meet you!" Reaching out to help the Assassin up, Sou replied. Assassin took his hand, giving him a peculiar look.

"So my new master is a child? And based on the information I was given when I was summoned, the Grail War isn't happening right now. Where are we?" He asked.

"We're in a different world than you're used to. You were summoned by me using a method I'd rather not disclose, into what I'd like to call the Pirate world. Here, there are no Magus, but humans have naturally stronger bodies. On top of that, a power called Haki, as well as things called Devil Fruits inhabit this world. Haki has a variety of uses that I can explain later, and Devil Fruits give each person a specific ability, such as the ability to turn your body into the fire. And since I know you love to battle powerful people, there are many powerful people and swordsmen such as my adopted father. So, what do you say? Do you want to join me in living a fun life, Sasaki Kojiro?" Sou ended his explanation with an offer and a bright smile.

Sasaki Kojiro just paused for a moment in a mix of wonder and confusion. He gave a laugh, putting a hand up to his head, before replying. "You know what? After all of what you told me, I'm not even remotely surprised that you know my true name. And to answer your question... why not? Sounds fun." At this, Kojiro reached out his hand to shake Sou's, who accepted the handshake with a bright grin.

After shaking hands with Kojiro, he mentally reviewed the information he knew about Kojiro, pulling up his information on the [Servants] tab. 'Hmm. This was actually a very good summon. Since he was summoned by the System, he no longer has the restriction of having to stay on the mountain. And while he has no real Noble Phantasm, that's even better for me, as all of his skills are perfectly learnable by me. And based on the information, Sasaki Kojiro was one of the, if not the most skilled swordsman, due to one main thing: the fact that he had no other abilities. In his legend, he was said to completely seclude himself, only practicing swordsmanship. That's why, even as an Assassin, and without a Noble Phantasm, his swordsmanship was so broken that he was able to threaten Artoria, and he was even able to obtain a one-shot move. Hell, he would've killed Artoria if not for the fact that his sword was shit.'

Smiling at this thought, he went to Sasaki, who was chilling by a tree. "Hey, Sasaki. Can you teach me your swordsmanship?"

Sasaki mused for a bit, before responding. "Well, I wouldn't be opposed to teaching you. However, the real question would be if you are able to. I don't know if you realize, but my swordsmanship is the absolute pinnacle of swordsmanship, being able to produce effects of True Magic, without even using any sort of magecraft or Magic. Even for me, I had to seclude myself, only practicing swordsmanship and nothing else, for many years to get to this level."

This information didn't dim Sou's smile in the slightest. "Don't worry about that. My 'unknown means' gave me the ability to learn anything from you, as long as you teach it to me."

Sasaki gave a laugh. "Seriously? How overpowered. To think my life's work would be able to be learned by a child. But, sure. I'll teach you. Why not?"

Sou's smile grew, and he responded. "Alright! But we can't train right now. I should probably introduce you to my father. Your cover story is that you're a wandering samurai that I picked up, and you agreed to teach me to make sure that your skills don't die with you. None of it is a complete lie, as my father would be able to see any lies. Just make sure not to do anything suspicious, and he'd probably be fine with you teaching me. After all, he's pretty laid-back, and as long as you don't do anything suspicious, he'd allow you to teach me. He was planning on beginning my training with him, anyways."

Sasaki nodded in confirmation, and we both went on our way to my house.


A/N: As always, put any mistakes, questions, suggestions, or concerns in the comments. Also, I think webnovel is broken or something. My novel doesn't show up in 'updated' in fanfics, and I only have around 700 views when even the newest novels have at least 2k.