
Servant Of Greed

In a realm eternally draped in shadows, where the clash between day and night defines its very existence, a young boy from the enigmatic dark side finds his world shattered by a cataclysmic event. In the midst of his grief and confusion, he forms an unlikely alliance with a powerful deity who emerges from the shadows. Together, they embark on a perilous journey to uncover the truth and restore the balance of the world. Join this unlikely duo as they forge a path through darkness and light, unearthing the truths that will reshape their world and redefine their own destinies. Prepare to be enthralled by an epic journey where hope gleams amidst the darkest of nights.

Fire_Duck · Fantasy
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20 Chs


Dionisus woke up to his father snoring, he got out of his bed and made his way to the kitchen were leftovers from yesterday were piled together on the table. His father had lost most of his appetite and constantly grows weaker every day. Once Dionisus learned to hunt on his own, his father became even more sedentary, pratically never leaving his house.

After finishing his meal, the young boy left the house. He was determined to hunt the biggest animal around, a Frostfang. A wolf adapted to the cold enviorment, its skin is black to absorb any heat it receives while its fur is white to insulate and as a bonus also serves as camouflage in the snowy areas. Its claws and fangs are its most lethal weapons which are used in the creation of weapons.

Dionisus crept through the snow, his breath coming out in small puffs of steam. He had been tracking the creature for hours, following its trail through the deep snowdrifts. He had seen glimpses of it in the distance, its white fur blending in perfectly with the snow and ice. But the Frostfang was clever, and it always seemed to stay one step ahead of him.

As he came closer to the beast's lair, another being could be seen at a distance. A huge body covered in a stone-like cracked armor. Its purple eyes shining through the sockets of the carapace. It was an Observer, a powerful knight of the Erebos kingdom. What he was doing here, no one could tell. Dionisus glanced at him, but nevertheless disregarded him, choosing instead to focus on the hunt.

Finally, he spotted the Frostfang ahead, its white fur blending in perfectly with the snow. It was feasting on a carcass, its sharp teeth tearing into the flesh. Dionisus knew that he had to be stealthy. Dionisus approached the Frostfang cautiously, his knife at the ready. The wolf's white fur was matted with snow, and its eyes glinted dangerously in the dim light.

He took cover behind a snowy bush waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Spontaneously, he jumped at the creature once it turned its back on him. Dionisus struck the blade downwards landing it on the hind legs of the Frostfang. The beast howled loudly and viciously turned to face its aggressor which instinctively backed off.

Dionisus planted his feet on the ground and unwaveringly waited for the wolf to jump at him, the beast was cautious but it would not retreat in any circumstance due to its pride as a Frostfang.

The Frostfang lunged forward, its jaws snapping shut just inches from Dionisus's face. He dodged to the side, slashing out with his knife as he went. The blade sliced through the air, catching the wolf on the side and drawing blood.

The Frostfang howled in pain and rage, and Dionisus knew he had to act quickly. He darted forward, plunging his knife deep into the creature's flank. The wolf yelped and stumbled, but it didn't go down. Instead, it turned and lunged again, its teeth gnashing at Dionisus's arm.

Dionisus felt the freezing breath of the Frostfang on his skin, and he knew he was in trouble. But he refused to give up. With all his strength, he pushed forward, driving the knife into the wolf's throat. The creature's eyes widened in surprise, and then it went still, its body collapsing onto the snow.

Dionisus stood there, looking down upon the beast's body while gently rubbing his bleeding arm. With his arm in precarious conditions carrying the wolf's body back to his house would be difficult.

Dionisus took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. He knew that he couldn't leave the Frostfang's body there. It was too valuable a prize to waste. But he also knew that carrying it back to his house with his injured arm would be difficult, if not impossible.

He looked around searching for anything he could use to help him drag the vanquished beast's body back to his village. His eyes landed on a studry tree branch, which he tied up with bits of clothing to help him slug the Frostfang's body.

He momentarilly dropped the corspe and used the pelt he and his father crafted yesterday to wrap around his injured arm in hopes of it staunching the bleeding. Dionisus resumed his objective, picking up the wolf and dragging it around in the direction of the village.

The darkness of Umbra was matched only by its biting cold. As Dionisus walked through the snowy landscape, he could feel the frigid air seeping through his clothes and into his bones. Every breath he took was like a knife in his lungs, and he could feel his fingers and toes growing numb.

The landscape around him was stark and unforgiving. The sky overhead was black as pitch, with no stars or moon to provide even a glimmer of light. It was as if the world had been swallowed by darkness. However, for some strange reason Dionisus could see quite well in this dark world.

The wind howled around Dionisus, whipping his hair and clothes into a frenzy. He could barely see in front of him, and he had to rely on his sense of direction to keep moving forward. The only sound he could hear was the crunching of snow beneath his feet and the occasional snarl of a distant predator.

Despite the cold and the darkness, Dionisus refused to give up. He was determined to make it back to his home, no matter what. He clutched the branch with the Frostfang's body tightly in his arms, using it as a shield against the biting wind.

The village was small and humble, with wooden huts clustered together to provide warmth and protection from the harsh environment. It was a tight-knit community, where everyone knew each other and looked out for each other.

As Dionisus walked through the snow, he knew that he was a long way from home. The darkness seemed to press in on him from all sides, and the cold was almost unbearable. He longed for the warmth and comfort of his village, for the light of the fire and the smell of cooking food.

So he trudged on through the snow, his makeshift stretcher held tightly in his arms. The journey was long and arduous, and his arms grew tired from the effort of carrying the heavy beast. But he refused to give up. He pushed on, his eyes fixed on the horizon, his mind focused on the task at hand.

As he walked, Dionisus couldn't help but marvel at the sheer harshness of this world. It was a place where only the strongest and most resilient could survive. And yet, there was a certain beauty in it, a stark, unyielding beauty that took his breath away.

As he trudged through the endless darkness, Dionisus knew that he would never forget this journey. It was a test of his strength, his courage, and his determination, and he was determined to emerge victorious.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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